LF a Casual Heroic Guild

Hello, everyone! My name is John and I just returned to WoW around 2 months ago. I quit way back in WoD and decided to come back. With that being said, I am a little bit behind everyone else right now, but I am quickly catch up. Right now I am focusing on a DH, but I am aware that the melee dps field is pretty saturated and there are also a lot of DH around, so I am open to playing other classes as well, which I will list a bit later.

I am a former hardcore raider who has cleared most raids on the hardest difficulty before the nerfs. I raided BC-WoD and cleared almost everything except for Heroic Ragnaros(Cata) and Yogg 0 Light (WotLK). There may be some others that slip my memory. I was also a part of a top 400 kill on Heroic Garrosh and a server best time for CMs on Hyjal, which isnā€™t a low population realm.

Why am I leaving my current guild? Well, I am just on one character. These guys are still my friends, but they have progressed to a point that I cannot catch up, plus I am not sure that I want to raid that hardcore anymore. So, I am looking for something a little more light-hearted.

What am I looking for? I am looking for a guild that is more community/family centered. Not family as in no profanity and such, but one that treats people like family. I want to feel like I am a part of a group, not just a number on a roster. I do have several conditions that I want the guild to meet, some of them are flexible.

-A respectful environment. Constructive criticism is fine, being outright nasty isnā€™t. I understand raid leaders sometimes have to be pretty stern to get people to focus. I am talking about using offensive words and such to demean someone as a person.

-People who log on for more than just raid nights. I want a guild who enjoys playing with each other outside of raids. That can include other games as well, but I like to do M+ as well. Old content raids are fun for transmogs too. I understand that this isnā€™t controlled by the GMs ad such, but itā€™s nice to have people who are on and to not talk to yourself in Gchat all of the time.

-Consistently gets into heroic content. I am not looking for super fast clears or anything, but a guild that does get into doing heroic content on a consistent basis is a plusā€¦Clearing it is a bigger plus.

-2 raids per week. Well, at least main ones. I am not looking to raid every night. Sometimes I just want to chill and farm old stuff.

Well, there is a basic breakdown on what I want. Now letā€™s go over what I can give. I know I am asking for a lot with no experience in BfA or current achieves and a lower ilvl.

-A consistently good player. I mess up. We all do. Most of the time if I die to a mechanic, then it wonā€™t happen again. Even though there is an off night every now and then that this might happen.

  • I am 33 years old. I am not super young, so I like to think of myself as mature and respectful. I also donā€™t talk down to people for no reason.

-Someone with a raid pedigree dating back to BC. An experienced raider who knows what it takes to perform. Someone who is willing to put the time in to maximize their potential. Farming gear, world quests, mythic dungeons, and hours spent on training dummies are all part fof the game.

-Someone who has lead a guild before. I have also been the healing lead and was the healing lead for the guild I am currently in. So, I am capable of organizing and calling stuff out, if needed. I will only do so if the raid leader asks me to.

-Someone who knows multiple classes and can play them at a high level.

ā€“Someone who knows how to dissect logs and see where problems might be for progression bosses.

Those are just a few of the things I can provide.

Now, as I said, I have no raiding experience in BfA, so I am looking for someone to give me a shot. I am not expecting to jump right into a raiding role. I figure this would more be preparation for 8.2.

Classes that I am willing to play:

H denotes a current Horde character and an A denotes a current Alliance one.

(H) Havoc DH- My most geared. This is my preferred class, but as I said earlier, I know this is unlikely.

(H) Mistweaver Monk- My second most geared. I mained one during ToT.

The gear is pretty low, I just hit 120 on her two days ago.

(H) Brewmaster Monk- I donā€™t have gear for it, but I can easily farm it and I know how to play it. I prefer not to main Windwalker because I am not familiar with it as much, but I could learn it.

(A) Ret/Prot/Holy Paladin- My first character I created. I am very experienced on this, but my gear is lacking.

(A) BM Hunter- I know how to play this spec quite well, but heā€™s a relatively new 120.

(H) Fury Warrior- I mained this guy for my short stint back in Legion.

Classes that are not 120, but I could level quickly and know how to play:

(H) Resto/Boomkin Druid- I have played a lot of resto druid in the past and I am very capable on it.

(H) Ele/Resto Shaman- I mained this in MoP during SoO and had some top parses on it.

Now, I am willing to server transfer any character within the same faction, but I cannot afford to faction change as well. So, if you want me to swap factions on a character, then it would have to be funded by your guild. I take care of my sick mother, so I am unemployed and do not have the income to do that right now. If I server transfer, then it would be around the beginning of next month.

Random facts about me:

-I am also a fragrance blogger. Yes, I review cologne and perfume.

