Leveling speed is creating inexperienced max levels and leading to content nerfs as well as toxic endgame

Many players are horrible at the game, that’s how it’s always been. Most players think they are a lot better than they really are. The leveling experience has never taught a player to play their class or spec at a competitive endgame level.


It literally isn’t. Its describing what you wrongly think is happening, not the objective reality. Take your own advice.


While I am sure that is a contributing factor, there are many others.

One that springs to mind is the very low tolerance for mistakes. Someone messes up and the group loses their mind and either drops group or bounces the offender. That sort of thing tends to turn people off.


its objective. youre just arguing to argue

Leveling has never taught people how to be effective at max level. The -only- thing it does is let you get used to your keybinds slowly instead of having it all dumped on you at once or in quick succession.

Nothing lives long enough for it to be a proper learning experience. Not to mention it’s entirely possible to get into weird habits that might make some sense at the time but don’t once you have your full kit unlocked.

This has been the case since at least Cata. The only difference now is that you spend less time on each level.

And that just loops back to the keybinds thing.

Even if someone just boosted, all it takes to learn their binds is to run a couple dungeons or whatever to get it engrained. That’s it.

Playing well beyond knowing where their buttons are has nothing to do with leveling.

I should note that I do think leveling is in an awful place in WoW, but not for this “its making bad endgame players” nonsense.


Again. why are you here? youre not adding anything useful.

Why is it saying “an error occurred please wait for participation”?

broken at every level

Addition to what?

You said “yes way”

I said “no way”

You want people to give insightful info, you start. Otherwise, deal with trolling responses to a troll thread.

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yes thats my point.

Elitsm was much worse in WotLK than any other expansion

Top players in 2008 had less skill than a 2024 LFR Hero


This is true, I got to lvl 51 before a complete stranger in western plaguelands told me I didn’t have any talents selected.

So not only was I wearing random gear “of the bear” and using a lvl 20 quest item for a weapon because “it had blue text”, I wasnt just specced wrong, I wasn’t specced at all. Still had a good time playing the game though, simpler times.


Tell me you dont know what your talking about with out telling me you dont know what your talking about…

I completely agree. The game goes from a levelling system from fresh toon to max level with absolutely zero difficulty or having to learn your character to get there. No matter the form of content you use to level, there is zero challenge, I could put 1 ability on my bar and make it to max level.

Things die so quickly that nobody even actually has to learn their rotation or CD management until reaching endgame where the difficulty sky rockets and players then get flamed for not knowing what they are doing.

A new player reaching max level is going to get there and be overwhelmed at how poor their damage is, let alone not knowing the mechanics the mobs do that will now kill them considering they just face tanked every mechanic while being ignorant to them their entire journey to max level.

A system where you learn nothing along the way, and get overwhelmed once you’re done levelling is nothing more than bad game design


I say we all create tons of classes and chose a spec we don’t even understand and queue up for science!

But honestly I don’t think there’s much of an answer to this really. Should people have to take a test? I recall having to get silver in Proving Grounds once cause the devs thought we were all noobs in WoD just so we could queue in heroic. That went over sooooooooooo well lol.

You want to know what the best answer is to it though? Sorry was going to yell it, but the answer is to not make the game overly ridiculously complicated and keep it simple.


The only time I think skill that comes from experience matters is in dg’s, raids, m+s, stuff like that and, as I already said, that comes with time and practice.

For some, they pick it up pretty quickly especially now that the classes have been improved. For others, it can take awhile.

That’s just how life is. I don’t think Timerunning has a negative impact on this, neither does boosting. A player, new or otherwise, has to get the experience somehow so they’re going to run the content.

Eventually they’ll get good. Please stop complaining and if you see someone that may be new and/or struggling, if you can find a kind way of asking if there’s something you can do to help them out.

That’s always a solution. Be well.



What is creating inexperienced maxxed levels are the people that refuse to read.

Very few people actually read what abilities and passives actually do. They just copy/paste whats on WoWHead and expect to have good dps by pressing buttons.

Just like botting, this issue on solely on the player-base itself.

Nobody wants to use their brain. They just want to press buttons and get loot.


Is this news to you?

Been that way… since Cataclysm.


ah yes the journey where i learn not a single useful thing i need to know about end game playing. my build and rotation arent even complete until i finish leveling. as far as people at level cap not knowing what to do it just takes 20 sec to read a guide and learn your rotation. the speed of leveling doesnt change anything other than speeding up the part of the game that doesnt matter since vanilla


Dragging the leveling process out longer won’t teach anyone how to play endgame content any better.


Classic WoW was proof that slow leveling doesn’t mean better players at end game.