Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Not cool. You inconsiderate putzes.

You guys got it wrong and waaaayyyyyy overdid this. Maybe it was too easy before the fix, but now ordinary mobs are crushing my hunter pets and feel like heroic dungeon mobs. It is not just taking longer, now you have the opposite problem where the non-elite, trash mobs are OP when they shouldn’t be… and still so at level 80- not just leveling.

Fix it again.


Ugh I dont think i have ever asked for “More grind”

I was reading earlier someone said the same thing as a Warlock about their void pet that was getting two shot. I don’t recall void pets getting hit that hard ever unless it’s an elite or two. So that sounds a bit off and not sure what’s going on there.

They didn’t make any changes to 80 though




Hunters and hunter pets are fine at leveling, and at 80 they didn’t touch them.

Frost Mage, full prepatch, item level 480: enemies die to a light cough

Shadow Priest, season 3 low M+, item level 452: enemies die to a light cough and a sneeze that gets stuck halfway out agitating the crap out of you

Destruction Warlock, season 4 low M+, item level 496: can’t even get the cough out before they fall over dead

Balance Druid, season 3 raid finder, item level 439: alright this joke is getting old let’s really dumpster our item level…

Havoc Demon Hunter, freshly leveled, few random drop prepatch pieces, still in level 49 and 59 heirlooms, item level 277: wow enemies actually survived more than a couple of seconds…still no fear of dying, even after pulling 3 at once

Conclusion: Giant. Nothingburger. You people complaining about leveling being too hard now are just embarrassing yourselves

“Oh but that’s at level 70 where you’re strongest it gets worse as you level!” Alright here’s a bonus just for you

Fury Warrior, fresh level 80, logged off after dinging in prepatch and haven’t logged back in since, item level 551: oh no, things are surviving slightly longer than with my prepatch geared characters, the horror…


Didn’t work. I have a level 72 mage out dpsing me by 400k as an ILVL 580 Ret paladin.

No its not the gear Blizzard. ITS YOUR BUFFS TO CLASSES and NERFS TO OTHERS.

Maybe they didn’t plan to, or don’t think they did, but they did. At first, I thought it was maybe just boomkin sucks, which it does, but now all kinds of classes are reporting it.

Any way it happened, open world normal mobs are too much for any of this to be fun, and I was sitting there thinking bout how sorry it would be to do a WQ today, and I just logged off. Open world should not be this hard/time-consuming.

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In pvp a level 80 frost mage crits for 8 mill on their ice beam… Yet they say its gear… Hilarious.

Noticed this also on my retail hunter. If anything, they should get rid of the stupid mend pet cd, or make beast mastery less dependent on pet damage, and let the hunter weapons actually do more damage.


there are some 80 mobs on dorn at 71, I almost attacked a group there.

I hope they do. Nothing like cratering a new expansion with bad decisions. Only a sub loss will wake(a tiny bit) the devs up.


A bunch of the “too easy” folks were lying their asses off. A few of the classes were too survivable…pally, dk, druid. But others were not. They balanced off of dungeon spam, using overgeared raiders who always claim “too easy”.


i switched to leveling my paladin, and seem to be saving a lot of folks from dying out in the world.
…at least i feel useful :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
(now i just need my own pocket healer, so i can get my mage to 80)

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Sharing my experience: I leveled my warrior to 80 post these changes and I felt like it was nothing, and the gear ilvl was 499 at start.

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:popcorn: :clown_face:

Honestly I feel like I’m being gaslit, I feel like I’m getting stronger as I level on my mage. Seriously when can I expect to hit this wall people are complaining about where a single mob takes minutes to kill, and more than one at a time is a death sentence?

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What xp boost? Do you mean killing things faster? That sounds like an awful lot of work to implement for no purpose. What would be the goal of this, exactly? Do you really want blizzard spending development time on that?

I don’t know where people are getting these ideas honestly. Before the change, I was one shotting equal level mobs on my ilvl 478 warrior alt. The game does not become an interminable grind just because a middling geared character cannot one shot mobs.

People really will act like the sky is falling over any little change, won’t they?