Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Time walking cata and questing there. At 70, I was 250.

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Ah so it’s not a recent character then, that might explain it. Not sure how long it was ago (I’ve been away from retail for a bit up until around prepatch) but they smoothed out a lot of the gear jumps from earlier in DF

Yeah I just gear updated an old level 55 alt and the free gear from the update was already 280

Anyone leveling a fresh or old character definitely check the AH at 71. There’s 518-528 crafted gear for some slots with level 71 requirement. On a high pop server it’s often 400g or less. I’ve sometimes bought it on alts for under 100g a piece. Unfortunately there isn’t crafted gear for every slot at 71 currently (which is why one of my suggestions is they should add more crafted gear of that level). Jewelry is also rarer to see currently or much more expensive currently.

That item level you won’t see as a drop/reward or purchasable boe green until 75-76 so it’s a big bump for awhile.

It’s maybe 3-4 slots per armor type + some jewelry and cloak.

No I just leveled a brand new character to 80. This was two days ago. When I dinged 70 in cata chromie time, my ilvl was 250 and it was barely possible to start playing TWW content. In fact only one green dropped from 70 to 72. I finally just got a bunch of gear from the auction house.

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I think that may be my problem too - on ALL my Radiant Echos geared alts. It’s been some years since I was active (dropped off more or less during WoD when Draenor Pathfinding and long rep grinds became a thing and it was obvious they were rewarding play time over player skill.)

In the expansions I played before taking a break (BC to LK, then LK to Cata, then Cata to MoP, then MoP to WoD) there was always a gear hump from max-level in prior content to low level in new content. But not this much. It makes sense: you want people in Mythic gear from the prior expansion to work harder than one-shotting all the new mobs. When I went from ICC25 gear to Cata, my purples lasted for several levels before they were replaced with quest greens or easy instance blues. My alts who didn’t raid ICC had a little more difficulty leveling in the open world without raid gear, but they still got replacement greens and blues before hitting a hard wall. Now it feels like the ilvl 480 gear (which I think would be raid finder gear?) didn’t even last past level 72.

I see the easy answer is “just get some auction house greens” but I’ve never seen that as an answer to prior expansions (but then I did miss a few.) Also, it’s not a great solution for new or returning players who do not have years of wealth to buy out AH goods. Of course, they can always buy WoW tokens to buy the gold they need.

I don’t know if it’s skill, balance, or gear but it’s not fun. :sob:


you shouldn’t be replacing prepatch gear until around level 74, and even then the gear isn’t much of an upgrade. The prepatch gear is ilevel 480 while the initial gear level in TWW is only 408. If the opening levels are causing issues for you in prepatch gear then I have many, many questions…

I am sure many of those questions can be answered by a simple search in this forum with the words “evoker” next to “squishy.” And if it’s a skill issue, am I miraculously supposed to know the perfect strategies and rotations or am I going to have to go icy veins spreadsheet hunting and have the exact same build as everyone else with no flexibility?

There’s a difference between “high skill” and “fun game.” I’m here to have fun, and right now I’m not. I think that’s the part of this whole conversation you’re missing. People are talking about hitting walls and difficulty curves and game pacing and flow, and you’re suggesting it can all be fixed with skill. Sure. Yeah. Maybe. But the path from here to there is not fun and people play these games to have fun.

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Playing your class to the absolute basic standard is not “perfect strategies” or “icy veins spreadsheets”. The only logic I can glean from your post is that you’re just spamming Azure Strike or something and are confused why that’s not enough to kill basic mobs at a level where you should understand what your abilities do

I just started a NEW rogue last night just to mess around BUT can’t do much as the DPS is poor and survivabily is likewise …

The crimson potion HEALS no where NEAR enough and since it uses energy when you take it to slows down damage and building of combo points… Rupture is a garbage ability at level 15 at 5 combo point you barely see ANY real damage…

There are some classes that are insanely overpowered at certian levels while others like the rogue have levels that are damaged as you can’t solo basic quest due to BAD scaling

Scaling has been an issue since MoP Remix and has only gotten worse with TWW launch and yet YES nerf the character first don’t look into what is wrong with the actual programming to the game itself…

monsters CAN have too much health at time or too little it is all so random too…

My earthen paladin I hate to play as in DF I was 1 and 2 shotting all mobs making it so I only use a coupld abilities constantly … NOW at almost 30 I have to USE all abilities and even the emergency ones are necessary just to get by . add to this the issue of lack of gearing in the game now as you never get gear drops and out level all your gear in a few hours it seem due to extremely fast leveling

