Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Yeah, that’s fair.

now try one of the classes which isn’t eating the world. :wink:

I think it has less to do with classes and how well geared they are. My Ret is 490, while my DH was 515. It might be different with my rogue who is only 475ish.

paladins are crazy broken.

i took mine to a zone which doesn’t scale to her level, and was still slaughtering groups of stuff

i haven’t finished leveling her yet, and should just keep my mouth shut so they don’t make any more changes before i reach cap (which just can’t happen right now, because we’re currently having an “extreme weather event”, and internet keeps dying) :sob:

Not if you pay attention to paladins, they seem to think the world has come to an end.

then they’re drama llamas.
paladins are in an amazing place right now.

I don’t mind slow to kill mobs 2 or 3 so but what’s with the pats aggroing from 100m away.

Leveled a character 70-80 and only took 3 hours and 42 minutes. Barely noticed the “nerfs”.

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Myself, having leveled during EA, and leveling now. I hardly notice a difference.

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I am level 75 on a character I have played probably 8 total hours doing nothing but herbalism and mining… you will level faster doing those than anything else in game.

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Well, I just started leveling my first truly under-geared alt. She was level 320 something at 70, like brand-new players will all be from now on.

I skipped the Dalaran stuff and went straight to Dorne where you then fly over to the beach and start leveling with that intro.

Getting my required kill quota for the quest was definitely slower than before but whatever.

Then came the final bit where you have to hurt the boss enough to trigger the stormrider cutscene and that took, no joke, 5+ minutes of not being in any danger but just pew-pewing away. I went through my 1-minute cooldowns 6 or 7 times.

Is this what they meant by wanting us to go through our rotations in the open world? LMAO. That was the lamest boss fight I have ever been in while solo leveling. It did not feel epic, just boring, and the only thought in my head was “Will this ever end?”

I figured that while tweeting that under-geared fresh 70s at ilvl 3XX would be just fine, they had at least tested that beach fight. Apparently not, or the intern who drew the short straw to test it and gave it a thumbs up is a hardcore Classic player who never touches retail unless ordererd to.

It doesn’t get better from there, with pointless long fights for almost 0 rewards all through the low 70s.

Who is running this show, and do they have half a clue about what they’re doing?


As someone who had the early access and only started leveling my priest today (70-79 in about 3 hours), the change was for the better. It was boring before and now you actually get to play the game and learn some (SOME) mechanics, if anything I’d say make it harder because M0 is going to be a kick in the teeth for a lot of people based on what I’m seeing.

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So, basically, if you paid more you got a week of buffed Xp, and now it is going to be rolled back.


I hope for your sake Blizzard slows everything to a slog but using new technology to do so exclusively for those asking for it.

Make it a toggle. Call it “Higher HP Mobs” or some such toggle.

For the rest, myself included, I prefer to level very quickly to cap. Blizzard can focus on balancing Level 80 cap content for TWW, IMHO.

Complaining about open world or normal dungeons being easy or fast or both while levlelling? I mean, seriously, why even bother complaining about fast levelling.

Get to 80. Then complain about content balancing if you wish. And even then, open world non-elite areas or normal dungeons? Why even bother to care? Basic content.

Go run mythics, M+, mythic Raids and PVP at level 80.

poor people tax… this is why people quit playing this game right here.


I had the basic timewalker welfare gear set and the mobs died in about 2 seconds. Most expansions weren’t like that at the start but it’s odd to change after months of testing. About level 76 is when it slowed down and somewhat of a rotation was required to kill mobs.

Level 70-74 characters in Mythic gear still blast out huge amount of damage in dungeons relative to higher level so nothing has really changed. If you spam normal dungeons it only takes <4 hours to hit max level.

Then you can just jump on the auction house, buy 550+ blues for cheap, grind heroics for crests, and then craft 590+ gear. Takes about 6-8 hours to max gear a character currently.

Obviously not going to be the case once M+ opens.

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All In a Nutshell folks.

I quoted you with All in a nutshell" but system removed it. So Ill just say, “You are Right”

nice job dividing more the gaming comunity im glad i dont pay to see discrimination or people calling poor others because of early access