Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Leveled my main in early access, once I’m off work I’ll be happy to run an alt into the wall to give a proper comparison for folks. My natural inclination is to think that people are making a big heap about nothing, but who knows…

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Who’s Blizzard’s good little pay pig? Oink oink.


Last night they were on old borked scaling that needed a fix that went live today tho

You call killing everything with 1 or 2 abilities a “middleground” between effortless and ludicrously hard?

Like, are you serious?

If last night wasn’t “effortless” then what would be effortless? Killing stuff just by tab-targeting them?


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Typical normal raider reading comprehension.

Excuse me, I skim-read your conversations, what with all the insults about “pay pigs” and innuendos that are extremely inappropriate for the forums, I tend to skim-read the drivel coming out of your keyboard.

So I read your post again, and…

Sure, we’ve had decent balance in the past. Plenty of times.

Why would making the worst part of the game - mindlessly killing pig # 1000 for a liver - more tedious, ever be a good thing.

The blizz team making these decisions don’t even play the game.

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Asmon debunked this. Showed footage of every launch 1-shotting every dungeon and getting to max level in like an hour. Wotlk included.


If you are a high-end elite player, sure.

But I took a 408 geared paladin…

A 408 geared paladin

Into the Isle of Dorn last night and she was two-shotting enemies.

Not BiS.
Not 500+
Not 480.
Not even 450.

Like, half of her gear was sub-340.


Yeah, that’s a good thing.

I thought the leveling was fine as it was. It was fast but at this point in the life of WOW, leveling just isnt fun. End game stuff is fun

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It’s a “good thing” that a severely undergeared player can two shot everything?

If you hate playing the game that much, just buy a boost FFS.

What about questing is not fun, compared to endgame?

Honest question.

Why do you like endgame, but not like questing/leveling?

Long-time WoW player. This feels horrendous in dungeons. Blizz has really rewarded the people who did early access and streamers that capitalized on fast dungeons and leveling. Please bring it back. First dungeon back, and its WAY slower. Not sure who asked for slower, more painful leveling. But this is extremely unfun. The hardcore dungeoners just level to do M+ anyway. Not sure why slow the leveling slog especially for altoholics who love playing all classes at a high level


“Hate playing the game that much.” Wow, your bad faith is something to behold. Sorry that retail leveling is the end game for you as an objectively terrible player. Maybe Hello Kitty is more your game?

Alpha > Beta > Early access.

And then…24 hours after global release!

I hope you rot.
Greedy, dirty, hypocritical


I’m not the one having trouble with quest mobs, you are.

And earlier you were trying to pin me as being a raider/mythic, but now you’ve done a complete 180 and now you’re trying to insult me for not being a mythic/raider.

there are limits on that. you didn’t get to be that strong forever, unless you somehow found a way to lock xp at level 70.

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Let’s talk about tank balance after we get into +10s. Until then, it’s all preseason football - nothing to be taken seriously.

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