Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

you never ran a heroic or mythic 0 maw of souls then or any high level key because aoe was uncapped in legion

Blizzard needs to get back to making a game and ignoring both fan bois and detractors…

When this game came out everyone cried about the game being too “cartoon” or this and that and yet it grew and grew…

now listening to the complaints from both sides for 15 years tells me blizzard either has to get back to doing what they used to do OR just close the game down and give it all up …

Silence is consent, in most boardrooms. A good team listens to feedback. If they hear nothing, theya re going to assume everyone is content.


I can agree with you … sadly THESE forums are TOXIC …

like most forums these day NO discussion only toxic trolls and if they are pro what is going on blizzard listens and anyone else gets thier post scrubbed because they are trying to cause issues

Been there done that …

Only came to the forum to see if the game was back working in some dory of fashion other wise … neh how cares…

Blizzard ONLY hears thier fan bois that is all

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You accuse me of being new and then post that?


After my own tests last night and people still complaining about it today, the only thing I have left to say is “skill issue”

BM is terrible after the ‘fix’. My pets drop like a rock with 2-3 trash mobs now. It’s ridiculous.


It’s pretty fun haha.

I never thought in a million years I’d play ret but it’s quite insane tbh

I am now on a 327 Mage with green gear I got from the gear update at level 60, no enchants, no potions, no flasks, and I made it past the Dalaran intro and onto the beach and am doing fine. Again as a level 70 327 ilevel frost Mage. I am therefore the most legendary elite gamer in the universe if I can beat the beach quests in Dorn. I haven’t changed gear at all since the free gear update at level 60.

Is Liquid recruiting?

It’s such a variance in leveling dungeons now and I don’t understand why. Like in the dungeon I just did, me being a 77 blood dk, there were two players 70-72 they were doing INSANE damage. I couldn’t even hold agro in a regular pull, the boss died in under 10 seconds. Why are some players not affected by this so-called nerf but others are? Something is clearly not right.

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TLDR: Leveling feels about the same at 70 for my mage but spec matters. Frost was fast but topped out fast during aoe, arcane a tad bit slower than frost but high damage out put on aoe and single targets. And Fire got murdered in the nerf. Fire hurts to play in open world and the first delve it was rough.

So, to test the leveling difficulty I grabbed my new mage was 394 total. so, I level this mage all of lvl 70 in tww using only campaign given gear and with each spec. My opinion FROST > ARCANE > FIRE. Fire got nerfed to the floor and is doable but frustratingly slow open world kills compared to frost and arcane. Arcane gave me bigger number but frost felt faster. Fire was a slog, and the streak were cumbersome.

I will keep test using campaign only gear and compare to my EA bm hunter who had 503 total ilvl with gear bonuses and paired bullion rings trinket and weapon. Honestly, bm hunter felt just ok compared to mage. I didn’t try survival or markman as I level so I can’t say. I just didn’t think about survival during leveling becuase I was just into the story.

I can say my lvl 73 aug evoke has been nerfed as I was lightly farming leather with it and before patch was doing 5 mobs pretty comfortabley and now that is 3.

my 72 paladin was crazy op last I played him but will try him soon.

boomkin lvl 71 felt good and easy but just herbing and WQ before nerf.

may start a new post as I journal all these classes and spec and compare heroic skills

Aprpeciate your efforts, but with my boomkin, it didn’t get nasty until about 78. At 80, in (what I would call standard open world gear) 545, I can expect to ragefight for my life with two quest-trash mobs, and be murdered by 3, no matter how I play the thing.

It used to be like that in vanilla with boomkin, and it was not fun then, either.


So I know Balance Druid is weak now, so I’m having a hard time deciding if the real problem here is boomkin, or the scaling. I don’t have another character anywhere near 80, so I have no reference.

But some single target things that cannot be slowed or CC’d are super rough. Can watch certain classes DESTROY elite areas while my spriest struggles to kill one. 76+ definitely needs to see more nerf-tuning.

Can you give me an example? I’m not having much of a problem but I may not have encountered the mob you are having issues with.

I can say elite are just tougher now… Basically, they just take about twice as long in my experience with quest elite mobs around the sardyn are and open world silvers… I don’t die per se but they just don’t take as much damage from me so fights are long. if you get adds with an elite it can get rough.

There’s an area in Hallowfall, the Bleak Sand. Shadowtide Corruptors, and a lot of the elite areas in general are very rough. My power word: life procs a lot, angelic bulwark. Just trying to spam heal to live.

lmao, the early access payers had it easy, and when the game opened up to the other players, it all gets nerfed. It is amazing that people defend this, im assuming theyre bots or AI, because no one in their right mind would be cool with how this went down. Now you PAY to exploit early lol.



Item Level.

It’s called, Item Level.

What you do, is get an awesome weapon, say a 480 from doing Fyrakk, etc.

Then kit yourself out with 320 gear from the AH or something.

Your overall item level will stink but your weapon will be ludicrously powerful and your DPS will be insane if you’re a melee.

also with a spriest, I was really struggling on rares with 5m or more hp until I hit some threshold and now I can get most of the 7.4m rares. Scaling issues at 80 I guess. I’m guessing its mastery. I miss threads. I don’t like how flash heal cast consumes 25% of my mana.

I’m glad I was not an EA player.

Easy != Fun

It would have been boring AF. As it is I did half of IoD before the change went live, and for that time that I was playing, it was very mind-numbingly boring.

Fast yes, but boring.

The story was kinda interesting, and it was nice seeing the delves etc but the while time I was just bulldozing everything.

After the change, I could at least use a full rotation sometimes and a few rares managed to make me cast WoG.

EDIT: I’ll even give you a bonus tip: The areas do not scale completely with your level, at least on your first character. Isle of Dorn maxes out at 73, while Deeps maxes out at 75.

If you want that easy XP back, just get to 76+ and go to IoD and do the side-quests you skipped there.

This might be a nice tactic for people who are struggling at 76… go back to IoD and do any sidequests if you skipped any.

But what if I’m in full 327 greens on a level 70 frost mage? And still can complete the whole first zone.