Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Well, if that’s the toon you are playing, you are at the same ilvl I am, and three levels less. ilvl seems to matter greatlya t 80…

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According to the wowhead post, below 424 still get buffed (they nerf the HP of the mobs). It’s right along the 424 ilvl (and slowly increase as you level) that it’s the hardest.

Armory hasn’t updated, this is the Mage that I just hit 80 on

Above you’ll also see Balance Druid was among the classes I tested, with an item level around what people leveling now would be by the time they hit 70, maybe just a little higher

So I just took my Lv70 S.priest who is 470 who, among my characters, would be the most impacted by these changes.

She is effortlessly walking all over stuff. Yeah, normal mobs like 240k health, but she melts them fast, oftentimes before they even get into melee range.

Even the stronger-than-usual with 495k she still kills without even needing a heal.

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I have a 480 to 490 monk BM and MW builds worked fine…

Mage at 480 all specs fine as I tested them all … some were better than others as I found frost proced most BUT it was probably because I was spaming the wrong buttons on the non frost specs … NONE were incapable of handling the content …

Shaman 480 enhance NO issues (other than they seem to proc A LOT more than the mage) … easy play

rogue outlaw build 480 item score no problems playing at all …

I have a full set of alliance and horde all equiped with at least 480 radiant echoes gear and I bet they will all play fine …

too many players want to 2 button smash to the end … so then can cry “is this all we get?” while right now they are saying that they are only causual players and they don’t have the time … JUST the next 2 years or more…

used to be raiders and PvP players who were hard core had serious bonuses while YES casuals didn’t …

now we want the same for all even without equal effort …

I spent 30+ years driving tractor trailer all over NA working 60 to 70 hours a week and living in the truck YET still could find time to play if i desired …

yes a family can cut back on this BUT if you have kids this is a responsibility YOU chose so why should someone else be penalized for YOUR choice…

IF i had my choice I would have still been married and wouldn’t play WOW at all as my family WOULD take precidence to a silly game…


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430-440 greens are relatively cheap and seem to do the job, not that im that deep in.
I’m still thinking about whether I’ll re-sub in 3 days. I’m not particularly chaffing at the bit to get to 80 main or alts.

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So, my S.Priest got some gear upgrades from crafting and now has 480 at 71 and I even managed to kill a few rares and even a couple 1500k elites, no problem. The elites got me down to like 70% health, but still killed them just fine.

I was also taking on 3-5 normal enemies, and that one Elite came with 2 normal enemies that died to the AoEs, as well.

And I didn’t even use 100% of my toolkit, I had a couple spells I didn’t use like Halo or that Ascending thing.

This change sucks!

Why do you want me to hate leveling even more?

I was actually enjoying it before this galaxy brain move.

Please listen to your customers instead of forum trolls ‘complaining’ that it was too easy.



Everybody who disagrees with you is a “forum troll”?

Are people not permitted to have a differing opinion?

Also, I’ve seen several /1 conversations in the leveling areas in-game where people appreciate stuff not dying in 2 seconds. Many people seem to agree that it was just boring, braindead easy, and they were falling asleep at the keyboard.

And after bringing my 470 S.Priest into TWW, and still steamrolling everything (just not 1-shotting), I would have to say… if they hadn’t made this change, it would have been quite boring, to the point there might as well not BE any combat at all.


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When everybody around you seems like they are the problem…

It’s always the best time to get out a mirror and look in it and ask yourself…

Are you the problem, instead?

Womp womp.

Brought my Lv70 377 Outlaw Rogue to IoD and kills are just a little slow, but the mobs are barely tickling her, finishing fights with normal enemies at like 85-90% health.

the saying is… “champing at the bit”.
chaffing at the bit sounds really uncomfortable :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

unless people have tested the problematic classes/specs, at a particular ilvl/lvl or whatever things are scaling to, everything is going to feel perfectly fine.

my ret feels like a god, and my “glass canon” is all glass, not much canon.
the ability to damage is fine if someone is there to take hits, but there’s very little space to kite things, and if an accidental mob or two get dragged into the fray, or the mob splits/makes babies there’s quickly nothing left to throw at them, and no more snares left because of how long each fight is taking.

maybe everyone else is just a “baddie”
sitting and observing the starter area, rogues look like the squishiest of everything


Well, I dunno, I tested the main classes people were talking about… Mage, Rogue, Hunter, and S.Priest and they all seemed fine to me?


Now granted, my Rogue is getting beaten up a little if she takes on 2-3 mobs, but then that’s what one should expect to be honest.

All I can say is this:

Was on my 72 druid fighting mobs. If I pulled more than 3 it was gonna be a race to see who died first, me or them.

72 Fury Warrior comes in, pulls like 10 mobs, kills them in the time it takes me to kill one and ran to the next group

But just read Balance is getting nerfed next maintenance…sigh

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Some classes excel at different things.

Warriors were always awesome at mowing down packs of weak mobs. That’s just what they’re good at, and it’s always been like that.

Impending Victory is a huge part of this. As long as they can land killing blows, they can just zip themselves to full HP and just keep on going as long as they can keep killing.

To disagree is fine, but, and I’m speaking generally here, when someone says they are having problems, why is it that so many jumps in and argue that since they aren’t having problems, the poster who is must be lying, mistaken, or a crappy player?

That’s trolling, IMO.


I never said any of that, though.

I merely said “I tried one of them myself and it was fine”.

Now, if you take an arcane mage for example and you can’t kill stuff without dying, and I take an arcane mage there and I’m killing stuff just fine…

Well, what exactly does that imply? I’m doing something different than you are. Maybe you’re not using your whole toolkit. Maybe you picked all DPS talents and skipped on all the survival ones.

There’s got to be a reason for that, and it’s not trolling to say that there is.

Now, I jokingly made some comments about people going 100% DPS and 0% survival and a comment here-and-there about people not knowing how to play their class, BUT…

They were not directed at anybody in particular.

I never pointed my proverbial finger at anybody and went “you’re terrible/scrub/idiot/etc”.

Heck, I even posted a video showing proof of me taking my 350ish hunter to IoD and having her fight 3 mobs at once, in response to a hunter saying it was “impossible” and that their pets were constantly dying. In said video, my own pets never went below 90% health.

Was it trolling for me to do that?

At what point do we start realizing that some people are either lying, exaggerating, or just not knowing how to play their classes?

As i said, it was a general comment, not specifically directed at you.