Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

guess in the ptr everyone was really under geared and they only figured it out when everyone who isn’t a whale can play. Interesting timing, do you think covering for blizzard will benefit you somehow?

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Is this live? Haven’t seen a patch in game or any official announcement about it yet. Wonder if they are holding on to it for a bit because of the controversy. Might have some time to level one last toon ;D

Was this tested before pushed live? I cant even kill a friggin murlock quest mob now as a healer… 3 mobs = death.


Every expansion in WoW history, there has been an exploit widely known in beta that is abused for the first week by the hardcore players, and then it’s fixed before the masses even learn about it and no punishments are given. It’s basically Blizzard’s way of taking care of their core gamers.

Definitely disagree with this change. They’ve made leveling much harder. Unnecessary and unneeded change. Who voted for this?


Really? Taking my guys out today everything has more health and is hitting way harder. Takes me twice as long to kill anything and one hit knocks off over 200k from my healthbar.


It seems fine? not to mention, crafted gear can get you some early 515 gear once you’re 71, so it’s not a big deal anyway. It sucks, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t buy EA cause everyone said it didn’t matter, now it’s slightly mattering, so that sucks. But the actually tuning, is fine. especially if you spam follower dungeons to level up, that’s almost as fast anyway, cause they are monsters in damage. Also, was that shaman a tank?

you mean EA payers

After the changes my pug actually wiped in a normal dungeon for the first time. Alt leveling is now ruined.


Just out farming my level mobs for skinnin and it is rough…put it back a bit please.

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You mean fun right?


I honestly don’t know if this launch can afford any more L’s.

Hopefully they don’t have anything “fun” lined up for tomorrow.


Blizz you went too far with it. Dial it back some please.


Leveling my 480 ilvl balanced druid and really have not noticed it to be much of a pain or really that greatly slower. Still able to knock out rares and elites solo.

That’s not my experience with balance at all.


Balance has been remarkably squishy and un-fun to solo for over a decade now ever since the stupid “balance” moon/sun rotation gimmick. I use cat form for questing even when I’m in balance spec.


Yeah, I’ve tried Balance on one of my alts… But I just… I just always almost immediately end up going back to cat or bear spec.

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I think I’ll try that. Thanks.

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It’s probably a better plan to make a “starter” feral and play that with 3 buttons, but, dang, boomkin is freakin’ annoying for plain old solo questing, right up there with fire mage.

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It really is like the bad old days, where an add, at best, turns a one-minute death dance into a three-minute one, at best.