Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

The popularity of MoP Remix and the pre-patch should signify to Blizzard that there is a very robust enthusiasm for content that is not very challenging. And world content is where that should be.

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You can play the game just fine.

Or are you trying to tell me that you are so terrible that you can’t kill slightly stronger quest mobs?

Hopefully, tanks will never be so nerfed they can’t zerg N dungeons. I mean, there’s no damage going out, so what do you expect? It’s NORMAL.

Ohhhh, you think tedious = challenging. I’m sorry you were dropped on your head several times. Like I said, make sure to wipe your mouth when you’re done.

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Imo they shouldn’t practically be able to pull everything to the boss and survive indefinitely

it’s just not right

Link M+ and mythic parses, btw, I want to see something.

I don’t really care what you want to see, lol.

I’m not the one having trouble with questing mobs.

Totally cool. :slight_smile: Good value for you as I know you are a serious collector! I considered buying the deluxe/? version yesterday for the mount/pet. Which I’d probably never use anyway. Then just bought the cheapest version.

Used to always buy the boxed collector sets.

Which is how I picked up Lil’Deathwing. :slight_smile:

Lmk when you link your M+ score and mythic parses. I want to see how much you like challenge. I want to see how good you are!

It doesn’t solve the problem that some of the original “too easy” folks were having and I recognize that as well. So probably only a matter of time before another segments pitchforks come out.

I think follower dungeons could use a bit more work and explanation and if there were a way to set the goal of learn vs speed in lfg it would make the game better for everyone

Ok so…

Somehow… “I don’t wanna 2 shot everything” somehow equates to “I love bashing my head off a wall over and over again” …?

Is there no middle-ground with you people?

No, I don’t wanna 2 shot everything.

But yet at the same time, I’m not really into doing mythics and stuff like that.

Exactly what I thought. Okay so we’ve confirmed that you don’t like challenge, are a Blizzard sycophant and want non-pay pigs to be punished. Thank you for the clarification.

I did several quests earlier and got 10.8k just like I was getting when I logged off last night.

Maybe you just ran into a few quests that give less because they’re easy?

1). I didn’t buy the epic edition.
2). I want a middle-ground between effortless and ludicrously hard.

I have changed my mind… I love the new tougher difficulty but I wish I felt like it was done in good faith.

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Especially when you just want to complete a quest.

I think the main reason why they didn’t change it during early access is like I said above…

How do you think the people who paid for the 3-4 days early access have taken to a 3 hour maint in the middle of the early access period?

I’m a Tower Ranger, two time KSMer, Mage Tower beaterer, and Mad World earnerer, and I don’t like two shotting mobs with bad scaling that made the content a joke.

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We’ve never had a middle-ground between effortless and ludicrously hard for leveling. What we have now is exceptionally TEDIOUS (not difficult, because someone like you could never do it) leveling that is meant exclusively to punish people who didn’t pay pig.


rofl - In N dungeons, DPS can pull everything to the boss and survive indefinitely! That’s no exaggeration; my friends were doing it last night while I was supposed to be tanking for them. You don’t even need tanks, or healers, for N dungeons. Why are you acting like it’s real content? It’s complete fluff!