Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

I’ve only died from pulling the level 80s and if I pull more then 5 things.

i get the feeling there’s probably a lot of creep between levels.

at 72/73, my mage is struggling with more than one mob at a time… and that’s never been a thing, in any leveling content.

i had a very close call with a named mob, conjured some food, sat down to eat, and died from a dot :laughing:

it was funny, but it’s not funny.

people in questing gear coming out of DF are going to get slaughtered


No, they’re not.

Especially not if you go to TWW at 68 (the mobs were made easier for those people).

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It’s ilvl scaled. So people of lower ilvl will be doing roughly the same as someone with endgame df

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Well, I played for a couple of hours, got another level or 2. Mobs need to be pulled cleaner, have to heal myself afterward, etc. Yeah, seems a touch harder than yesterday but meh…quest mobs still die, I’m still getting things done. No big deal.


Having to actually use your toolkit is more engaging, isn’t it?

Everybody always complained that “leveling doesn’t matter because it’s so faceroll easy” and it’s one of the things everybody harped on about since Wrath.

So they make leveling harder and they go “NOOOOO DON’T DO THAT!” while simultaneously playing Classic during Retail downtime, it’s so stupid.


On my rogue I could use ambush, immediately put on rupture (regardless of combo points) and then that talent that executes based off bleeds would immediately proc and kill it. I appreciate them making mobs harder so it will be more interesting when I choose to level my first alt.

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Alright, got around to giving the new scaling a go like I mentioned earlier

During early access, I leveled as a Fury Warrior. This Warrior went in with full prepatch gear, upgraded into tier. Throughout the whole process I was able to pull entire groups and mow them down with aoe without issue. This did slow down a little as I leveled, but nothing more than expected as the level scaling caught up with the gear I was wearing.

I’m now skipping the Dalaran intro with an Assassination Rogue with ilevel 354, decked out in almost all level boost gear.

I can confirm that things are definitely a lot tougher, but again this is with a severely undergeared Rogue. A single normal enemy took a fair amount of time to kill, and taking on two at once I didn’t have any issue surviving, but it took quite some time and I did need to use my crimson vial

Now I’m going to try on my Monk, who is in mostly prepatch gear at ilevel 441, and with the DF 4-piece bonus:

The Monk felt a lot closer to my experience on my Warrior. Things were surviving slightly longer of course, but the difference was inconsequential

Conclusion: This whole nerf is one big nothing burger. Even my severely undergeared Rogue could still manage with some effort, and the only people that are going to have gear that bad are level boosts, and they’re going to get good enough gear in their first few moments that it will barely matter anyway. People leveling normally will have way better gear and have zero issues


Huh, I just noticed something.

The entire continent doesn’t scale all the way from 68 to 80.

Isle of Dornogal stops going up at 73.

That’s interesting. That was probably one of my biggest complaints about scaling in general is that the “everything is always your level” was kinda boring. This’ll be cool for alts, if you want to you could go orange, or you could do pet battles until IoD is green.

Maybe this is why some people are complaining about getting 5k XP? They dinked around on the IoD and they are now 76 in a 73 zone?

EDIT: Yeah, at 75 I’m only getting 8,700XP instead of the 10.8k I was getting.

So I’m doing the Rookery at 75 with followers and honestly I don’t understand the complaints at all. Trash packs are dying in like 6-8 seconds lol.


Ugh… good thing I leveled my main already.

I think this was a bad change, just let people zoom zoom and get leveling over with… it’s not fun after the first character or so.

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Rookery Normal was also fine. The lvl 72 tank could pull large packs still but this time the dps could actually get a few rotations in to dps them down. Took less than 15min to finish the dungeon.

mage is pretty badly geared… including DF greens

if i get nakey will stuff die easier? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Things died easier before, but due to mob density it worked out. Now I’m doing much less damage but getting swarmed by mods, and apparently simple miners can silence an archmage too.

Was like being back in classic. Fight/eat/fight/eat/fight/eat.

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It hits its map indicated high level points, but once you hit 80 everything becomes 80. So you can outlevel a zone again during leveling. Which I found nice.

just watched a warlock die to 2 mobs.

a warlock.


People are going to unsurb if they can’t level decently, especially new players who are entering the game for.the first time.


Unironically seems like a skill issue.


Nah, new players coming in weren’t spoiled by Remix or Prepatch, and they would expect mobs to last longer than 2 seconds, because that’s how it is in every other game.

And even after this change, I’m just mowing through mobs like crazy even at 76 which everybody says is oh-so-hard.

Now, granted, after I dinged 76, I have to use a heal every couple mobs, the horror. I have to use my survival toolkit.

Did he use any of his vaunted warlock survival kit or did he just do nothing but DPS?

Warlocks have fears and stuff. Was he using them?

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not all classes can take a beating… and there’s not a lot of space to make calculated pulls, especially when so many mobs split and multiply.

i gained a couple of item levels, and things are dying, but there’s absolutely zero room for error… which is just ridiculous.

the sad part is, people are happy to get on the “it’s too easy” train… but nobody (apart from me, who doesn’t care what anyone thinks) is going to be brave enough to put their hand up and say “umm… something isn’t right, it’s overtuned”.

if paladins are cake, then i guess i switch to my paladin.
…because the squishies are getting rolled.
(just watched a demon hunter eat dirt too)