Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

I really, really am not looking forward to leveling my disc priest. Guess it’ll be a couple weeks of pet battles.

This really was such a hilariously transparent strategy to make non-EA players feel like they missed out because they didn’t choose to waste money for 3 extra days. The tuning is demonstrably less fun and just exists so Blizzard has more FOMO in the tank to sell us


At this rate, It wouldn’t surprise me if 11.1.0 had a paywall like DLC on it.


Blinks my eyes, lol I have never found Balance Druid that hard to master or play, much less level.

Wait until you start seeing M+0 and regular M+ group gear level requirement requests in group finder.

Also if they made dungeon difficulty higher wait until you start seeing threads about raids of all difficulties being impossible.

This is going to be a domino effect for the entire game.


You mean like downtime for tomorrow 7am - 8am PST, Thursday August 29th. Yep, it’s in the launcher. But it just says scheduled maintenance, but at least several systems are currently broke from today’s downtime that worked prior to it.

Ahhh I am a EA player and not even close to hard core and I didn’t exploit a damn thing while I leveled up but that is me …I play my own style basically solo…being a BM Hunter I can do that quite easily…


66% nerf…its too much. honestly. takes the fun out of it…like a slap in the face. mobs taking more than twice as long to die and going from 15k to 5k for a quest is way too much of a nerf when you have as many people as there are that got early access and got to do it all on easy mode. terrible decision on this one. I will agree that the content was too easy but thats because it was scaled for fresh mop toons. or just fresh 70s…they could have easily just made the game equal…p2w in wow is a thing but its never been this much of a disadvantage…i get the fact that its just a game and everyone will get there eventually but, being able to enjoy it for a couple days then slammed back into where are now is just honestly a bit too harsh. maybe, for the next season…start everyone with the same attainable gear from a quest and turn up the actual difficulty by giving mobs actual abilities and stuff to have to play around…right now. even after the nerfs i can run through an entire zone and press literally one button and everything dies, ill still be at full health. thats…a phone game. you guys screwed up the scaling and then punishing the players for your own mistakes is just straight up terrible business planning. do better…cause, honestly, you really f’d this one up.


That idea is garbage. I had so much fun in Delve yesterday, but after the ‘fix,’ killing mobs takes so much time. Plus, if I aggro 2 or more packs, I’m dead. WHO even complains about that?


My issue was with the normal dungeons. Open world was fine. Maybe too easy in some areas, but overall doable

But the dungeons. Literally just a tank aggro the whole place and then a mage nukes them down.

Surely this was noticed in the beta? The norm used to be the difficulty was D3 Inferno mode. Oops too hard, nerf the mobs.

Not buff the mobs.

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

It must be a coincidence it happened AFTER the early access period.

What a rancid way to treat your longtime customers.


yeah I think the shammy is the tank and healer in follower dungeons cause i swear it tries to do both

Literally nobody complained about this. Feels like you are punishing general population for not spending extra money for the early access.


The main question is, when development team is going to realize
that casual games are more popular, the “challenge” the “muh difficulty” are like 0.1% of playerbase of EACH game.
Please stop ruining game for the majority of earth population.
Ion, your friends are NOT YOUR PLAYERBASE why you cannot get it after 20 years of being in development.


What benefit do you think a “strategy” like this would have?

It can’t be a selling feature because it already happened.

It won’t compell people to buy future EA cuz it wasn’t communicated

I think in a lot of cases blizzard doesn’t have the players best interest at heart. Perhaps even this case even if I am happy for the change. But I’m more likely to believe that the change is not to screw over non-ea people but simply because levelling is mmuch faster then they want because ion cares only about time play metric.


Briefly checked on a character I was working on a couple days ago to see what, if any, difference there is. Holy crap, it’s night and day. Not sure if it was their intention, but I’ve lost all interest in alts for now.


Dungeons just feel boring to play now. I already have a 80 i dont wanna grind for hours on alts.


probably true? maybe?

idk enh feels easy

I noticed kills going from2-3 seconds to around 5 seconds. Still painfully fast.

watching people drop like flies to regular mobs.

somethings not quite right…