Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

I don’t recall it being this bad, pulling all trash mobs to the boss, until DF, and I’ve played since Vanilla. BFA and SL didn’t feel like this. @__@

In DF, as a slow Pally, I would watch the DH tanks tear off and be at the edge of sight with everyone running behind them. This is no longer “tanking” - it is solo’ing with a group that gets left behind, it seems. It’s not fun to just run behind everyone, waiting to play the game with other people? Some classes have better mobility.

And I do like the follower dungeons.


Those are particularly nasty. Melee for 335K Physical and Spell for 435K Shadow. With the density in that area I suspect it was intended for groups (Keyflame WQ). If other cloth classes are wrecking these easily I’d like to see how they are mitigating the damage. The area seems too dense to kite much.

Melee damage is pretty harsh at 80. Gone from about 29% armor mitigation at 70 (iLvl 480) to under 8% at 80 (iLvl 543). Not sure at what iLvl I’ll be back at that 29%.

Wow. So…yeah, I pulled my mage alt into TWW today. Good LORD, what were they thinking? This is absurd. This is a character coming in without any raid gear of any kind. I pulled her up from level 63-68 in like an hour (which was odd), and then I entered the TWW opening scenario wearing green questing gear.

I’m getting absolutely massacred.

Why are we tuning the starting scenario of a brand spanking new expansion for the gear level of Dragonflight Season 3 raiders again? Who were these legions of people complaining?

This beach is brutal for a clothie in Chromie Time greens. Seriously, this is hideous. I’m getting two-shot by trash mobs.


Up to 74 on that Druid now. Not only have things not started to get harder, they actually feel like they’re getting easier

We did this in Dire Maul. Stratholme with 10 mans. UBRS on occasion though it was a bit more challenging – usually pulling to the dog room. Scarlet Monastery was played more like Diablo than WoW (and it was a blast). Did it in the beta dungeons before WoW release. Once we had a little bit of gear, we went for as crazy as possible full time.

My 470 priest is now 74 as well and she’s still walking all over stuff. I think her ilevel is like 510 or something like that by now, and stuff is still effortless, lol.

I just did the Priory as a follower dungeon and it was a bloodbath, mowing down hordes of enemies. Quite fun! got lots of cloth and scrap.

Been quietly watching this thread.

You have 182 posts invested in this single thread.

Having read everyone of all the posts in this thread can say, you seem to be investing a lot to tell a fair number of players they are “wrong, skill issue, get good”, but, from my standpoint, …

You have made your point 182 times.

You lost credibility when you felt you had to it yet the 21st time.


Never once did I ever say “skill issue” or “git gud”.

And many of my posts in this thread were to try and encourage people to give it a try or offer suggestions on how to improve their situation, and/or results of my own testing with different characters.

And sometimes, you know, I have 5 extra minutes here, 10 extra minutes there between chores, before work, etc that I check up on the thread.


And one doesn’t lose credibility because they post an X number of times; facts are facts and truth is truth, regardless of how many times it is said.

It appears as though I worked my tail off to gear up my 6 characters in DF to get them to 510 or so (It took months) . It took hours per week since I don’t care for the ADHD raids just to watch EVERYTHING in TWW kill me with ease. This and the cooking joke have made me decide not to continue to play WOW. Ive played since Worgens were introduced. I have my main up to 8o and most creatures can kill me with ease the 75 and 70 characters don’t fair much better. I enjoy playing solo and please dont anyone tell me how I should be p-laying the game… I pay for it and will play it the way I want. It no longer works for solo players.


Can i have my fast leveling back please


I know everybody likes to tout the line “I play how I want”, but…

You do realize that while you CAN “play how you want”, the developers of the game are assuming you are making certain decisions?

You’re meant to pick a mix of defensive and offensive talents, you’re meant to use defensive cooldowns once in awhile (every warrior I ever levelled, I take Second Wind for example), and you’re not really meant to beeline 80 ASAP (rares drop really nice stuff, and it seems like they made it so that most rares you kill will drop something relevant to you, so I happily offed every one of them I could find and probably had half a kit just out of rare drops).

When I reached level 80 on my first character, I was geared enough to enter Heroic dungeons which surprised the heck out of me. Sure, stuff at 80 was slightly harder, especially elites, but I could kill them with some mild trouble.

Now, I imagine if I rushed to 80 and arrived there, at say 520 or some-crap then yeah I’d be getting my butt handed to me.

But, you know, this is no different than what happens in any past expansions, is it?

And besides, why are you talking about Level 80 when they didn’t adjust level 80 at all? The change only applies to 68-79 (and 68-70 they nerfed the mobs by a small fraction).

Yeah, but unfortunately Blizzard can’t change players with no self-control. Punishing everyone else for it is never the solution and always (rightly) angers the player-base.

Forum armory takes awhile to update, sometimes 2 weeks in my experience.

Usually logging out and back in will update it immediately, but I can’t be bothered to do that just to make a point. Especially on mobile

I’ve logged in and out more than 5 times on this Paladin.

She’s level 80 with 2 pieces of Heroic Dungeon gear.

She hasn’t been 72 since the day they made the change that’s the subject of this thread, lol. And I’ve logged her on and off at least 8-10 times.

I’m up to 8 80s. I leveled a couple after the changes and didn’t notice it being much slower solo queuing. Solo queuing you didn’t always get into a dungeon where someone pulled boss to boss though. Maybe for people who did organized groups doing pure mega pulls every dungeon it’s slower.

Low 70s are still very strong. The dropoff at higher levels is a little bit less noticeable but you’re still significantly weaker at higher levels. All high level groups tend to be much slower than groups with lower levels still (unless you have a stray 580+ geared person that showed up for some reason).

Nothing significantly different in practice. :man_shrugging:


Leveling my Pally right now. I haven’t really noticed anything. I can still play as if I’m unkillable, and the time from 70-80 is super quick still so shrug

Welp better have M+/raid gear from DF or be prepared to slog through leveling on some classes :man_facepalming:


Personally I was a bit worried about these changes when I started leveling my Ret alt. But honestly, it is still super easy and I can blow thru mobs without any issue. I messed around gathering ore and questing for a couple of hours last night and I made it to 73, with my only death being from an exploding ore node.

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To be fair, Paladin is a very poor gauge as it is so broken OP AF that very few things actually scare you as a paladin, lol.