Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

The scaling won’t affect you much at all.

The mobs were increased by 50%, but since you are <350, they are nerfed by 50% for a 0% change.

So what is the absolute worse spot to be in ilevel wise if being lower ilevel doesn’t matter as much.

Level 72 at 450+ IIRC.

At 450+, no nerfing to the scaling and at Lv72, the mobs were buffed by about 110%.

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At level 73, my BM hunter was killing mobs instantly pre-nerf.

Now at 74, my BM hunter still kills things much faster than my ilevel 584 level 80 devoker.

Nerf seems fine to me. Low level alts still feel overpowered actually.

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Hmm I might need to dig around for an alt with that. To be fair tho, if their data shows things are wonky in that range at that ilevel I guess they’ll just give it another tuning pass.

God, devoker needs help. It’s so friggin’ squishy it isn’t even funny.

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Also depends on where you are too.

If your 74 is in the Isle of Dorn, then you’re fighting enemies that are 1 level less than you which means yes, you will kill stuff fine.

My paladin is in Deeps at 79… everything is 2 levels green at 75.

I kill things in 2-3 seconds again.

One Wake of Ashes instantly kills like 5 normal enemies.

I agree that Devoker is pretty squishy. I find myself taking a lot of damage and then having to heal it up.

I’m also getting much better at kiting using hover than I did pre-patch. Trying to stand and tank like I did in DF is pretty painful.

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My 74 is in Deeps.

I don’t think it matters much which zone you are though. All the TWW zones scale to your level. Elite and non-elite Mobs from one zone pretty much have the same health in every zone, depending on your level (and at 80, your item level).

I hate targeting circle abilities with a passion.

I don’t know why Blizz thinks it’s a good idea to have to use a targeting circle in the middle of combat. Feels so clunky. Same reason why I hate D&D on Death Knight.

Ahh. was just making sure, lol.

I know, right after the change went live, I saw some people in the thread going “WTF BLIZZ I WAS GETTING 11.5K XP BEFORE AND NOW I’M ONLY GETTING 5k!!!” … and they are level 75-76 and almost certainly on the IoD which is about what you will be if you do every single sidequest there before going to Deeps.

Yeahhh, though that’s very quickly stomped on due to the hard lock breath spells that can mean life or death in some circumstances. I don’t think evoker should necessarily be this squishy. Like, the outgoing damage is…very middle of the road but at least give them a little bit more oomf. A little more survivability to take some damage.

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Yeah, you’d think a fricken dragon wouldn’t be so squishy.

I suppose they felt that the squishiness is a tradeoff for being so mobile.

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RIGHT? Like, we’re literally covered in scales head to toe you’d think we’d be able to survive as well as a hunter taking the same damage we are but nOoOoOooO.

Hey, at least you have some flippin self-heal.

Unlike hunters.

Well. Ok. They have a 30% heal every what was that, 3 minutes?


Switched over to healer today to see how that felt. I’m not a good healer, by any stretch, but I enjoy trying. Was great until I hit 78, then I couldn’t keep up on the monster pulls and started seeing deaths here and there and a wipe or two(again mega trash pulls). I don’t know if it is me(likely), scaling, people standing in fire(also likely), or the changes from yesterday. I also notice my heals are now tickling the bars instead of moving them.

I should finish the hpal off tonight or tomorrow and I’m switching back to the gdruid to finish it off.

I loved leveling in the ghostlands for that exact reason. I would get a bunch of missions and go wild completing them. Turn in was often 2 levels.

This is a pretty good advertisement for getting early access in the next expansion Midnight TBH. Get in early or miss the unnerfed experience!


I was leveling last night on my hunter and just as I thought, the scaling changes didn’t affect much about the clear times. People were still pulling half the instances at a time, and lower levels were still bursting for almost a million dps. Just as I thought, people were blowing the changes out of proportion. :joy: :joy:

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Except for some people who were doing full DPS talents with zero survivability complaining that they were getting killed in solo fights, lol.

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Oh yes it did. I bought some of it and some of it I sold and others bought.