Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

So now that I finally finished the main story campaign and now can skip intro…

I took my 295 Arcane Mage into the IoD and…

Mobs are 112k and she’s killing them comfortably.

Same with Balance.

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played my rogue and WW monk NO issues whatsoever … today

77, Frost (Frostfire), primarily dungeons and then before logging off for the night I went and blasted some random mobs and rares around all 3 zones just to see how it felt

I have heard that Fire in particular is pretty bugged, like Living Bomb just straight up doesn’t work properly, so if anyone is playing that that might explain their issues

Here is this better for you then? The mage in question. I’m not trying to hide anything, I just post on my Classic main to post on them, and to consolidate my posts on to one character so that if anyone responds to me, I’ll actually see the notification for it

Want to embarrass yourself any further?

505 at level 77, actually


I tried the starting of TWW and played all 3 specs at 70th to test it out …

yes fire procs less often BUT i think it is because I was using the wrong abilities to try and get the instant casts …

Arcane is a little better damage I think than fire but as I said might be me…

for soloing frost is great damage survivability needing only that you actually rotate through spells…

THE classes aren’t supposed to be D4 with only 5 abilities … but sometimes I wounder if this isn’t the issue …

I played my monk i BM WW modes and it was EASY today… Rogue in outlaw again easy only thing was self healing was a bit low but I had no issues …

Mage in all 3 specs and no real issue that wasn’t probably operator disfunction

People want it the way it was at the end of DF where they out power the content with an exponential number

In campaign mode, that’s true. Once you’ve done the campaign everything scales to your level and there are no longer any above or below level mobs.

Leveling is so tedious right now. I’m fighting sponges and getting hit with 1 poison and it does 60% of my hp.


But someone with a 525+ iLvL character said it was easy still. :person_facepalming:


What class/area/I-level?

I tested a lv70 295 arcane mage and a lv70 350ish hunter, and they were both fine.

Kills were a little slow but they could kill comfortably.

My paladin was 72 and 450 when the change went live and she was fine.

Just dinged 80 on my Mage. All the way up to 79, still had zero issues staying alive and was killing things in seconds, even had one incident where I zoned out of a dungeon into a group of around 10 mobs in a world quest area, first time I even saw red borders outside of a dungeon. I’ve been soloing level 80 rares as early as 76 without issue, even finished out the last level in Azj-Kahet just to be absolutely certain it wasn’t some wonky zone scaling (even though every zone scales with your level after you’ve finished the campaign). Killed a level 79 rare in about 11 seconds. I really don’t know what else to tell people. Get good, I guess?

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ilvl please?


For my now level 80 Mage? 545. 527 before equipping stocked up level 80 gear

I also went over various characters at various item levels ranging from full prepatch to not even DF-level heirlooms here

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Then you are doing far better than several of us posting here. Typically, when people are posting back that they aren’t having issues, their ilvls are 570+

You may just be the sort who like the added complexity. For me, i don’t want every quest mob encounter to be a boss fight, and that is what it’s turned out to be at 545, with boomkin, for me. And before you say git gud, or whatever, open world content needs to be the easiest content in the game…content that newbies who are just starting out, perhaps with a boosted character, because if they can’t handle open world, they aren’t going to be handling anything. They won’t stay long.


There is no added complexity. Things are dying just as easily now as they were in prepatch. Rares are still dying in seconds. Normal mobs don’t survive even a single rotation unless your gear is on par with my demon hunter’s. That’s the point I’m getting at here, people yelling about how the nerf is too much and that early access was “pay to win” are making fools of themselves. This is either a skill issue, or people who heard it was nerfed threw their hands in the air and gave up before even testing it for themselves

there seems to currently be an issue with BM and warlock VW where they are super fragile and also aren’t properly generating aggro. (Or at least there was last time I logged in, a handful of days ago)


The gameplay is so bad right now. I’m fighting literal raid bosses as normal mobs


FOR you, as you say, but not for me. I noticed a massive difference from the day before, and the day after that scaling change. Now, I dinged 80 just before the scaling change, but i was having power problems from around 78 or so. Maybe Bommkin sucking, maybe be this is always the way it is, but to me, it’s not fun.

It’s not fun enough that i don’t want to play.

EDIT I was part of prepatch so don’t make this political, please.

Then you’re playing a different game. That’s the only other conclusion I can make

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