Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

You didn’t say that, no.

But someone above called me a troll and you responded to me responding to said person, so…

I hope not. I’ll take this character in tomorrow and see. I’m at 502, so hopefully that’ll be fine for the first few levels.

"To disagree is fine, but, and I’m speaking generally here, "

If you didn’t catch that, it was not my intent to call you on it.

You should be absolutely slaying stuff, to be honest.

At 500+, your health is what, probably 1100k? Something like that?

My 370 rogue that had like 500k health was doing fine.

Even at the full +100% health and some damage buff… you’ll kill stuff way more than 2x as fast as I was, and you have double the health I did.

lvling feels fine to me after the nerf, went into ww with around 455 ilvl and only started replacing gear around lvl 73-75, Things died fast enough as well ( arcane mage)

Gonna have a great time on my ilvl 515 hunter though.

We shall see… though on reflection, I might finish my hunter first for the extra 5% xp buff.

That’s what I would suggest.

As someone who hasn’t leveled my main yet, this is super demoralizing to read. I was already on the fence about returning.


And this is why I hate it when people exaggerate and blow crap out of proportion.

They scare people into not even trying it.

I’ve tested several characters and they’re fine.

The first day after launch, before the changes, everything died in 1 or 2 hits and combat was extremely boring. It was like going to a grey area that you were overlevelled for.

It was novel at first, but quickly got old. Now it’s much more reasonable.

I would have much preferred Blizzard nerf our XP rather than boost enemies, where I have to whittle them down. Bleh.

… the whole point of the change was to fix combat so you ain’t killing everything in 2 seconds.

How would nerfing XP gains fix that?

I’m just… not understanding why you want 2 second long fights, like… do you honestly not like actually playing the game or something?

I don’t like spending too much time breaking down NPCs I find irrelevant, like Little Rock elementals or what have you. I wouldn’t mind more challenging combat for elites or dungeons. Do I want to two-shot everything? Most definitely not. But that has not been my experience at all.

People actually consider leveling, “the game?”

It hasn’t been “the game” for 18 years.

And the middle finger trophy for not buying early access goes to…

I dunno, I just had my 470 S.Priest on, and she was doing 4-8 second fights with normal enemies, usually closer to 4 except for the first enemy I pulled with 0 insanity.

Once she killed an enemy or two and kept some insanity going, throwing a DP on something was like 80% of its health over 2-3 seconds, lol.

It’s not “the” game, but it’s a part of the game.

I mean, I do recall spending several hours questing through the story and leveling my first character to 80… I don’t know what I was doing, because apparently I wasn’t playing WoW according to you.

I’m glad I didn’t buy the EA because I would have fallen asleep at the keyboard with 2 second kills.

You may wish to wait for a week or two, while they figure it out. They either see the problems or they don’t, and you will know better if you want to invest your time here after giving them a chance to do their thing.


Yeah, idk. I’m admittedly not a very good player. But I’ve definitely felt like some of these unimportant enemies have had more HP than necessary, like the little murlocs? Ugh. Die already!


I was leaning towards this.

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Might help for you to tell us what level/spec/item level you are, and about what was happening, perhaps?

I took a 350 hunter into IoD and… yeah, kills were a little slow.

I bet I could double the kill speed if I grabbed a 460 gun from Hamuul.

I’m still level 73, and low I-level. But it has felt a little like pulling teeth with some of the Isle of Dorn mobs. Haven’t found gear better than DF honor gear yet so when that turns around, maybe I’ll have these fast kills everyone is talking about?