Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

What “low I-level” are we talking? What is your weapon?

EDIT: I don’t know anything about PvP gear since I don’t PvP… so I have no idea what DF Honor gear is, or if it even has stats suitable for PvE.

EDIT2: I looked up the character you’re posting as… if that’s who you mean… you should be absolutely slaying stuff. How long are normal fights taking, exactly?

I’m out and not at home, but I think I’m around 450-60. With one NPC, normal fights are taking maybe 5-10 seconds. The issue is that there’s always swarms of NPCs and those fights feel bitterly long.



Not understanding what’s going on then, or maybe you just have less patience than me or something, I dunno.

Maybe you should level a Ret Paladin instead first lol. They are absolutely bonkers broken, regardless of the change.

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I really wanted to like this expansion and decided to come back and dust off all of my characters; however, with these changes and no longer being alt or solo friendly I decided to ask for and received a refund and cancelled my subscription. Until Blizzard fixes what they themselves broke I will stick to other games,

I would post a link to the Google Drive image confirming the refund and cancellation but am not sure if that violates forum rules and as much as I am upset about the terrible expansion I am going to take the high ground and not get banned for violations.

Peace out everyone.


So, without even trying the expansion you just threw your arms up in the air and said “I give up” without even trying?

I mean, seriously?

And what is “not alt or solo friendly”?

They’ve made HUGE strides towards both.

Heck, they implemented a whole new content system JUST for Solo players, even, that gives good rewards if you put the work in.

This right here is the exact reason we’re pushing back against the complaints so hard. I’ve repeated multiple times throughout this thread several different classes and specs with wildly varying gear levels ranging from “full prepatch 4 piece obviously going to destroy everything” to “sweet Christ how did you even get here with gear that bad” with the absolute worst result, my ilevel 277 havoc demon Hunter, being able to handle 3 targets at once with some time but zero threat to survival

Yet people continue to skip over actual evidence, testing, and examples to just read the complaints, throw their hands into the air, and join the chorus without even attempting to make their own judgments

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you will be fine as long as you know the class…

played my 70 NE outlaw rogue through the starter stuff for TWW np all the way to Dorn… only geared to 480 … and it rocked them …

the only thing is be ready to hit the healer vial as it doesn;t do enough so try to keep it used and I stayed pretty much full health …

Shaman same gear score in enhance was REALLY easy as the procs for instant casts were fast and VERY easy

Mage in Fire Arcane and Frost no real issues … just use the bubbles and you never take damage the shields soak everything as far as the mobs go soloing. \

Monk in WW and BM builds with aroung 480 gear easy … all through dorn UNLESS I went up to elite named 5 levels above and then I got what I deserved…

the GAME has been WAY TOO EASY … for a long time some most I figure have no idea what to do besides the DPS rotation maybe … when soloing you might need to use other abilities and spells … YOU might need to heal yourself too … I know the 1/2 second heal ruins your day because you have no time…

I will also say my WW monk I can’t even use the one ability … rising sun kick + fists of fury = everything in front of me dead… I could never use whitling dragon punch unless something was behind me

using mage NOTHING took my shields down … only time they went down was when I ignored them and didn’t push the button to refresh them …

Do you know how frustrating it is when people try to gaslight you this way? Don’t try to tell me I’m not having problems with the way open world is working out for me.


I’m going to continue to do so when one of classes I’ve tested is the same one you’re allegedly having issues with. What, are you just spamming Moonfire and Sunfire or something?

Great, buddy. You get a boomkin, get it to 545, and then go a questing and see for yourself. Otherwise, you are part of the problem, because otherwise, you are making an assumption and finding ways to justify it. Or simply go read the druid forum…


You know what, I’ll do you one better, I’ll keep you updated on the very Druid I’m referencing. I was thinking about leveling her next anyway

You do that. 545, remember, not 570+ @ lvl80.

So, to start with, this Druid is item level 439. For comparison, world quests in Dragonflight at 70 offer item level 454 gear, and TWW world quests only 408. So probably a reasonable item level for a freshly leveled character going into TWW for the first time is probably around 430-ish

Preliminary testing on the kobolds in the Isle of Dorn for the world quest Wick Points has them dying in about 5 seconds with a simple rotation of Wrath and Starfire. For aoe, the results were about the same, give or take a second or two for gathering and mobs not dying all at the same time. I used Renewal once

I had no issues till 78 or so. The drop in relative power was certainly noticeable, and it got progressively worse till 80. All that was before the scaling change, which may or may not have had an impact.

We’ll see after a few levels then, but after my Warrior who is still mowing things down left and right at 80, and my Mage who only seemed to get stronger as she leveled, I’m not expecting much

Well, boomkin is trash right now, so that could be much of it. Mind that ilvl tho, it seems to make a big difference in how easy open world mobs are right now. I expect 545 is about normal for quest gear.

I will say my burst dps is noticeably lower than my mage’s, but I’m also nearly 50 item levels lower and significantly less practiced with balance. Ultimately it’s not having any significant impact on performance comparatively - in the overworld it equates to having to cast maybe one extra spell on average, and in dungeons it just means I’m not miles ahead of the next highest dps

At 71 I did some talent rearranging and picked Elune’s Chosen, and my dungeon dps basically doubled as I got a batter grasp of the rotation. We’ll see what later levels bring when I’m able to sit down and start hammering it out more

Actually, the term you were probably looking for is sadists.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Other people are playing the same class, the same spec, and a similar item level as you and they’re doing fine.

This means that there’s something they are doing, that you are not or vice-versa. Not going to right out say you’re playing bad, but there’s obviously something different between you and them.

And besides, at Level 80? They didn’t even touch the Level 80 mobs with this change. Why are you talking about Lv80?

If you’re having trouble at Lv80, why not do some dungeons, or heck, some delves so you have Brann to help you, until you get some better gear? I mean, at Max Level, 540 is kind of low for level 80 when rares drop 571 at level 80. Trying to do max level open world content with just green quested stuff (which is 551 btw) was always dicey if you were a “squishy class”. Balance Druids are a caster class and casters are almost always “squishy”. That’s how it’s always been.

If you’re still on the campaign, go kill some rares in the first two zones. They will be low level but still drop 571s.

If this is an alt and you have another character that is 80 and is better geared, Rare Drops are WBuE.

EDIT: You could also get yourself an agility staff and go Feral or Guardian until you get some upgraded gear, as those two specs would have way more survivability than Balance. Farm some rares, do some delves, until you’re more like 560-570 and I think you’ll find that you’ll be way more comfortable.

Right, so we should equate physical pain in your RL body to taking 4-6 seconds longer to kill an enemy in a video game?


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Let’s be real here, the issue isn’t the fact that Blizz pulled this crap, it’s the timing. They decided almost immediately after early access ended to readjust mob scaling, making it feel like those with early access got an advantage, which they did. Blizz honestly should have waited on these changes at least until the season went live.