-Saltines should not be allowed to be called saltines if they do not have salt on them.

-I love Kung Fu Panda, so naturally, MoP is one of my favorite expansions.

-I am an Army Veteran.

(Make sure to leave a comment in your post about one of these, so that I will know you actually read my post and didnā€™t just copy and paste your recruitment message)

I hope everyone has a great day and I look forward to hearing from you!
Feel free to post on here or contact me on Btag. Btag will probably get my attention moreso though. Feel free to ask me anything as well. I can provide proof as to everything I have said in this post.

Btag: Malicide#1688

Edit: I forgot to mention that one of my goals is to help carry people through Mythic dungeons for free. I do enjoy helping people and being able to give back to the community is rewarding for me.

Also, I will note that I am not looking to get carried. I am willing to work my way up in the ranks and gear by pugging normals and heroics until I can keep up with the raiders in your guild.


We have a truckload of active and retired military.

<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin

Currently 9/9M BoD [ce] , 2/2H CoS 9/9H BoD, 8/8M Uldir [ce] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge]. We are #1 server on our server group.

Currently US 140 for Mythic BoD.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 tank (no DH/bear/prot pal) , 1 priest or shaman, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: To full clear mythic BoD in a timely competitive fashion (US 250 Minimum) [COMPLETED; cut our US ranking in HALF] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst
[Mythic] Sat/Sun 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic night for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we arenā€™t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If youā€™re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla

Guild: Braveheart
Faction: Alliance
Server: US Silvermoon-Mokā€™Nathal
Raid Schedule: Tues and Wed 6 pm-8:30 pm Pst (US, or 9-11:30 Est US) and Fridays 6 pm-9 pm Pst (9-midnite Est US ) on new content progression only.
Our progression is COS 2/2 Heroic , BOD 9/9 , 1/9 Mythic with 6 Full clears on heroic .

We are looking for 2 committed Dps and 1 healer that can also Dps to join our main raid group .We have raided every week since Emerald Nightmare (thatā€™s 2 1/2 years) . We are looking to push some Mythic BOD and COS and help get a 10-15 key done every week .We just do not want to roll the dice on pugs in a "Q " . This is a solid mature raid group that has people from all walks life with no issues other than we donā€™t tolerate people who are ā€œracist ,sexist , elitist and condescending towards othersā€ .

I have never seen Kung Fu Panda, so I cannot relate in the sense of you liking it :stuck_out_tongue:
Well, we are a casual, one night a week guild that focuses mainly on heroic, but dabbles in some mythic depending on what everyone agrees upon. Weā€™re just a bunch of buds really looking to add more buds to our group. Iā€™m going to post a short version of our recruitment stuff below and a link to the main post as well. Feel free to contact us if you wanna talk some more. Also, your DH would be fine to play here

link to recruitment post: [H] Ruined Immersion |1/2H 2/9M 2/8M| Casual Afternoon Raiding | 1 Day
server: Zulā€™jin
about: casual, one afternoon a week raiding guild
times and days: Saturday 11:30am - 3:30pm EST
progression : 8/9H BoD 9/9N , 2/8M Uldir 8/8H
recruiting : tanks FILLED , healers OPEN , melee OPEN , ranged OPEN
contact : tyledrahn#1703 or MakkachinSox#1572

I <3 your time, effort, and standards. We would love to have you, but at the moment, I feel like you might get lonely, as we are trying to rebuild our ranks. We are family first, older, and support each other in game. I do not really want a guild with 20+ people online all the time, but 8-12 independent souls and a few extroverts would help warm the place up a bit. <3 good luck.


I donā€™t care about a huge guild, I am more partial to just having people online to play with. Quality over quantity matters to me.


Hey there, I just started a guild called Reprieve on Thrall. We raid tues/weds 12am(midnight) to 3am EST and we are looking to start mythic raids. All of our core members are at least 9/9H (some with some mythic kills already from prior guilds). We may add a 3rd raid night based on the completed teams raiding availability (most likely thurs or fri)

I have been a GM or an officer from vanilla to current, and the raidlead in every guild ive been in. This current guild is built from a guild that stopped raiding from interest and people from other guilds who stalled out on progress and want to reform with a stronger core. We dont have a large member count yet but most of us are on daily when we arent at work. i believe that life comes before wow so our atmosphere is fairly casual. During raids we move up to semi-professional (serious with light joking). We currently have one veteran (that i know of) who is part of our core group.

