Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Given what you’ve proven of yourself in this topic, I don’t think anyone should be taking healing advice from you

Nobody should take your advice on literally any topic of any kind since your understanding of a topic is limited to your own narrow perspective and you are unable to process information in a normal way that would allow you to understand something even having not experienced it yourself.

You keep saying that despite my repeated mentioning that I’ve tested multiple classes and specs already at various different character and gear levels, including several that have been complained about in this topic, with zero issue

One of us definitely doesn’t know what they’re talking about here and it’s not me

This is a pointlessly empty thing you cling to.

Cupcake, heal a freaking level 70 as a level 78+ in a normal dungeon and tell me how large the number is. How difficult is it for your brain to grasp that healing someone with already over a million hp for 30-40k or less in the case of HoTs is not an example of a good scaling system.

Completing the dungeon doesn’t mean it’s fine.


I’ve both done this and witnessed it, it’s quite fun seeing a near empty health bar jump up to almost full

You. Are. Bad.

You’re likely confusing healing a higher level as a lower level with the opposite.

A low 70 that heals for less than 100k with a healing spell with heal for 600k+ non-crit on a higher level.

A level 78 will heal a level 70 for 30-40k with a spell that heals same level targets for 150k. A 77 even will heal a 79 with the same spell for 300k.

You have proven so badly that you don’t know what you’re talking about it’s crazy that you think you’re an expert.

I am not. As I said, I’ve been paying close attention to my dungeon parties

Logs onto level 71.

90k heal heals 80 for 600k.

Logs onto a level 80.

300k heal heals a low 70 for 56k.

Weird it’s almost like I’m right and easily proven correct with any actual test.

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Sounds like a skill issue to me

And now 7 hours later, I can add a discipline priest to the list as well. I’ll admit, it was slightly more difficult than my other characters so far. But only so far as it’s the first character to not feel like they’re getting stronger with levels and gear, and nothing that I wasn’t expecting going from relatively high end 70 gear to leveling gear at 80. Not once did I feel like my heals were insufficient, whether someone was level 79 or 71

So, what’s your excuse now? That disc “doesn’t count” or something? Even though it’s apparently the worst healer currently for dungeons :person_shrugging:

You may be ok with your pace and methods of getting through, but it doesn’t make it universal or fun. “Get good” is a way to chase people away from the game, not foster a community. And chasing enough people away will eventually remove the game for everyone.

Instead of “get good,” can you write up some guides, post some videos, or otherwise show us the great stuff you’re doing that others may not be doing?


I’d love to, but the people complaining aren’t explaining what issues they’re actually having and just yell that “it’s bad”. If I don’t know what you’re doing that’s causing issues then I can’t tell you how to fix it, so “get good” is all you’re going to get in return until then

The troll just didn’t read or comprehend what I said about healing scaling.

I specifically said the scenarios in which it’s especially problematic are rare to encounter and you have to have bad luck with the dungeon finder to actually see it in practice.

For example, if you have a 78-80 healer in a leveling dungeon, especially one with higher damage output like Meadery and the entire rest of your party is low 70s and the tank isn’t overpowered enough to heal themselves through the things they are pulling, you will then encounter the issue with healing scaling. The level 80s healing will be nerfed on the low 70s by a very large amount (possibly up to around 5x it seems like) compared to what they heal for at 80.

If you’re in a normal dungeon you also are not capable of achieving an item level that would nullify what I’m saying. Even a 580 80 will hit a 70 for 1/3rd or less compared to what they hit an 80 for and a 580 isn’t even going to be in a normal dungeon. A 78 will at best be in maybe 532 I think, but it’s highly unlikely that they’d actually hit that item level unless they buy gear for almost every slot at 77. Most people don’t start in S4 DF gear, especially not at this point where most of those characters are already 80.

It also wouldn’t be worth your time or gold to push your item level for the couple of hours you MIGHT encounter this scenario as more than likely you won’t anyway. Even if you did it wouldn’t solve the worst case scenario.

The point is that even though it’s a small window in which you can encounter this problem (especially if you just buy 558-561 greens when you hit 80 so you never have to do normal dungeons at 80 for gear), it still demonstrates why healing scaling is currently poorly designed and it’s a very simple fix so that nobody encounters the problem.

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Leveling my first alt since these changes went in.

Everything was fast and fun until level 70 and now it’s just a complete slog. Definitely slower and more boring than pre-nerf.


You never answered my question

It does slow down a little bit before you get over that gear hump, once you get a couple of pieces (namely a weapon) though it’ll very quickly pick back up. I had a similar experience on my Earthen Paladin going in at around 340-ish ilevel, and as soon as I got a 408 weapon it was like night and day

You can still do fairly big pulls in dungeons even in just remix gear, just not like boss to boss. I think the problem with normal leveling 1-80 is probably that you hit 70 at such a low item level even compared to even remix greens.

There’s a similar issue in classic when you hit WotLK level and then Cata levels as there’s a huge ilvl jump. However, in classic the baseline quest rewards you get from your first quests at those level ranges are massive upgrades and bump up your power fairly quickly. I usually replace a handful of slots via quests before queuing for the first dungeon when hitting WotLK and then Cata level ranges in classic and it makes a big difference.

The quest/dungeon rewards from 70-73 in TWW are still way below what you start with even at remix level and only start to surpass it after 73. When you consider how fast you level, you often will only replace maybe 1-3 slots per level at most as you level (maybe more if you’re questing) and each level is another big boost in the potential item level.

I think the easiest fix to that is to add more crafted gear that’s 71 level requirement (or maybe also lower that gear to 70 requirement) as that’s a much bigger item level boost than the slow pace of green rewards/drops. That way people who want to jump further ahead faster can optionally do it via crafted gear. They could also revise the item level of rewards 70-73 so you jump up higher faster, but that would only do so much since you don’t really get that many rewards per level.

It’s way slower even if you spam dungeons when I leveled my second Warlock it was far more boring and unfun than with this one during early access.

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I finally stepped into TWW at 70 and as a returning player it sucked. Going in there with a mix of Shadowlands/Dragonflight blues and greens got me pretty much roflstomped as a Boomkin. I’m currently going to have to slog it out in Bear form till I can get some better gear.

This is one the problems dev’s never consider when they tune everything for their M+ players. Makes the returning player experience pretty much crap. On my Warlock and DK once they get there should be fine but some spec’s I wouldn’t even bother trying to do leveling content. Be easier to just do pet battles to 80 and then buy crafted gear, go back and do the content later.

This was pretty much exactly what I was worried about when I made my first post on this thread. Sucks to be right sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yeah the wall that you hit at 70 is over the top. You have to get auction house gear or else everything is like two times the power of elites. Everything is a raid boss. You walk into TWW at 250 ilvl.


Gear matters.

When leveling this guy, I stayed in my DF PvP epics pretty much until level 80 lol.

Wasn’t until level 76 or so, that my gear started to really feel weaker than the greens I was getting.

At 80, I was still wearing some DF PvP epics, eventually replaced it all with TWW honor gear, upgrading it so I can perform better in PvE.

DF epics are seemingly pretty good, if you have old characters in DF gear.

Maybe even worth getting some DF greens before going into TWW, depending on how hard it is.

TWW kinda throws greens at you, might be better to quickly get those instead of older content.

What are you doing that has you going into TWW with only 250 ilevel? I leveled 40-68 almost entirely through exploration on my Earthen and I still managed to get around 340

Either way, getting early gear is easy and doesn’t require the AH at all. For new players the opening quests give decent gear, and for alts there’s going to be a world quest that gives you a weapon somewhere