Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Becauese making leveling harder immediately after EA ends is atrocious. They had time to fix this and opted to wait just to snipe the people who didn’t buy it.


It’s literally the start of the expansion. We all hit like wet noodles lol what you wanna be over powered on day 1? Go upgrade your gear you scrub

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YOU AREN’T GEARED, you’re running normals in blues and greens why would you expect to be a strong 80??? as soon as your in purples your going to be deleting open world ish…

Rofl you can’t make this up, exploit early, exploit often. Glad I focused on leveling toons instead of doing level 80 content


I’ve honestly had no issues at 80 either…

what, are you guys having an internal contest to see who can anger the playerbase more?


Ewww no way man I’d rather play cutting edge content.

Oh I bet, but I am looking forward to mythic this expansion. I like that is no longer random.

horrible change for people complaining about dungeon tuning. the changes effect the open world as well and translate into a worse leveling experience for fresh geared players that didn’t play last xpac.


Well wait for mythic release then buddy.

I wonder what news we’ll get tomorrow as someone else tries to take the lead.


Nah, not really. It’ll take a few extra seconds, you’ll get a full rotation or so if you’re kitted out in the epic gear from the pre-patch instead of everything dying in one or two hits, especially once you get hero talents unlocked.

It’s a fair call. I found that on my hunter when doing Isle of Dorn and Ringing Deeps content I was wrecking absolutely everything way too quickly, but that significantly dropped when I moved into Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet, especially Azj-Kahet.


They did. Do a forum search. A lot of whining and complaining that leveling was too fast and too easy.


You can heal me while we team up and clear quests together tho

No one can lock their xp and run DF dungeons. No one is going to waste their time doing WQs in DF at 70. They’re going to race into the new content— as they should be, because it’s the entire point. No one should have to sit in old content and farm up gear.

Your opinion is noted, but people shouldn’t get screwed like this because some nonsensical people out there whined at 500+ ilevel that mobs were too easy that are tuned for 380ish.


They’re talking about the scaling of going from 79 to 80 fighting the same mobs with the same gear in the open world. Obviously you won’t be 3 chesting keys as a fresh 80 but it shouldn’t take 5 minutes to kill one elite in the open world when I could two shot it 1 level ago.

“We’ve decide to buff evokers group buffs again in m+, they should be increasing everyone’s dps by around 200% permanently now”

edit- troll comment

if you are… some returning players are not. not a smart fix…


Not to mention… all of that prelaunch gear was BROKEN and it’s either gone from people’s Warbanks or it’s soulbound.