Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Working as intended. Encourage players to buy the early access next time around.

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I imagine they are, with 580+…

Wonder when this multi-billion dollar company is going to fix their login server. I made the tragic mistake of trying to log out on an alt thinking that since I was already logged in… i’d be okay.

Nope. Now Im just standing in Dornogal not able to do anything. because the servers apparently can’t even process that I logged out of my character.

So are these leveling changes that no one asked for and werent really needed the reason the game is completely unplayable today? Just wondering.

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1). Plenty of people asked for it
2). Doubtful, the patch was applied to the game servers. The servers having the lag are the login/backend stuff.

FOMO advocate here… Gratz sir on wishing others played the game like yourself… hope you get paid from blizzard for this post.

This blue post has 50k views, almost 4k comments, and 87 likes. 87 people like this change. Classic blizzard devs making calls on the behalf of out of touch money grubbers.


Most people are clicking through Blizz trackers on websites and might not even be logged onto the forums, and of the 4k comments, more than 50% of them are by a handful of players.

Try again.

EDIT: The top 10 posters posted 907 out of the 3,710 comments.

Even this doesn’t matter. And it still stands after the change.

Leveling remains easy and fast. People blew up over nothing.

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Any changes at all should not have happened for a week post-launch to give the same playing field to people who didn’t buy the epic edition.



I am not among the likes but I do not dislike this change.

Most people who like the change aren’t going to bother navigating to the forums to push a little heart icon that’s meaningless in the end run.

Heck, I like the change, and I just realized I didn’t bother pressing it myself.

The hot fixes made several key parts of the game unusable. Well done

Yehp, like logging in. At all

The ratio is still incredibly bad.
We all know you are 1 of the 87 people that like levelling slow, the vast majority of people don’t enjoy questing, its a slog, the same 5 quest types we’ve been doing for 20 years.


And I still have to ask you, why are you playing the game, then?

You don’t like leveling.
You don’t like doing the same thing over and over again.

But yet you wanna speedrun to 80, for… what purpose?

Craft/AH? Same thing over and over again.
Heroics/Mythic? Same thing over and over again.
PvP? Same few battlegrounds/arenas over and over again.
Raiding? Same thing over and over again.

Why even play at all then?

Everything has to be an epic struggle for survival at all times in this primordial desolate world.

If the leveling is slower for non-pay pigs in any way, shape or form, it’s worthy of unrelenting outrage.


I, myself, was eyerolling when they were going “OH NO NERUBIANS WE’RE ALL IN DANGER!”

I throw a hammer at one and it just dies. I walk up to another one, swing my sword, it dies.

30 seconds later, I’ve killed more than a dozen of them.

So dangerous, ooo. I’m scared.

Big boss one pops out, that one you’re not supposed to kill yet? He’s sitting there with 1 HP after 5 seconds, taunting you and running away.

Well, you are supposed to be a champion of the Alliance are you not? Wouldn’t make much sense if the champion was a piece of string cheese.

To me, with my end-game dragonflight equipment it made sense that I was absolutely slaying them. But, thats with me operating off the legacy that’s always been there of every single past expansion with the power creep from the previous one into the initial days of the new expansion.

This legacy has been removed as of today. I bet come Midnight we’ll have item level scaling right from the get go for leveling to remove this from us again.