Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

I came back in hopes that things might be better. But blizz are committed to the shareholders, so cancelled my sub. They got my $40 for TWW unfortunately, can’t be helped.

Complaining that you feel OP for 5 levels is the wow equivalent of telling the teacher they forgot to assign homework.

At this point you are so set on shoving down all the arguments against blizzard, that i’m convinced your husband must be one of the devs and now you are on here trying your best to white knight and defend his honor.


And if you are really gonna complain about immersion and things not making sense, this is not the right game.


So basically, since we’re the champion, we should basically just be Deathwing ourselves, then?

That’s awful Mary-Sue ish.

I can understand my character being strong, but I want there to be limits on that. Otherwise, if there’s nothing to challenge my character, then there’s simply no interesting story, no conflicts, nothing. I just snap my fingers and everything in my way just dies. That’s no fun.

Even Superman can’t do that with all of his foes. Or any of the superheroes.

Imagine if Batman could just snap his fingers and all of the Joker’s gang would just fall over effortlessly? That’d be the most boring thing ever.

Imagine if the city councilor went and got Batman to clean up trash and pass out oatmeal.

That’s what they have the “hero of azeroth” doing.


Even Superman sits behind a desk at a newspaper studio.

I’m being silly. Several bits i wanted to include but I’m honestly hungry and waiting to go pick up my food irl.

I ran a few tests and its not to bad but some classes do suffer cause they seem to have a bit of low damage with bursts in between while my pali was just wrecking face.

I didn’t say that. I said it made sense that during the initial days of the expansion that you would absolutely be slaying the enemy, and then of course power creep will fade as you level up.

I should absolutely feel powerful the moment I first arrive in the next expansion still, and have that power slowly ebb off as I grow in levels until I get to max level where I can slowly gain it back. Did this power dropoff at max level feel a little rough this time, it did but it something that can be overcome thru time.

And if the comics focused on that for 12 hours no one would read it.


You don’t get paid by Blizzard. You have severe Stockholm Syndrome, see a doctor.


I’m telling you their husband is a dev.

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I think it’s funny because my friends and I have been saying how nice the xpac is so far because leveling didn’t feel like a chore…

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So, how do you actually introduce a meaningful conflict in the opening of an expansion if your character can just snap his or her fingers and everything in front of you just dies instantly?

Expansions usually start out by showing you the BigBad and why you have to go on a new quest to save the world from them. They can’t do that when you can just snap your fingers and everything dies instantly, lol

1). I’m a guy
2). I live in the Northeastern US
3). I wish my wife was a dev at Blizz, I’d have a heck of a lot more money.

Wow…for once when starting an xpac it was nice leveling…I guess it’s going to suck now for alts. Really, do you want us to play?


I don’t know, I feel being treated not like an adventurer – but as some big swinger hot-shot consistently and pretty much only ever used as a hitman would get old real fast.

As for cleaning up trash & passing out oatmeal — I guess you could say that reflects how they believe you have other heroic qualities & how kind they think you are, as well as powerful.

Again, as I stated above, I didn’t feel this way. The story made sense with me being able to kill things fast when I first stepped off the boat, and as I started progress deeper into the earth and nearing the end zone where the raid was it made sense that I was slowly loosing a bit of that power. Like Xala’tath was leaching it from me or something.

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I think they figured you’d get one char up and use the warband bank to supply stuff to your alts.

How about fixing the log in servers? That’s the biggest source of leveling difficulty I have.

Kaine likes to complain about “doing the same 5 quests over and over” but is perfectly OK with speedrunning to 80 so he can do the same 5 dungeons over and over again until the raid opens, the doing the same 3 raid wings over and over, lol.

For real Blizzard >> WTF and now cant even log in the game…