Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Paid to win? You realize that formula is for games that you have to buy things like say amount so you could travel because you can’t buy a amount in the game unless you buy it with your money, Your perverting the meaning of that pay to win formula.
What exactly do you have to buy in World of Warcraft? That helps you win the game? We’re talking about it. How exactly do you win again? That never ends? Have you cleared every boss in every tear every expansion highest level?
If not, you have not paid anything to win anything.

Is Savage Roar still a thing?

I think that’s something you have to spec into?

Can just simply things by not taking it.

Not anymore it isn’t, stating what it used to be.

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Ahh. Yeah. I couldn’t remember the names of all of those abilities, but yeah, the way druid was (same with rogues) was just ridiculous and rather unfun.

As was pointed out earlier. The $40 payed for three days of time, but the actual calendar time was four days. Which meant Blizzard actually had a whole 24 hours of buffer in there. In that they could say you paid for 3 days (72 hours), but we allowed for 4 days (96 hours). So they’d have a buffer to use up and still allow 3 days of played time.

Still would not have kept people from complaining had there been significant down time in the early access period.

The whining would have been world-ending, and you know it, and I know it.

Regardless of how they worded it.

A 3 hour maint in the middle of their early access period?

The o-boards would have melted down.

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I’m raiding with it in SoD right now, I really enjoy that aspect of it personally, if there is give and take. Tier one set bonus now helps you maintain savage roar with ferocious bites and one of the runes helps extend rip with shreds.

Seeing people still pulling big in normal dungeons and things still going down with the tank tanking like 40 mobs in priory. Didn’t they say tanks were nerfed?

Might need another slight adjustment.

So grind grind grind your eyeballs out, pray you can build the set after doing how knows how much raiding, to make an intolerable class mechanic, tolerable?

Nah, I’ll stick to retail, thanks.

This is unequitable. Short and simple.

You cannot give Early Access for several days, and then just learn this. when everyone can now level. You knew this when they were powerleveling. Yet - you did nothing. All you do is make this unfair on your playerbase that, for whatever reason, didn’t want to do early access.

Bet you won’t retcon their powerleveling, right? And you likely won’t respond to these posts.

Same old, same old.

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Haha, I play both, the pace on retail is better but wouldn’t say the mechanics for feral. The loot rates are insane though, we have 3 Hand of Rag’s in 2 weeks…

Again not everyone whom brought the Epic or Collector set brought it for the Early Access…many of us just wanted the toys and stuff…the mount…the pets…they 30 days added to our sub…the transmogs…the 1,000 extra Trader Tenders…some wanted Beta …not me…really I could careless for the EA I had my eyes set on the toys and stuff.


Blllllllizard I spammed dungeons and got to a 80 with 570 item level in an hour. No make that thirty minutes, five, five minutes. Now I don’t want anyone else getting what I spent 2 minutes getting as fast as I did. So you really need to buff those mobs, cause I don’t wanna share my epicness with other so soon… Sarcasm


Officially putting away my pitchfork, now that actual tuning is out it’s reasonable and not that bad. I feel like timing and communication could’ve been better but the actual change was well implemented imo.

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No one asked for “reasonable.” We expect people who don’t reward objectively evil behavior to not be punished.

Now if only we could get the other people complaining to stop with the hyperbole, take a few defensive talents, and realize that it’s not the end of the world, we might be getting somewhere.

Make sure to wipe your mouth when you’re done.

Not really. I think most of us prefer at least a little challenge. Otherwise, what’s the point? I know some people loved Remix, but I really didn’t.

I loved Remix, but not for any challenge reasons.

I just loved the aesthetic and stuff that was in Pandaria, personally.

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The point is to be able to play the game. You like challenge? So you’re raiding mythic and going for 4k+ in M+, right?