If you are interested, feel free to msg me on discord: Nephlim#6908 or Bnet: Nephlim#1798 and we can talk some more :slight_smile:

Very much so. As an independent player, and one who loves to help- it can get hard when noone around you needs help. It is refreshing, but still sometimes disappointing. I like that we all have different goals in game but still come together and ā€˜stretchā€™ ourselves every now and then with the dungeons or pvp. I dont play really for the game. I just want the people, and somewhere to feel home. As a former GM, I used to recruit using ā€˜Cheersā€™ as a theme. Just want to go and hang out- where everyone knows your name. Smiles first, work later.


I kinda want to recruit you too Illustria LOL. Its the active ones who participate that really give the personality and feel to a guild. Trying to find more people like that to help recruit and make the guild grow. Need that solid coreā€¦

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you play on the wrong side of the fence, Iā€™m afraidā€¦ Iā€™m also very loyal, and slow to trust. Come to our side. We have christmas cookie exchange and beer friends.

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yea, i knowā€¦i played alliance till BFA. I only came over to horde to play with friends. And they send games and nsfw ā€œstuffā€ my way randomly.

Still exploring offers. I am not going to make any hasty decisions. Hit me up on Btag if you want to talk!

Still looking at offers. I wonā€™t be making a decision until later this week!

Rally (Alliance)

Rally After Dark (Horde)


ProgBalls Raid Team: 7/9M 9/9H; 8/8 M (Uldir)

SRD Raid Team: 3/9M 9/9H; 5/8 M (Uldir)

Tummy Sticks Raid Team: 9/9H 1/9M; 2/8M, 8/8 H (Uldir)

TAHCO Raid Team: 5/9H 9/9N (BoD)

HORDE-Dust Pwnies: 2/9M 9/9H

Raid Times:

PSB: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST

SRD: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST

Tummy Sticks: Thursday 8:30pm - 1130pm EST

Dust Pwnies: Tues/Thurs 8pm - 11pm EST

TAHCO: Tues 8pm-11pm EST

Wednesday: Guild wide open raids 8pm - 10:30pm EST

Fridays: Achievement runs, Jackbox Party Games, M+ races, discord event and contests

Saturday: 8:30 - 11pm EST Horde Alt/casual open raids

Sunday 8:30 - 10:30pm EST Casual/Alt Optional open raids

Monday PvP (Rated BGā€™s 8:30 - 10:30 pm)


Dalaran - PvE (US)

About Us:

<Rally> is a guild founded upon the principle that we want to enjoy the people we are playing with. Rather than being a raiding guild that is social, we are a social guild that raids. We use very exclusive recruitment methods to ensure compatibility among members to maintain a cohesive atmosphere at all times.

Our guild is inclusive of all skill and experience levels as well as a variety of end game goals. From the new player who is still leveling to the retired hard core raider who is looking for a challenge on a more forgiving schedule. An experienced player with a buddy brand new to the game. We have an option for just about everyone. Most importantly, we are a community. We are a home. When you want a great group of people to hand with but donā€™t want to wear pants, RALLY is the answer!

Guild Atmosphere

We have mostly adults here, averaging about 30 in age. Weā€™re still plenty immature at times and we have lots of fun. Thereā€™s some dry humor, a meme channel in Discord and hidden bot commands to troll each other. Weā€™re a family here. We spend the day chatting in Discord chat from our phones or work until people start getting home and logging in. We have people with children and families and share complaints about cranky children and spouses. We are a highly active community of people. If you joined Rally, you could physically raid 5 nights a week and a lot of people do. We bring alts to other raids or even raid the same raids again despite loot lockouts because itā€™s just fun to hang with these people and smash !@#$ together.

We are looking to recruit people who fit into our group well and get along. We are looking for people who care and want to learn and get better or are already skilled but lack the time to dedicate to hardcore raiding as well. Whether you still want to push progression or just want to raid once a week for fun and minimal pressure, please apply!

We are a tight knit community of friends with a solid foundation of real life and long term friends having played WoW and other games together for 10+ years. We have a diverse membership with several couples, male and female, and new and experienced players. Our Discord is active during the day while people are at work and we are always spending time online running Mythic+, alt raids, popup raids, world quest groups, leveling alts, helping each other level and gear, etc.

Currently Recruiting:

Rally is always looking for personalities who fit into our team and are willing to wait for specific raid openings in the name of joining an amazing guild.

However, our current raid openings are as follows:

PSB: Ranged DPS (priest, mage, warlock, boomie, hunter, shaman etc), DPS with flex heals

SRD: Any DPS (pref Boomie, Shaman, Paladin, rogue all other considered), HEALER

TS: Ret Pally, Rogue, Ranged DPS, Shaman, HEALER, TANK


Dust Pwnies: All DPS (pref Hunter, Priest, Boomie, Warlock, Rogue)

How to Apply:


Have questions? Contact me on discord Ellsii#6645

I wont write much but if you want some more info hit me up.

