Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

No M+ link yet? Anyway, lemme know when you clear your first heroic raid.

I notice you’re still here whining, so it ain’t like you beat the challenge either.

Still waiting.

… and whining.

I hear you. I would like to see the EA numbers. I liked EA but it isn’t for me.

Uh oh… Xhttps://raider.io/characters/us/moon-guard/Hirai

From what I had heard, and seen during EA while leveling my <70s in the Prepatch, is that engagement in Radiant Echoes, and stuff like the Fyrakk camp dropped sharply and some people complained of lag going on in the Isle of Dorn.

This suggests that there was actually quite a few who bought and participated in EA.

I said multiple times on the thread and other threads I don’t give a rat’s behind about M+ lol.

You basically just picked up a news paper and are amazed when it says the sky is blue.

Don’t ever say the word ‘challenge’ again.

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I’ll say whatever I want, thanks.

I challenge you to make me stop.

You can, but you were exposed and should stop.


That word doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Everyone likes different things, I like end game because the gameplay is challenging and I can do it as a team.

Why don’t have this mindset now? Because normal dungeons are the absolute smallest stepping stone for the basically infinite scaling difficulty of 5 man content.

Why don’t I want other leveling things to be hard? It’s boring. Yes it’s the same raid bosses and the same dungeons but for me it’s getting a little better and improving a little bit every time I go. In contrast the leveling experience is inconsistent. Sometimes I pick up an item and my partner shares completion , other times not. It’s like watching the same soap opera on repeat vs playing the same game the individual makes the variety. It’s why I like pve and think leveling is a chore

So, instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, maybe we should try to improve the leveling experience.

Make group completion more consistent.

Make more varied content in leveling and questing.

Do more optional bonus objectives.

Group more quests together so that it feels faster when you complete 5-8 quests at once and turn them all in at the same time and get a HUGE chunk of XP (seriously whatever happened to this? I used to love that in older expansions).

But don’t just dismiss leveling altogether.


I don’t hate leveling… the first time. I would even accept one full immersive leveling experience once a season. I just don’t want to keep doing it over and over to enjoy the content I want.

I respect that levelers and open world gamers enjoy the game differently. I really do want y’all to have a good experience and I think about new players as well. I just don’t like that I myself am forced to do it.

It would be the same complaint but reversed if you were forced to m+ to unlock storyline quests

As long the grouping is done right, I agree. I miss this too.

What I don’t miss if a group of quests sending you to a place, you completing them, and then another group of quests sending you right back to the same area.

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Good thing I am not swayed by what’s popular. I think EA is for the raiders and the mythic + crowd who don’t like story or questing, which classic. tbc, wotlk was all about that, so I am not sure how we got here.

I love wow and I really like TWW but blizzard and the catering to the raiding crowd is odd… using raid io, maybe 300k (1200 guilds) people raided killed the first boss on heroic Vault of incarnates. Yet it feels like so much of the game goes towards that part of the experience. I think TWW will be different. I will watch and see.

But of those 300k people who did the first boss in Vault it drops for each raid after that. So, the 7.9million - 400k subscribers might be better served another way. Like even fair auction house ( nix bots and api), follower mythic 0 and + (not sure if ppl can), Pugging, slow even leveling grind with plenty of story (I got to 80 in 1 day of not hard playing really). before EA stopped I started 5 alts with professions and 1 level 80. That is crazy but that should have been fixed in beta.

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Really? Do link posts of people asking blizzard to makes world mobs harder to kill. Cause i haven’t seen it, and i dont know anyone who wants their questing experience to take longer.


I would ask for a 10 second minimum before death haha I think that’s reasonable. World bosses getting almost instantly have been an annoyance for a lot of folks in remix and sometimes with scaling

Leveling gear is a temporary thing that gets immediately replaced upon hitting 80.

Theres no feeling of meaningful lasting progression during the leveling process. Just a treadmill of replacing greens.

Im willing to invest into gear ill keep for a decent amount of time. And with scaling during the leveling process the only gear upgrades that matter is all level 80 gear