Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Let us not forget the time played metric. This will boost that making the game seem more successful. Making people grind longer is something Blizz has been leaning on for ages.




:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


So this Character had no problems leveling, and I actually felt like the nerf was good because I was killing things way too fast. But now I’m trying to play through on alts and now all of a sudden it’s a slog. It takes like a minute to kill anything and I have very little ways to get gear to help me out. This is just a sloppy patch in the end, imo. Rushed out to try to slow things down without taking everyone into account, but ofc the “early access” people got all the benefits from it. Pretty shameful really.


I want to repeat feedback about healer scaling because nobody listens to it or seems to understand why it’s a problem.

If you are a 70 healer with remix or higher gear, it’s extremely easy to heal in general with any level players in your group, but it’s even easier to heal higher level targets because your healing is scaled up tremendously the higher they are.

If you are say a 78 healer trying to heal a party of mostly level 70s, your healing is so heavily nerfed that you have to cast 10x as many spells to top someone off as you would have had to cast when you yourself were level 70 (possibly just hours earlier). This has nothing to do with secondary stat either btw. It is a scaling system that increases healing values when healing a higher level target and massively lowers those values when healing a lower level target.

While the 70s are usually overpowered enough themselves that you typically won’t wipe, you sometimes get into groups where they’re getting pretty low on health on a regular basis because you can barely move their healthbar due to absurd negative scaling. It’s extremely annoying.

In a worst case scenario, say you get into Meadery as a higher level healer and have a low level tank and all low level DPS now that you’ve added that dungeon to the leveling dungeon pool. Most tanks pull a LOT of trash in this dungeon and it does A LOT of damage to everyone. It is difficult to heal sometimes on heroic because they do that. In normal if the healer is much higher level than their group, it’s even worse because your current healing scaling system is really really really bad. It’s terrible. Most people don’t notice it or understand it but it’s a problem.

Usually you don’t encounter the problems this causes often because it requires bad luck with the match maker and you’re only high 70s briefly before you finish leveling. I don’t know if that’s why they ignore it or if most people just aren’t observant enough to realize this is happening, but since I have leveled a lot of 80s and seen a lot of different scenarios and combinations, I noticed it and think you should change it.

TLDR: Negative scaling on healing lower level targets should be entirely removed.


not sure HOW all classes do BUT i started and Earthen Pally yesterday or the day before and in the starter greens I felt over powered in DF and was only using 2 abilities to kill the mobs even if it was more than one …

My now 70th level i leveled through MoP I had damage issues with starting at about 55th level … Ret build felt more like a tank build in the old expacs in that I didn’t did but it too a lot of beating down to finally kill the mobs of only a normal level … Prot build was about the same in this respect…

It felt like the damage had odd scaling levels where you just didn’t do enough damage and the game felt like work …

I wonder if other classes are the same?

I have a full set up of all classes on bother alliance and horde so while my health and the place i live won’t allow me to work I am tempted to try it out other than the fact all my characters as a rule are in the full 480 ilvl gear from the pre xpac event

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Why does my understanding of this seem off?

I got “Low levels hit to hard vs level 80s, so we’re buffing NPCs”

Is it dungeons?

If it’s in the world why is the solution to buff lower level NPCs?

Probably because we don’t have a clear picture of how WoW scaling works, they’ve always been very vague about it.

The mobs aren’t really getting “buffed” overall because they are staying the same for level 80 toons. What is changing is how low level damage is calculated to make them stronger in a specific level range. And in modern WoW, ALL NPCs (open world & dungeons) scale to level.

So it’s just a scaling change that is poorly explained.

However, the change really was needed because 1-shotting everything at low levels made the leveling experience bad for a lot of people. Myself included.

Aside from the obvious issue of it coming right after early access, and Blizz sending a very clear message, it also depends on the class/spec, my Paladin didn’t have any issues, my Mage, well I’ve put him back in his box because it feels like torture to level a Mage after the changes, mobs chunk his health so badly.