We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9pm ET to 11pm ET and alt raid on Saturday. We are in BoD 9/9H, 1/9M and 2/2 N CoS. Working on CoS H now but also doing Heroic BoD to gear alts and members.

We are 18+ casual/social guild located on Thrall Server on the horde side.

Battlenet: AirClown#1643

Hi Malundu! We are a newer horde guild Gods and Emperors on Hyjal looking to build our raid team and guild. We have a mixture of players from experienced raiders to other people who havenā€™t raided this expansion. Because of this we are starting with normalā€™s and hoping to quickly progress. Raid times are Friday and Saturday 8 to 11 eastern. During the rest of the week we love to chat in discord and help people level or gear up (dungeons, mythic +). If you are interested we would love to chat with you more. My contact info is Amberlina#1096 and BabyHawk #11988 :blush:

Hi there,

I think Saltines without salt are just flour. Here is our raid info though. We would be open to letting you play a DH but we are alliance unsure if thats a deal breaker for you.

Retaliation is a heroic progression guild that has been raiding and PvPing in various games for over 10 years. We enjoy giving each other a hard time while still being successful.

Retaliation raids on Tuesday and Wednesday nights 8 PM to 10 PM ET. We have an alt night of Sundays at 7 PM ET. We use Discord for voice communication and go with a work hard play hard mentality.

More details - Retaliation Recruiting

Please if interested reach out to Isego#1586

Malundu you sound like youā€™d fit with our guild REALLY well! We are an adult HEROIC based raiding guild that has been around since game release - with the same raid leader & guild admin. Weā€™ve consistently gone AOTC, but weā€™re not hardcore. Raid feedback is given politely and generally without pointing fingers - we donā€™t tolerate ragers. If thereā€™s something specific to you we have the courtesy to use PMs instead of calling people out. We raid Tue/Thu/Sun 7-10pm server on US-Windrunner. Your demon hunter would certainly be preferable for us, because we donā€™t have one for DPS at the moment if you were up for a transfer. Someone who can attend 2-3 raid nights a week is what weā€™re looking for. Please feel free to pop into Discord 6VM8rQp for more information, or if you have any questions. You can also contact Myrla or myself in game.

We welcome family/friends of veterans and are alt friendly if you want to play other toons outside of raid. (For raid we focus on gearing a single main.) Lots of husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, and even in-laws in our guild. We have at least one veteran in our guild, though Iā€™m not sure if they are army or marine or what. Members do get on outside of raid to do M+, achievements, and PvP though that stuff is all casual and not formally scheduled.

Hello Malundu,

This is a great post and I really enjoyed reading it.

I think that we can be a great fit for you - you sound just like one of us!

We are a mature guild, most of us are in our 30s-40s, former hardcore players. Our goal is AOTC each expansion, we also enjoy doing M+ and xmog runs. I will post our info belowā€¦ Add me on discord or battle net if you would like to learn more about us.

Armageddon Industries - Horde - Area 52 - Age 25+ (30+ preferred)

About Us:

Our guild environment/community is like back in the glory days of WotLK. A mature atmosphere free of stress, vulgarity, discrimination, and all that other toxic stuff is our top priority. We are more than just raiding and focus on building gaming friendships with like minded adults. We are a ā€œreal life first guildā€ meaning we see gaming as a hobby and not another job. We are a multi game community: WoW, Destiny 2, ESO, GW2, and Anthem.


  • Fun and stress free is more important than loot or progression.

  • Provide a mature atmosphere free of ā€œteenager/young adultā€ drama, ignorance, and constant foul language.

  • Maintain quality membership over quantity of members. We do not mass invite just to pump membership numbers. We take pride in considering player personality, loyalty, helpfulness, and game history over current skill and gear. Skill and gear can be helped, bad attitudes (racist, elitist, egocentric, offensive, etc) cannot.

BfA Progression: BoD 6/9H & 9/9N, Uldir 8/8H (AotC)

Legion Progression: Antorus 11/11H (AotC), ToS 9/9H (AotC), NH 10/10H (AotC), ToV 3/3H (AotC), EN 4/7M &amp; 7/7H (AotC)

Our Schedule

T/Th 11pm-2am Server (EST) - Core Raid Team

Sun - Dungeons (Mythic/Timewalkers/Challenge)

If you are interested, contact us in game/discord:

Mirielle - Recruitment Officer

Battletag ID - Mirielle#1541

Discord ID - Miriel#2724

Novabomb - Guild Master / Raid Lead

Battletag ID - Armageddon#1974

Discord ID - Skybolt#2791

Or reply here:

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What is your Btag? Or you can add mine Malicide#1688