Leveling/mob changes TOO HARSH

I did EA and it was too easy 70-73. 74 and 75 were about right. 76 -78 were disgustingly impossible. 2 mobs would kill you. 79 felt right.

You don’t know fear until you’ve lived as an Iksar in the East Commonlands.

Yes level 80 numbers.

But they still coincide with the dungeon difficulty rewards is what i was getting at.

And you can mouse over the rewards and itll tell you what it will reward, so no need to be 80. Looks like increments of 2 and 13ilvl per jump all the way up to Heroic Raid ilvl.

So be within 13 ilvl of the reward for “recommended level”

Mind you, rewards are based on your level…i cant tell you what the rewards for a normal dungeon are at level 70 currently. But itll still hold true.

Walking into Neriak as a first time Ikky because we’re both evil, we get a long…KoS to EVERYONE

are you sure about that? the only whining I’ve seen here about things being too easy is from a very different crowd.

most people who are into m+ and mythic raiding run alts. i don’t personally know anybody who wants leveling alts to take a significant amount of time.

Lol this conspiracy stuff over early access is silly. Blizzard was just trying to sweeten the pot and get people to buy more than the minimum game, so they threw in a little of everything. I doubt they expected four days of early access to be the biggest deal in the package.

There are developers at Blizz high up who always think the game should be harder. And there is this constant tug-o-war about that, with a decision to make something easy and then suddenly amping up the difficulty. I’m guessing Ion is in the “make it harder and less rewarding” camp given his history as a gamer.

What’s funny is that they also get it wrong the other way. Cataclysm dungeons say hey. But changing things to make them easier seems a lot harder to get them to do: It pretty much requires a player outcry across all WoW communities to get them to nerf their own content.

(I always wish I had a recording of conversations when they overtuned those Cata dungeons: “So . . .only 27% of players are actually finishing our regular dungeons. They seem to be frustrated by wiping five times and they just leave. I don’t mean leave the dungeon. I mean leave the game.”)

holy crap what did blizzard do… trash mobs and world quests are too hard now


Tried out a mage that was about 340 (pretty much the gear update gear offered at 70). I know that I’m not great with the class, but I shouldn’t have to sit and eat every 3 mobs.


Yup thats exactly what they did bud. good comms

Yes, you do. That’s why mages can make their own food - it’s not just to feed the group/raid (not that others were ever eating cuz too busy running and pulling, expecting healers to top them off when they’re too far).

So eat up and be thankful you don’t have to learn cooking.

Its funny. Were all in a rush to get to maximum mythic plus and yet people cant hack questing and world quests.

How bout, git gud.

I’m not seeing it. Are demo locks OP or something?

I’m not 1 shotting like I was and it feels good as I can actually use some spells.


The Pay to Win Within.

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i can’t imagine having to rely on mana for damage output during all this, it’s bad enough having your pet die/etc

You’d be right except that’s not how math works. Player characters don’t deal consistent damage over time. You deal significantly more damage in the first 2-3 seconds of a fight and then it tends to drop off after that, as your higher damage abilities go on cooldown, etc. So twice as much health translates into a fight taking more than twice as long.


Except thats not whats going on, i leveled yesterday just to see, barely taking more than 2-3 hits

Don’t blame me. I enjoyed easy leveling while it lasted and def didn’t mind the 10 min dungeon runs


They did not need to change anything, it was just fine the way it was.


care to enlighten us on what class you were playing/spec? and which mobs? if you’re gonna pretend mobs took 2-3 hits, then tell us more about it.

I had EA and went in with 390 to 426 gear don’t blame me.

I actually enjoyed being able to kill stuff.

It’s just the Mythic+ and Raiders that need to feel special that whined.

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currently i’ve done dk, shaman, pally and just finishing up mage

mage was the one leveled after the change, started at about 420, didn’t feel any worse than the ones before /shrug

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so far i’ve heard a few mages say it’s really easy still, and i haven’t played a mage yet, but have you tried delve 3s on the new mage?