Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

this change has changed how im playing today. i went from leveling with quests and doing the story to well now i gotta do dungeons to level as quick as i can so i can move onto leveling my alt. i dont need to waste more time because some people dont understand tuning while leveling and cried about it enough that blizzard is going to make it slower


I have 480 gear from the prelaunch in my Warbank.

Or… I did. Before they broke it. Now, my Warbank is empty and the stuff sitting in one of my character’s bags that doesn’t need it is all soulbound. :upside_down_face:

I think you’re misunderstanding something.

Person starts at low level, chooses Chromie Time, dons heirlooms, levels up. They’re not going to be in that gear. They’ll have moved to War Within the moment they hit 70, not doing DF dungeons at 70. At 68 and 69, you are not getting 460 gear.


I say make it hard enough to where you can die in the open world if you pull 5 enemies, but it evens out closer to 78 to 80 with adventure/epic loot again. Would love a bit more challenge in leveling in the open world.


No one asked for this. Stop this nonsense.


Just in time for brand-new players leveling, who will be ilvl 330 at the end of Dragonflight with no radiant echoes or anything else to buff them.

Welcome to WOW noobs!


There was a Beta and all the issues that are coming up since weeks, were not reported?

Seriously Blizzard, stop selling beta keys and hand them to people that properly want to test your game. This is becoming a joke!



this is intentional.


I’m pretty sure if you max an 80 in the gear about to come out it will do more dmg than a maxed 70 in the dungeon (because of new talents) this is the point of scaling a 70 in maxed gear should be doing dmg of a rather geared 80 without talents… its called scaling.

Go run the dungeons with a 70 that hasn’t played since season 1 DF (mid gear) and they aren’t doing anything like what you’re seeing from people’s geared mains coming into the NORMAL dungeons lol.


I think it’s fun actually. After the first time through a dungeon it’s just a waste of time for me if everyone is going slow. If I want to stop and smell the roses I’ll just do a follower dungeon. Other than that, my main goal in dungeons is just leveling or gearing alts and I want that to go as quickly as possible. It’s painful for me to be stuck behind a slow tank meticulously pulling a few mobs at a time. I just want to get it over with. Especially since they keep putting more and more annoying trash mobs everywhere, you spend most of the dungeons clearing trash with stupid annoying gimmick spells and not fighting bosses.


Good god, don’t do this. Retail is not vanilla. Making changes like this have always been met with pushback in the past when this has been attempted at the start of a xpac launch, just to be reverted shortly after it gets pushed.


What a stupid change. Seriously… Blizzard pretending like they listen to their customers is a joke… We don’t want the leveling to be a slog. It’s a pointless process you force on us for every expansion…


I think this change will anger more people than it makes happy. Bad change.


Oh god why. Just. Ugh. iLvl scaling sucks. Absolutely 10000000000%.

Welp, Level your characters today if you want to enjoy leveling.


I think this is a good change, I don’t know why people are whining about it. Leveling is still gonna be super fast and easy even if the mobs don’t get 1 shot anymore.


Well yeah that’s true, but I’m just saying hopefully the option is still there in case there is some gear to go and get, or buy even. I didn’t try 380 gear in the beta as I didn’t have anything to test that, but I bet it’d be fun.

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I saw I could get on the beta the other day, Just checked out enough of it to see if we wanted to buy or not. Actually seems like its gonna be as good as DF, so we bought it.

But yeah, on the Beta I was easiliy able to murder the second boss on a 480ish warlock and DK, so it seems like something like that would have stood out as being far too easy this early in the expansion

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Lose after lose, can’t play today so I’m stuck with probably scaling going hard in the other direction

Getting “Good Gear” is more of a crime then a reward as of lately in this game.

Get “Good Gear” and now you and your raid group will kick the bosses @ss harder and faster.

Wait…Blizzard nerfs your class and raises the damage of the boss. Sad but true

No, people were complaining (with good reason) that at level 70-79 you could smash things, but at 80 you hit like a wet noodle. When I leveled from 79 to 80 it took significantly longer to kill the same mob I was just killing at 79 along with a massive nerf to secondary stats. So, Blizzard’s response is to make it the same difficulty from 70-80. It’s good and bad. Good in that at 80 you don’t feel you reverted to 69 being over damaged by 70s, but bad in that now it will be harder and take longer to level to 80 in which you will have the same initial level 80 experience that people complained about. It really doesn’t fix the problem.


go play vanilla.

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