Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

i’ll have gained a little rested by then.

…but knowing my luck, i’ll go get my xp buff, and accidentally pull the entire world and lose the buff straight away :laughing:

I wasn’t even talking about the XP buff, I meant the profession quests there. Those, along with the daily pet battles, should see you get 80 in about a week.

Do the Cooking/Fishing Dailies still give XP post 70? I know they did Pre-70… if so, that’s 2 more per day.

A big chunk of them don’t get leveld until much later into the game.

My plan is to just have 4 characters leveld, my warband that is.

I’m wondering at this point it’ll be pointless to upgrade heirlooms.

IMO, Heirlooms are indeed pointless, what with how they want several hundred thousand to get a set upgraded from the previous expansion and then after you blow all that money, what you end up with is basically quested greens. You don’t even get dungeon-equivalent stats anymore.

Cooking and Fishing Dailies (in the vanilla towns) indeed give good XP.

At 76, they’re offering me 11.3k XP.


Blizzard forgot there’s different classes, different specs, and armor/casters. My spriest gets rocked harder than my frost mage, because my mage can kite most things. But some single target things that cannot be slowed or CC’d are super rough. Can watch certain classes DESTROY elite areas while my spriest struggles to kill one. 76+ definitely needs to see more nerf-tuning.

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Thank you I appreciate your efforts.

Things can’t be perfect right away with everything, and that’s why we give feedback.

Every game has it’s bugs and glitches that need to be worked out.

Sorry for the rude people :smiley:

Or maybe it isn’t the mobs that need adjusting, but rather the class?

Maybe we shouldn’t have super-squishy classes that have very little if any survivability or self-healing?

Seems kinda silly that any warrior, death knight, paladin, or shaman can self-heal until the cows come home AND have damage reduction abilities, but a rogue gets a piddly 20% every 30 seconds and the ability to avoid or run away from combat which doesn’t help when you need to kill something.

I dusted off my Rogue and Evoker, got them to 71 a bit ago. It was noticeable compared to early access on my Paladin - he just melted through everything.

During early access, I felt like The Bride in Kill Bill against the Crazy 88 - just chopping through crowds. But this morning, my rogue was struggling with bigger pulls and my Evoker had to use more than one spell to kill stuff.

I wish I had more time to take advantage of the busted early access, I only got my Pally to about 77.

But that would actually require effort from Blizz and we know they don’t like putting that much effort forth. My mage here is frustrating to level now compared to Tuesday when it was no problem and enjoyable. Starting to feel like I should just start over, which makes me less motivated to even play.

Every engagement makes me feel weak. Most engagements…and I’m talking open world here, is more work then it should be.

I did one bountiful delve last night. At 80, ilvi 545 on Balance Druid, I was wrecked near immediately on level 2, and level one, although successful, to WAY too long, for a piece of gear that was not an upgrade.

My days of enjoying combat in this game is long over, and these changes have made this game supremely not fun for me.


I’ve only really played Balance so far, although I’ve started leveling an Ele Shaman. Balance was a problem starting around 78 or so, and now, it’s painful. The class is part of the problem…was a problem before the changes to mobs, and it’s even worse now.

So for me, it’s both the class behaving subpar, and it is the new mob changes. The combination, as it stands now, is so not fun as to be unplayable, to me.

I just hope with 4k responses, they see this is a bad change and revert it. Just sucks the day I wanna start leveling alts this happens

I’m being told that the way to get money for EA is to skip meals. So, how much will EA cost for Midnight so I will know how many meals I need to skip so I won’t be punished for leveling late?

I find it easier questing in Guardian spec tbh. You can tag with Moonfire in bear form and AoE mobs down. Quick and easy, and as a tank, you’re not gonna die easily.

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Who can I thank at Blizzard for giving me a 5% increase to xp gains for my first alt while increasing the time it takes for my alt to kill mobs by 100%. A stroke of genius really. Seems like you fixed another problem you didn’t have because some developers felt people weren’t enjoying the game. Bravo! Mobs are now harder to kill and I’m not enjoying the game.


No it’s pretty boring. Remix was boring after 2 weeks and that’s the entire expansion.

4k responses not 4k people opposed. These changes barely even did anything. It’s still completely numbing.


which classes have you tested with?

I started on a lock this morning (was 440 ilvl when I started, 457 now). Adventure mode in Hallowfall, 70-72 was fine, all was going well, than I dinged 73 and all of a sudden mobs are literally hitting my pet for 50% of their HP and knocking them over. My entire rotation now is cast a spell, res my pet, cast a spell, res my pet, repeat. Seems like a bit of a jump.