Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Pfft with the way people talk in this thread, they don’t really wanna log in anyway but yet they’re going “OMG I CAN’T LOG ON!” after going “Pfft, I don’t really wanna play anymore because of these changes”…

So which is it?

Nice leveling …it was too bloody easy and way too short to level up 10 levels…not when you’ve got players making max level in 1 hour 1 min …or 2 hours or 3 hours …it should take days not hours to level up…its sad really all the interesting investigation of the zone is really gone for more part…

I did some testing after the hotfix.

Before hotfix, I used a level 70 guardian druid leveling in the north east coast of the first map behind the place people farming bees, I kill wolves in adventure mode and they are level 70 elites. My character is around 480 echo gears and I also do skinning at the same time. I can level from 70-72 within 30-40 minutes without any issues and my health almost never dropped and I never need to use any CD.

After the hotfix, I used another very similar guardian druid (486 gears with 4 set bonus and weapon is 502), I leveled in the exact same area with skinning also. I clearly felt less effective killing the mobs and my health will drop during big pull (15 mobs with 7-8 elites), I had to use CD. I finished the 2 levels in about an hour.

I think the change will have more impact on low level farm or instances, but should not impact people much when doing questing mainly.

It really isnt that hard though? It’s literally a small fraction of the game.

Not hard at all.

Well, ok, I’ve yet to try Rogue. That’d be the only class, other than maybe Mage that I could see having a problem with and that’s because both are the only classes with pretty much zero self-heal.

Yes yes, I know about the potion, but that’s only 20% every 30 seconds.

What I always laugh at, though, is people who whine about not being able to survive in questing, and you check their talents, and it’s 100% DPS, 0% survivability.

  • Getting weaker as you leveled felt terrible
  • Not getting to use your kit feels bad (why use a defensive?)
  • Pulling entire dungeons at 70 obviously isn’t great
  • Not getting to even do a full rotation on elites

They should have caught this before release though, the game feels much better at 80 so I understand the direction of the changes.


You know as well as I do if they took the game down for 3 hours during the Early Access period, the whales would have cried worse than the people in this thread.


Who asked for this?

Anybody who would like to use more than 2 abilities per kill.


That is why I only pay BM Hunter and my alts are mostly Druids…druids can whack a mole all day long just like a BM Hunter can…

I hate resource-based downtime.

Don’t get me wrong, BM can be fun to play and all, but nothing sucks worse than running out of focus and twiddling your thumbs waiting for buttons to light up again.

Same thing I have against Ferals and Rogues.

You get 5 seconds of joy and then 5 seconds of boredom, rinse-repeat.

**** you. <aswdawfd

Hunters and Paladins where one shotting everything while on my ele shaman it took a few casts. I have a hunter and pali and my pali was just auto attacking things to death so i think a good chunk of people complaining where those classes i noticed. The too easy part.

My druids are all Balance druids…I could never really learn feral spec right…I like Boomkins they are cool…

Do you get like free subs?.. I mean you seem really interested in Kaine.

I’m in the opposite boat. In fact, the reason I like classic so much is that we are part of the world rather than the focus of it. Retail feels a lot like a single player game with other people in it when it comes to the story. You aren’t the champion either anyway, just one of them, how many other people were in the raid? How many other raids? Feels weird to me.

Feral is easy these days. You have 2 abilities for building CP and you have a DoT and a direct damage skill.

Get 5 CP, DoT, get 5 CP, damage.

over and over and over again.

Same thing with Rogue.

It ain’t like years past where you had a self-buff, a DoT, a damage, and I forget what else that you had to manage all at the same time.

I’ll stick with my big feathered Boomkins …besides they look freaking cute and awesome in Chicken Boomkin form on my Magic Rooster Egg mount… :chicken: :joy: :rofl:

I just think it’s stupid that he keeps spamming the same inane argument over and over again, while failing to realize that he’s doing the very thing he so vehemently claims he hates.

Savage Roar, Berserk, Tiger’s Fury and Blood Talons for maintaining and snapshotting.

Rake and Rip for DoT’s.

Pretty sure Enhance Shaman woulda done the same.

Fact is, I noticed while leveling my two Enhance Shamans (during Pre-Patch) that they would sometimes have MORE burst than my Paladins.