Leveling in Retail

I laughed.

I’d rather you just have the ability to talk to an NPC and do this instead of adding an entire other set of gear we have to buy

I feel like with retail wow vs. classic wow up until wrath of the lich king, it kind of reminds me of how the rogue spear series of games started out.

Anyone who played the first few rogue spear games will notice that they are completely different from how they are now. They are more tactical. More sneaking around and stealthing involved. You had to plan your routes out and strategize a bit, or risk dying. And one or 2 shots was enough to end you in most cases.

However, as the rogue spear series went on, it went from that, to a more run and gun type of a game, similar to call of duty. Health bars and energy meters replaced the strategy part of the game. So the rogue spear games started appealing to a more modern audience.

I feel the same way about retail. Leveling up now, you just kind of run and slice your way through everything. I never think about what any of my abilities do. Or should i sheep this mob maybe. Cast a sap spell on that mob so i can solo the one guy, and then the npc next to him. No grouping up in the overworld in most cases. And in general the current game is way, way faster now. You just kind of run and zerg through everything.

With classic wow up until wrath of the lich king, it was a little faster in wrath, but it still had a similar formula. I still remember getting owned by mobs leveling up in wrath. I never get owned in retail leveling up now. We have ports everywhere all over the map now. The classic overworld doesn’t even exist anymore, and i think it should for chromie time. But you had to strategize more. Plan out your pulls. Ok, we got owned by the boss here, how are we going to do this next time. And classes are so similar to each other as well. Every class has a self heal. Or spammable movesets without fear of needing to worry about your primary resource.

I mean, i preffered the old way the game was. Not necessarily that the retail game is bad. But i feel if blizz added a version of retail wow that more emulated what i remember playing in wrath, i would like retail more. But those differences are really noticeable. I mean, when i can clear Shadowfang keep in like 5 mins in retail, compared to wrath where it might take 35 mins plus just to down arugal, and i am not even trying, and most of the instance i spend afk, with only 2 people even fighting the whole time. I mean, at most you could 4 man dungeons back then.

It is just a completely different game and atmosphere. I just want a version of retail that functions exactly like it did back then. My favorite version was wrath of the lich king. First 2 versions were a bit to slow for me. Wrath was still easier, but not braindead. The skill cap and skill floor and ceiling have been lowered so much in retail as well. To the point where while leveling, you cannot really tell who is more experienced than others or not.

I believe this is the best solution

I honestly would not be opposed to this either. At least have a way to reduce exp gains by a percentage. Not a complete 100 percent exp decrease, which is what slahtz does.

Heirlooms were always done to accelerate leveling. Chromie time also kinda messes up a lot of it. Not a perfect system by any stretch. Just turn off XP as mentioned and go on your merry way. That has to be done pre 48 I believe to not trigger SL.

They should do away with heirloom gear and make gear you get just more interesting. But since a lot more players just want to jet through the experience, their hands are tied.

Won’t work.

then its behind RNG wall. I have had a some levelers if I relied on dungeon drop…they’d be in trouble really.

Also it “break” their fix to raw gold farming. Good gear would be good ilevel.

So the 40 to 50’s would be getting really nice gear at say ilevel 80 to 100. Which is more gold. MOre than the capped ilevel 50 they now post squish setup anyway.

Crap system really. Nothing like having an almost pure dungeon level to 50, hitting 50 and going damn…this gears sucks. It won’t even get you into necrotic wake at unlock on level 51. Ilevel too low the reason lol.

They to offset raw gold farming could have found a better way that reduced gold flow…but didn’t have this gear not even dungeon capable at level 51.

It doesn’t you can change it at 49.

The shadowlands entry quest prevents it, so you have to abandon it, then pick your new timeline before the silly thing reappears kn your quest log. It’s irritating.

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I know what you mean, and don’t disagree. I just think from a leveling and playing said rpg [even if it’s an mmo], it’s such a loss of possibility with gear vendors that sell those white items, or gear drops that basically go nowhere since everyone and their grandma use heirlooms… it for me feels like it’s funneled to [this is the best] instead of creating a world where people CAN equip what drops and feel like they are progressing.

Heirlooms - apart from gold - take all the fun outta it all.

Now I know someone will say [then don’t use heirlooms]

I don’t. If I don’t want to. It doesn’t make much difference anymore. But all I’m saying is, my idea won’t be listened to, but it’s something I think would add more flavor. But too many people are just zoned into the '‘ready, set go’; mentality. Not to mention how Chromie Time segments it all so it’s a big mess all together.

Oh I see your point.

I like a “find it or make it” angle to leveling. Adds spice and is more RPG to me.

Of late…wow doesn’t really support it really good. Retail wow. this is one angle I do like to make my side trips to SOM/tbcc. Its very common to find it or make it there. AH prices at wth prices? well then…check inventory, see I need to go buy some arrows as its gonna be bit. And go find me some sources of leather.

