I’ve moved from Australia to Ireland and i need to find a guild that raids in Time zone in Ireland (GMT+1) - between the times of 7pm to 12am. any day of the week.
I normally tank on a Deathknight or Druid, I also have a rogue for M+
if you have a spot in your guild that i can call home add me on buzz#1220
or if you have any questions for me.
time zone map -
I’m normally 5 to 7 hours ahead of USA time zones, so your team would be raiding at 11am - 12pm start time Server Time on most US servers.
OC realms would be 3am - 4am start time Server Time on most OC realms.
if you are an EU guild on US/OC servers you are normally 1 hour to 2 hours ahead of me which means you’d be starting you raid around 8pm - 9pm your time.