Leveling difficulty changes - yeah, right

I typically agree, but we have no way of knowing that’s actually the case.

OP basically just gave us a “trust me bro”

Certain things like dawn breaker where you have to fly away or die. Technically that’s avoidable damage. That’s totally fine.

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Fair enough i should learn to read.

I did a normal 30 minutes ago and it felt no different from yesterday. did you log the run so you can actually prove anyone was one shot by an unavoidable ability or do we just trust your feelings on this one?

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im not the op, i also think its fine

Stop speaking so matter of factly when you are wrong. You are not knowledgeable on this topic, so save it, buddy.

Except I’m not wrong. In the context of leveling dungeons, it scales to normalize dps and hp of trash/bosses. It does so on the individual level which is why lower leveled players have the ridiculously high dps numbers on meters. Level 71 hunter doing 3+ mil dps? A level 71 player isn’t fighting the same trash/boss as the level 80 even when they are in the same group and instance.

Clearly you think you know, when you don’t.