Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

That is 70 less that you have to do.

So, let me get this straight. People that were heavily geared leveled up too fast so now that they are all leveled up you are going to make leveling harder for the people who aren’t geared and still leveling? Did I get that right? /smh


All my characters had gear from S2 of dragonflight… I used my free level 70 that came with high ilvl gear. It made a HUGE difference… Stuff was dying instantly compared to my older characters. So this nerf hurt… Pay to win ftw I guess.

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I was EA…only leveled 2 toons in that time (both remix toons believe it or not)…it was really easy to level, much easier than normal so that means either the scale for launch was off or the end game gear from last xpac was stronger than normal…either way a balance wasn’t needed. Fun detected I guess.

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they have to extend maintenance and fix things constantly because they are working on 20 different games and expansions at once to make sure billions are made.

BlizZard rug pull.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I bought the best version of the xpac thinking that they had learned from things. Remix was a blast. DF gave the impression that they had finally learned that we wanted fun not a grind.

But then you guys go and nerf leveling AND various classes based on data from people in raid gear from the previous xpac completely screwing new and returning players in one fell swoop after early access.

Shame on you Blizz.

I’ve cancelled my sub. I have thousands of fun games to play, as this isn’t one of them.


Just add a vendor that sells 463-467 greens so everyone can start at least that high. Or add more 71 level required crafting gear instead of only having 4 slots of it.

Also you still should remove negative healing scaling when healing lower level targets. Currently you can heal higher level targets for crazy high numbers and lower level targets you can’t even heal for what you healed them for when you were their level.


They keep doing that but it is clear that if you are first in or exploit early and often you are rewarded nearly 99% of the time.

Sad but true.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Good lord you people are still complaining about this?


You were saying lmao!!!
Let me know how those words taste. Meta, lols!

That’s practically a redesign?

holy crap that’s a lot of changes for a game that just came out of beta

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Grab some more tissues while you’re out. You’ll need them to wipe away those tears. Le. Weh.

Your incredibly original post has me on the edge of my seat.

Perhaps I could subscribe to your insightful newsletter?

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They raided they deserve the gear in the same way if you do a level 10 delve and get a decent drop.
Taking away that power is bad.
this is why people play this game. to get OP gear and stomp things

and those not in mythic gear?


Blockquote So, let me get this straight. People that were heavily geared leveled up too fast so now that they are all leveled up you are going to make leveling harder for the people who aren’t geared and still leveling? Did I get that right? /smh

Reactionary Blizzard did it in response to those players. And, yes, as usual everyone else ‘nerfed’ no thanks to that logic.

Additionally, once those same players are in M+ and so on the regular player base will no longer have as many of geared-alts running content as many will be max level and doing ‘other things’ (not normal dungeon runs).

So, yeah, it’s just ‘perfect’. They should have temporarily ‘buffed’ the content for them at the early release and then undo-the-buff to re-adjust back to ‘as-apparently-intended’.

Before anyone says ‘scaling broken’ yeah it’s been broken. Aim for fun particularly for basic Normal dungeons or regular open world.


Yeah, it just makes no sense. The people the change is targeting will be completely unaffected by the change. They are already leveled, scaling the mobs does jack squat to slow down leveling for people that are done leveling. :crazy_face:

It just makes it tougher for all the non geared people, returning players, alts, etc.


Blizz is sending a very clear message here, next time buy early access and benefit.