Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

A demon hunter ate dirt?

What, has he never heard of eye lasers or something? Was he not picking up orbs?

I haven’t tried it yet myself, but I will tonight. I don’t play WoW on some work nights.

My monk seems to have a handle on things, and most of my malee, but my casters are fragile.

I shouldn’t have to feel that getting geared from the event was a waste of time, maybe the gear disappearing from warbanks was done on purpose.

I have an idea how to walk around this, not sharing or they’ll just nerf that too.

I would think that the only classes that have a right to complain are Mage and Rogue. Everybody else has more than enough tools to deal with whatever the game throws at you, even if it does have double the health pool.

i’d be VERY interested in seeing character death stats between yesterday and today

it’s fine to need to think and plan, but having to use your entire toolkit to kill a single mob, then sit and eat after each pull is going back to vanilla.

ain’t nobody got time for that jazz.


Hunter heals are garbage, Marksmanship are most likely to be eaten alive too.

I think it’s more skill issue. People got used to faceroll Remix and Prepatch and now, they’re expected to actually take survival talents, and use self-heals and defensives sometimes, and it blows their minds.

My hunter had no problem dealing with 3 mobs at once, even severely under-geared, even with me letting one of them beat on me.

Now, granted, might need to eat every so often, but dear Lord, I didn’t even touch Cooking in DF because it just wasn’t needed at all.

i WANT to try my paladin, but i’m so disheartened at what i’m currently seeing with the mage, i’ve kind of lost interest.
(which is a BIG statement coming from me, the alleged “blizz do no wrong shill”) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

wasn’t that uploaded prior to the change?

also rofl @ the chat

No, check the date and time, it was yesterday after maint.

says it was uploaded 14 hours ago
i’m not sure what time the changes went live.
i was sleeping

That was well after the changes went live.

14h ago would have been 4PM EST.

Maint ended around 2PM EST.

Nobully lives in Australia.

Ret paladin is the most busted spec in the game rn.

Absolutely play ret. It’s so insanely strong.

Wake of Ashes is just LOL with the Hero Talents.

Sure, I wanna do 800k+ damage in 2-3 seconds, haha.

Dungeons is especially fun, just watching whole groups melt under the weight of my huge hammers.

ok, you’ve convinced me.

sorry my lovely mage, you’re getting shelved for the first time ever. :sob:
she’s 1 bubble away from 74… i’ll hit 74 then she can nope out for a while.

Tell that to the people who got to sell all the new items at higher prices. lol

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Do the pet battle dailies and once she hits 80, get her some crafted gear or what-not and it’ll be like the change never happened (since they didn’t touch lv80 mobs).

EDIT: Also don’t forget the Darkmoon Faire is this Sunday, that’ll be another chunk of XP, maybe like 2 bubbles worth.

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What I do is have a day to spend time with my alts. Sunday’s are my day I plan on getting some to just 71. My survival hunter is 1 so far (only because Area 52 crashed) 62 to go.

Dear Lord I can’t imagine having 60 some alts.

I feel a huge weight on me just having 30-ish.