Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Someone in another thread said it was Area 52.

I don’t know why that server has so many problems. It can’t be the amount of players, because Moon Gaurd has a bit more than Area 52.

I think MG went down too because I tried to log on 10 minutes ago and I got the Realm Select screen instead of my Warcamp.

It’s adjusts tin foil hat because of the Aliens…

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Regardless of how strong or weak we are now, whatever this did borked login immensely, I’d love to play, but I just can’t! I doubt they will, but I hope they give at least 1 game time day for this screw up.

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I don’t think it’s related, because I was playing just fine earlier.

There was some lag, but not like this. I think something else is causing lag. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was some whiny script kiddie with a DDoS attack or something.

EDIT: Tho I suppose you could say that it is related, if that were the case…

All of the mess today could have been avoided if Blizzard didn’t try to fix a problem that didn’t really exist. I really think you screwed the pooch on this one Creed.

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You’re assuming that the lag/downtime is because of the change to scaling.

That’s a large assumption to make. There could be a thousand things that could cause the lag.

Correlation != Causation.

Yeah but also like, it was working fine yesterday and they did a patch and broke EVERYTHING. So…

oh btw blizzard did all of this in the last 3 or 4 xpacs … it’s now their defacto. Make it easy at first and season release then take ratchet it up… they get community buy in… Also, to spur on FOMO sheeples they let you see it happening so you remember EA and cheese tactics is better as is heroic raid epics… this game costs 180 a year plus 80 for EA. So each 2 year xpac costs like $400 to play… that seems crazy to me lol but it’s $340 for casuals so maybe the extra 60 is worth it. but remember 2x4 and cheese cheese cheese.

That’s true, but this also hasn’t happened since the expansions launch, or even for those that had gotten early access until they’ve attempted to adjust something specific. Guess Blizz staff really needed to work for their paycheck today. Seems like pretty wonky coding.

I love how either in game, or online, the support tickets refuse to load. Why even have a support ticket?

How does it feel going into work everyday at Blizz and thinking of ways to screw people over? This is poor timing to do this. You waited till after the EA players got their fill and decided to screw everyone else over. You are punishing the majority for not paying extra towards your yearly bonuses.

Remember we ALL (not just EA players) are the reason you get a paycheck. Not just wow players but every player that buys any blizzard products.

It doesn’t add up though.

The lag is with the login servers and some of the backend services like mobile AH apps and the like.

The scaling changes were applied to the actual game servers which are (except for a few) running fine because people are on and playing now.

Per the usual. I’m expecting a revert down to the levels they always intended them to be .

As a compromise of course.

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Are you talking about OG Vanilla, or Classic? Because I clearly said TBCC. Plenty of guilds full cleared in Classic.

Update: my level 70 480 mage seems to kill stuff just as fast, but it hits A LOT harder. Kinda still not getting that “full rotation” they were talking about at the start of the discussion. Just needing to heal more

Blizzard… I’m a returning casual player. Skipped Dragonflight. Had to Gear Upgrade for my L60s. Leveling to 70 via those memory events out of Dalaran was very easy. In my mind I thought that was an intentional way of helping to get players like myself caught up. After starting TWW content though >>nothing<< felt “extremely powerful”. I’m still just L77 I think on my “main”.

Making it harder to level my alts does not make me feel welcomed back. So you screwed up the scaling? That’s on you. Not me. Swallow your pride and revert this change. Don’t let the hot and sweaty no-lifers ruin the experience for people deciding to once again donate money to your pockets. Some of us will need convincing to continue to subscribe after the first free month. This is not the way.


All right children ty for that

this person had that feedback and i saw many more post the same type of sentiment.

If u worked to get gear to endgame ilvl like a lot of us did then u shouldn’t have a problem

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