WoW has been changed WAY too much over the years without proper balancing and STILL no balancing as YOU MUST know scaling is messed up since suring MoP remix we went from being unable to do “vehicle” quest since the all powerful NPCs we were playing died like ants in a boot factory … THEN the scaling was adjusted after us waiting 2 weeks for the ability to continue main story line BY simply making the “vehicles” INSANELY over powered allowing them to one shot ALL the mobs…

the scaling was NEVER fixed … It was great you allowed players to get through this issue after 2 weeks BUT THIS issue is STILL in the background

then classes MIGHT spec powerful as well level 1 - 10 but then at level 50 to 65 the struggle can be immense … AND add to it the leveling proformance that makes IT impossible to keep up with necessary gear upgrades and it make the game not just less than fun BUT an actual chore to be bothered with


the message: buy early access or else.


I think I may be one of the rare few that liked this change?

I went into the expansion as a Fresh, just hit 70, Evoker and promptly got my tail handed to me. It made me have to really look at my class, my talents and learn about my abilities properly. Once I did that and got a handle on things, things went smoother. It felt much better and once I got more gear things flattened out to a steady but not lightning pace.

There are still issues, don’t get me wrong, but this was a great step IMO. But that’s a personal preference I know.

Now you’re intentionally being disrespectful, mean, and reductive. You seem to be pushing the message that the game is fine for people with enough skill and you’re smart enough to have that skill (and have fun) and everyone else is dumb. I’m sure the community (and Blizzard) would have 20 people being critical of the game than one person being critical of the other paying players. I’m done replying to you until your contributions are made in good faith.


Maybe try explaining what issues you’re having instead of just saying “it’s bad I’m not bad I can’t be the problem” so I can help you get through it, instead of being vague and then getting defensive when assumptions are made based on your vague complaints

You’re having problems with Evoker? Alright, I’ll hop on my Evoker that I haven’t played since DF season 1 and see what’s up

So, my Evoker had around 380-ish from the last time I played it, but I was able to bump her up to 426 with 2-piece tier thanks to some leftover prepatch gear. It took a grand total of…3 Living Flames and a Disintegrate to kill basic mobs at the absolute most. Some of them were dying just to Disintegrate with a couple of crits. For a group of 5, it took A charged Eternity Surge, a Pyre, and an Azure Strike, and then a Living Flame to clean up the last one

I’m begging you for understanding, what are you possibly doing in 480 prepatch gear that makes leveling too difficult? When playing the class at the most basic level is all it takes for me to mow through them in worse gear? I genuinely cannot fathom how you even made it to 70 in the first place with that level of ability

A pig will always be a pig. That extra week you guys got did nothing for the game huh. Thanks.

Don’t forget that they nerfed cloth drops for tailors into the ground. Now dusk and dawn weave cloth rarely drops.

One of the issues I also have with this expansion (I issed most of the last and it was a lot like it I think) is that they used to gear you up with quesst greens in the first wave of 10 to 15 quests in new zones … now you were wupposed to be in mythic gear OR having run the pre TWW even to gear up to 480 gear which basically lets you level to 75th level with ease …

They are trying to make it faster to level up I guess (which i personally hate fast leveling makes for a boring game for me) so they are stream lining the quest hence no gearing up BUT when someone gets to TWW era how badly will their experience be if they don’t have the higher end gear I have to ask…

I know in all 480 gear nothing was a challenge and I started a couple characters to try my hypothesis that MAYBE this is going to be an issue but honestly after leveling so many toons before TWW launch to 70th throgh radiant echos the radiance hs dimmed and I am thinking about unsubbing for a while… (I have at least one of every class on both horde and alliance at this point and some “extras” I also did . almost all were suffering from the level “squish” as I was away since MoP though I did play a bit during every expansion I just couldn’t find the desire to play some expacs and they seriously ticked me off with the erasing of all the work I have put into some of my older characters)

I didn’t understand the whole idea of why tailers only were going to get cloth …

BEFORE you had a use for the AH now not so sure …

AND tailors are one of the few proffessions that had a constant demand AKA bags

I think around 454i is manageable, that was my lowest ilvl character, I certainly had a tougher time than the other characters with the full prepatch gear.

So for new people with fresh 70, its gonna be hard, and as always, the door closed and anyone outside got slammed in the face

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well, tailors have always been able to obtain cloth. Way more than non-tailors obtain…

Well considering I’m still out DPSing Fury warriors by 300k overall… the first nerf is going pretty good. and the synergy of the class is on fire right now and will be in the 20th Anniversary event. I’m not worried. I know how to theory craft and play my class.