Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming


I just want to thank you. I was going to purchase the new expansion tomorrow and come back to WoW again. You have made it so much easier for me to now remember why I stopped playing. You have decided that because of 10 to 20% of the player base being over geared to increase difficulty for all returning players and new customers to your game. I am happy to see this prior to playing.
Also, it reminded me to remove my payment method from battlenet, that I had forgotten that I have been paying the subscription since dragonflight. I just wanted to tell you thank you again.


I leveled a survival hunter 70 to 79 since the patch. i dont really see much of a difference compared to the warrior i leveled during early access. everything still goes down very easy. it was a breeze.

I get it, this must be a meme, I swear I’ve seen this exact post somewhere before…

what level is mage?
what spec?
…and where are you questing?

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You should know that people who post on a classic character is just trolling the retail forums.

Hiding their achievements and armory so they don’t get caught in lies.

i try to give people the benefit of the doubt…

about the only way i could think that things would be getting easier, is if they’ve outleveled the lowbie area.

or maybe some specs are performing better than others :woman_shrugging:

They should just give classic WoW their own forum already where they can’t troll the retail forums and where retail characters can’t troll the classic forums Sick of classic WoW players trolling our forums when they don’t play retail.

Classic characters have no leverage in retail discussions and should never be taken seriously.

I’m having the same issue. My hunter in 350ish ilvl is not having a good time and has barely leveled, while my warlock at 73 with some current items is having no trouble.

Voidwalker is definitely getting slammed. My demo lock with the guard is breezing through things- switching to affliction sees me struggling immediately. Void can’t hold threat and takes a ton of damage when it finally does.

Seems like the tuning is definitely bad in certain circumstances.

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I don’t see much of a difference to be honest. I leveled my BM hunter to 80 in EA. Now I’m leveling my MM hunter since the change and I don’t seem to be having any trouble. Though she is in all 502 gear, which isn’t that high compared to others.

I think you just answered your own question.

I suspect the people struggling are in much lower ilvl.

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Specifically if you look at the chart of ilvl posted on wowhead where the “nerf” drops off the mobs, if you’re close to that ilvl, it’s extremely difficult. That’s exactly what I am running into. Obviously if you’re 500+ ilvl coming in, you’re in a much better position than those of us down in the 420+ ilvl range and upgrading with drops. We stay right near the bottom ilvl the entire time.


So far, I can almost always guess that posters have 570+ ilvl when they post about how easy open world content is…


This is what I noticed as well. My ele shaman didn’t have very good gear and still doesn’t. The first couple levels I got him where do-able but after the change to ilvl scaling came through, none of my abilities really proc like they did before and mobs just live FOREVER… which made me not want to really focus on them. I just suffer a level at a time and change to another character to get them a simple level. Eventually I’ll get them to 80.


You are more dedicated than I am. I like questing. Open world is what I do. If I’m not having fun questing because mobs are too overtuned to enjoy killing them, then there really is little left.


I took my 500 I-level MM hunter in just last night and at 70 she was still murdering things pretty well. I’ll have to see if 71-75 seems any different when the secondaries start to significantly drop off.

Leveling sucks now. I do crap damage and take a lot of damage.
Excellent way to treat people who don’t waste money on EA.


“Alpha,” (what a BS statement that is) they didn’t care they needed to make $ streaming.

“Beta” was shut down early and they focused like an AI machine on dungeons and raids without a care of all the bugs & issues on the leveling beta server.

This was the worst beta I have been in… and I was around when Rogues got some mail armor for a few hours.

Dying all the time and not being able to get even a stupid world quest done.

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For what its worth on my fire mage noticed a massive difference with the change, less so on my warrior. Both had same ilvl. Played both before change, warrior was a bit faster than mage for killing, but while war is a little slower now it feels like the mage got nerfed into the ground.