Retail wow it wasn’t jsut looms that killed this. It was crafting deprecation. Can’t have that old gear too good. Sky would fall then.

and that relic upgrade system. Look you can boost your armour. Yes I can. I can boost it to where I can make it…and not be able to use it.

I like older wows +x armour upgrades. Make armour, +8 it. LW skill unlock +16, slap that on. Now I make the next phase armour. and then those +X
upgrades. Has its appeal to me.

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You can slow down manually a lot of us like the speed because max level is where the real content is

Helpful tip, I didn’t know that! Thanks!

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“You’ll play what we tell you to play - the way we say to play it.” - “Game” philosophy

Heyyy sounds like we are on different sides of the same coin :slight_smile:

Options are wonderful :+1:


LFG doesn’t even work below 50 iirc.

Want to experience the wonders of classic raid not one shotting it (or in a TW session)…better hope 24 49’s are reading chat. Which would mean there are 24 49’s in wrath too. Not likely.

YOu can’t even see LFG, let alone post in it to get a group.

Level 50 you see it. and the legacy code buff in effect. I am the mighty lich king! couple swings, now you are a dead lich king. Well will be after the 5 minutes of rp monologue bit.

And even the raids drop…crap ilevel 50 gear. Edit: for non mage tower use, yes this did revitalize this to game the MT setup with slotted raid boss drops. so useless except for the 2/3 times a year this will now show up lol.

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Exactly, and when I look at an old pre legion video by a rewards designer that left, he even said that not even they knew what was good or not without a lot of computer sims going on. It’s gotten really outta whack.

I’m glad you see what I meant though, I do get that it’s easier to implement in single player games [going on my own train of thought here], but I see so much potential with vendors spread across the land, that aren’t utilized, and gear drops that aren’t utilized while leveling that it just sucks the life outta it all.

I don’t even want to know how a new player feels leveling in retail. I’m sure for a new player retail WoW would be like if you took every expansion threw it in a blender and served it up. I haven’t recommend this game to anyone in years but the last time I did I told them to not even try to make sense of the world and what is going on. The vets playing don’t get it either.

Why they leave the world the state that it’s in is beyond me, very incoherent storytelling. Breaks the game for a lot of people.

I honestly feel like retail is how you make it. I choose to level slow and progress my characters because that is the experience i like. Then i do end game stuff, but i usually do not get past the 5 mans and the occasional daily quest hubs.

I mean, different strokes for different folks. The game just has things that stand out from classic. The old overworld for example. I would love to to classic wow 1-60 overworld and dungeons on my toons to max level in retail for chromie time. That would be awesome. It was my favorite content to level up in the game at the time, and i would still have the same perspective now.

I mean, other differences just include the fact that retail is way faster. Or certain things not existing anymore due to cumbersomeness, or overly complicated or whatever. Such as the maze section of wailing caverns being completely deleted from retail if you ever get qued up and grouped in wailing caverns. Although if classic wow 1-60 content ever gets added back to retail, this wailing caverns version should have the maze section back. The cataclysm version for chromie time would not. You also do not have to level up weapon skills in retail anymore, or visit class trainers to get new spells and abilities. And ammo is removed.

I mean, i preffered how the game used to be. But, in general, i play retail exactly the way i played in wrath of the lich king. Limited ports. Limited ways of gaining exp. Doing each dungeon twice etc. Just more fun for me. More options is always nice, as we see with people being able to pay for leveling if they really hate it.

I’m the opposite i dungeon grind to cap and use healer or tank toons for fast que times don’t even leave sw once I get 15

I know alot of people who do this. Not a bad thing. That has been a thing since the dungeon finder was around in wrath of the lich king. I just miss the leveling being harder in terms of the mobs in the overworld, and the old overworld itself. The original barrens and shadowfanfg keep and deadmines were the best.

Certain class designs were better back then as well to me, but the retail game is not bad. But the old overworld would help for me. Only reason i played classic wow in fact. I also miss being able to hybrid specialize as well, and in general mobs being harder to counter.

Beyond some of that stuff, retail is pretty awesome. Just less tactical advantage to take, especially about leveling up. You no longer need to think about how to wipe out a pack of mobs before you pull them. Should i sheep this dude and knock out his cohort first? Should i get a group. You just kind of zerg in, press buttons, and hope they die before you do.

Death knights in wrath were kind of the definition of, roll face on keyboard and things die. But every class seems to be like that now, although dks were a bit of a feat to obtain back then. Requiring a toon at least lvl 55, and hunters were one of the few class back then that did not need to worry about their primary resource to fire spells because of aspect of the viper constantly refilling your mana bar. At the cost of attack power or damage. One of the 2 things.

I remember a forum thread a while back talking about how the dude deleted all of his toons that could not tank or heal. I do not think i could do that lol. Some of my toons i have had for ages now.