Leylocked Chest - Nazjatar World Quest

How?!?!? /cry

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You click two of the spheres and they swap places, rearranging the connecting lines.

The object is to end up with no lines crossing any other lines.


I understand the idea, but I just can’t seem to figure it out.
Am I the only one who is skipping this quest whenever they see it?
I’ve tried a few times and wasted like 15 minutes each time.

The only strategy I have that I can describe is pick a sphere (A), follow a long line from it to another (B), pick a sphere near B © and then swap A and C so the long line is now a short line. With some luck, C was also connected to something near A and therefore another long line is now short, but if not it’ll work out eventually.


Wait, what?

You talking about the lines and dots that you have to move around?

That’s easy stuff. Just pick a set of lines and move stuff around to get them to the outside.

You’re probably just over thinking it.


Yes, it might be an issue of overthinking. I’ll have to give it another try later and see if I can use the tips people are giving

There’s also like 4 difficulty levels. The hardest one can be a bear. The easiest, I’ve solved in 2 moves before.


Dont give up! Its a little confusing at first especially if you get the more difficult one with 20 billion lines crossing each other. The best thing to do is pick a dot. Find the line connecting to that dot and bring it as close to that dot as possible. find all associating lines to that dot and bring them in closer as well. Once you have one shape that doesnt cross another, the map will start to clear up a bit.

You can always skip the more difficult puzzles for now until you get the hang of it.

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how most people deal with a little adversity



I mean, it’s fairly easy TBH.

you have to take a minute to follow the way the lines are connected. then pretty much swap spheres around to bring them so that they dont cross other lines. sometimes you’ll see ones that are connected but totally across the way. just swap it with ones that are alot close to the other orbs the are connected to. once you figure out the method its actually very easy

The Leylocked chest is actually a logic puzzle. I made one discussing how you can handle it a while ago. Here’s a link with information.


I love that quest. It’s fast and usually pretty easy.

As others have said, start on the outside. Pick one area and solve it, then move to the next area beside it (on the more complicated ones).


The way the lines are connected is that each orb is connect to two other orbs. I usually start by finding whichever ones are far away from each other and bringing those close to each other, then working from there. Its much like untangling wires from your tv / computer that somehow got super tangled. Personally its one of my favorite wqs as its pretty relaxing.


It’s really easy after you’ve done a few. Then you’ll realize just how simple it is.

One of my favorite puzzle quests. I just switch interior balls with exterior balls to untangle the lines.

This is exactly how it’s done, and with time you’ll get faster at it

I love that quest but I’ve done puzzles like them before so I find them quite easy. I usually do these and the bejewel type puzzle when they’re up because they’re the fastest and easy for me to do.

It just takes some practice; you’ll get it eventually :slight_smile:

As said the “hardest” one can actually be quite the pain to get the first set of them seperated. But once you do the rest of them come much easier. Just sit there and suss it out a bit and not just immediately give up.

Something ive done to help me do it is when i swap a pair and it just doesnt look “right”. Rather than just picking a new pair i will swap those same ones back, and then try another pair. Not sure how much that helps though.

click spheres until it works