Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

yep… mage and warlock seem to be in a pretty bad place

i’ve given up on my mage and switched to paladin, and stuff is just melting.

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We know they aren’t going to change it back no matter how overwhelming the pushback is. That would be admitting they were wrong.


my 70 druid got several levels no problem. Basically unkillable. my 70 survival hunter would occasionally get slightly beat up. especially in delves. they don’t seem much different then leveling my warrior before the patch. it’s been smooth. my hunter is now 75. still fine.

I can tell you that my Bal is basically unplayable at 80, ilvl 545. That’s the only character I have at 80 now, so it’s difficult to determine if it’s the class or the mobs. Up until 78 or so, everything was fine, but that was before the mob changes.

At 72, ilvl around 480, Ele Shaman is having no problems, but then again, neither did the druid.


Dude its just gold. The higher priced stuff did not sell anyway.

That sounds like a you issue.

edit: They nerfed the level 80 stuff as well.

It sounds like a subscription loss issue to me.


Why? Because you do not know how to play a balance druid?

My, isn’t this tedious. I’ve played balance for at least a decade. I might not be cutting edge, but I do know when my fave class is underperforming.

So, unless you have something interesting to say, bugger off.


People did this in TBC. If you entered Outland with level 60 blues and a few purples, you could wreck 90% of Outland and not replace a thing until you started hitting dungeons. People absolutely griped about that. This is nothing new.

But we didn’t have this scaling thing back then, and the complaint here is a just one, I think.


Beast Master Hunter isn’t in a great spot either after Blizz nerfed us into the ground. Pet aggro only seems to work on a single mob, while the rest of the enemies are killing you.


I went to the AH to see about upgrading my gear on my lock (level 73, 457 ilvl) and while it “should” help, based on the current pricing, someone else is going to have to do this test.

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If you’re getting near instant ques, or instant, I doubt it.

Blizzard really trashed up BM for sure.


Yup EA trashed the markets. Then to add insult to injury they went ahead and plugged all the nice little exploits for the casuals to slog through with a yoke. My advice is play tww like its a survival game and sell to your friends or non-api bots. the api stuff is just broke.

maybe try the follower dungeons then this is how dungeons have been for 10+ years

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No, no it hasn’t.
Chain pulling, maybe, but all trash from boss to boss pretty much started during DF, possibly SL.

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try legion homie

Yeah I didn’t see that during legion, and I played plenty of dungeons, so yah I don’t buy it lol.

If it was happening, it wasn’t widespread/mainstream like it is now.

Personally I’m glad Blizzard made the changes. (see last sentence) for reason)

I had surgery last Friday and planned on spending my recuperation with a return to Wow.
Did not play prematch or Remix, last played time DF last winter so crap gear.
Played some before hotfix; questing and open world was okay, kept me distracted by moving fast enough to keep storyline interesting.
Post hot fix - cast spell, cast spell, self heal, self heal, cast spell cast spell, self heal, self heal, cast spell, cast spell, self heal, cast spell, cast spell.
per mob
since most mobs bring a friend or two, throw in some kiting and choose a good place to maybe die.
Sit, eat. Wait. Even after a single mob.
Why was I killing these mobs again? Where was I in quest?
This sort of reminds me of old days, more frustration and grind than distraction or enjoyment, definitely not into a semi return to old days, think I’ll go find something else to do.
Maybe go solo some Eso group dungeons or PvP there.