Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Fair enough grasshopper

So I have to wait 5+ levels before stuff gets any interesting at all? Just so some speedrunners can get to 80 faster because they just can’t wait another second?

“Trouble with quest mobs”

Hahahahahahahahahahahahah normal raiders man.

You’re the dumbest person on the forums right now.

I don’t know I thought the questing was pretty interesting even with things being a little OP. Now if you don’t pay attention to the quests themselves I guess I could see how it would be boring.

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Oof, I just saw the Wowhead post. Someone crunched the numbers and apparently their fiddling with the scaling amounted to a buff to health and damage of mobs in the 70-75 range upwards of 100%! Looks like the pendulum has swung and now players level 75-80 will have to carry the 70-75s. What a rollercoaster! :rofl:

No, I brought up M+ and Mythic to highlight how much you despise true challenge. I exposed you and now you’re flailing.

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Higher level players have to carry lower level players.

That’s such a shocker.

Pretty sure that’s how it used to work before scaling was a thing.

Hirai thinks this is perfectly acceptable. Especially after an alpha AND a beta.

Flailing? Well, maybe not so much flailing, but eyerolling and laughing at your posts.

Honestly, some people…

All of this whining about some quest mobs that you can’t kill, lol.

Not always. When original TBC launched level 60 locks were owning everyone, including level 70 players.

Glad my next 3 alts I level up will being doing Pet Battles and mining and herbing to level up mostly…don’t have to worry about much…

we have death knights, paladins and druids claiming that they were so over powered they could play naked characters and solo everything. That they just looked harshly and everything died. Maybe tanks needed a MUCH bigger nerf. Of course they didnt bother to record themselves defeating thousands in a fit of naked rage. They just might have been lying. Maybe blizz should stop letting raiders run around in god gear. Normalize their raid gear in open world to the same as the content drops. That would make balancing actually be possible.


Only because of some jank having to do with trinkets and sets on gear, which is why later on, they started disabling those quickly after you out-levelled them.

That, and Warlocks just being OP in general… Fear+DoT spam always made me wonder who in the frick ever thought that was fair?

You and blizzard can suck my ****, making people fight 10-20 seconds for one mob with half health remaining at 72 is not right


So last night, started leveling my first character, this mage, having no problems, mobs dieing relatively quickly, quite enjoying it. Tonight, after the fix, yeah, feels like torture to continue to level the mage. Honestly feel like I might as well start over, which makes me feel just not even bothering with this game right now.

I hope you revert this change because it’s horribly timed, and honestly feels like you will just use this as a reason to encourage people to buy early access.


They didn’t do that for several expansions later because of Challenge modes which didn’t hit til MoP, and I believe they didn’t actually make that change until WoD.

It’s not a question of what should or shouldn’t be. It’s a matter of extremes and Blizzard’s inability to ever hit a middle ground that makes the most people happy. Considering how long they take to develop their expansions and how much they charge for them, that’s really not acceptable. Although to be fair TWW’s launch and testing period was extremely rushed and it shows.


Lmk when you clear your first heroic raid, quest mob champion. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

LMK when you can kill some quest mobs and not whine about it.

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Refund your game and teach them a lesson. I already punished them for punishing people who don’t pay to win.

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