I didn’t have a lot of time to play War Within in the last week, so I put some time into it this morning with my Evoker and … Wow. I know it’s not supposed to be too easy, but once I got to level 72 (and got no upgrades to gear yet) it’s taking forever to burn down small packs of mobs in the open world while leveling. With an add or two, I don’t always die but I have to run, burn cooldowns, and basically panic my way to survival. That’s fun from time to time, but it adds a lot of down-time between mobs.

And down time is not fun time.

Dungeons and raids should be difficult. Mythics and challenges should be difficult. Achievements should be difficult. But having to eat and drink because a third murloc showed up when you only meant to pull two?


I just got into a Brewery as a low 70 DPS. The healer was level 80 so their healing was massively nerfed on most of the group as I’ve tried to explain in several posts at this point. As a specific example, their rejuv was only ticking on me for 8k and their regrowth for 1k and I have a million HP.

Everyone died 2-3 times on the trash on the first boss and the tank only cleared half of it before pulling the boss, so we also wiped on the boss because we had to do the other trash during the boss and the healer simply could not heal the group due to the massive damage in that dungeon combined with the massive healing scaling when healing different level targets (which massively screws over higher level healers with lower level group members).

Also, adding brewery to the leveling dungeon mix was such a huge mistake in general.

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Adding Paladin to the growing list of alts that have only felt like they’ve gotten stronger as I leveled to 80. The only rough patch was right at the start going into TWW, and that righted itself quickly after just getting a few pieces of gear, namely a weapon (I was around 340-ish ilevel going in)

For the thousandth time I must reiterate…you people are making a big nothingburger out of this

There are very specific scaling problems in specific situations that you may never encounter leveling. You are blindly saying everything is fine without having a meaningful understanding of those various possible scenarios.

High level healing is massively nerfed when healing low level targets. I’ve leveled 13ish 80s. I’ve leveled every healing class as a healer, twice in some cases. I’ve leveled as a tank several times and a DPS twice.

You will infrequently have the bad luck to enter into a situation that is especially problematic, but the possibility exists and should be fixed to avoid the scenarios I described above.

Literally just removing the negative scaling of higher level healers when healing lower level targets would fix the healing scaling problems entirely.

As far as people starting in like 350 ilvl gear goes, they really should just have a vendor with remix level greens or add more 71 level required crafted gear for the rest of the slots.


I am not. You have no idea how much testing across multiple different classes I’ve done myself (including classes that people have complained about in this very topic) and how much I’ve been paying attention to other players at various different levels as well. I’m sorry, but you’re wrong and any issues you’re having are a skill issue on your part, straight up

The ignorance of this statement is truly astonishing.

It is not a skill issue when for example a healing spell that heals for 150k at your current level only heals for 30-40k on a lower level target and that target has over a million hp.

You can still get by in most cases thanks to the power level of the lower level making up for how weak you are, but if you’re in a dungeon with very high damage output and they’re pulling a lot of targets and your healing is nerfed by literally 5x, it doesn’t require a rocket scientist to understand how that becomes problematic.

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Sounds like you aren’t upgrading your gear

You simply have no clue whatsoever how healing scaling works 70-80.

I upgrade my gear more than 90% of players leveling because I buy cheap AH greens at certain levels and use 71 crafted gear in some slots.

I know exactly how it works. It’s either your gear, or you don’t know what you’re doing. One of us is having issues, the other isn’t, it’s pretty cut and dry. Stop making excuses and figure out what you’re doing wrong

It’s so very sad that someone so convinced of their knowledge is so painfully and massively wrong to such an extreme.

I truly cannot emphasize enough to you how entirely wrong and foolish you sound to anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about.

This is more massive ignorance on your part.

Cupcake, I have 13 level 80s and you think I have a problem leveling?

I just understand an issue you are too massively stubborn to try to understand or accept that you are wrong about.

You are entirely wrong. Everything you believe about this is laughably sad.


And yet you keep talking

Trying to help fools understand a basic concept about healing scaling and how it can be problematic in specific situations.

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