Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Funny I do not see any difference.

What people had this feedback? You could do all the questing even at max level, which I did myself. By your own logic, this needs rolled back because the feedback against this change is far greater in volume.

Every piece of gear has a coefficient on it and I would bet the weight for DF gear vs TWW gear is very different as is green/blue/purple tww and df gear. So your experience is valid but only for you test case but considering it’s paladin which my 71 pally with ilvl close to yours is much more OP than my Aug Evoker atm. Au g is 503 epics with set bonuses and bullion rings and trinkets and the pally is not. Go figure. Bet there is something there.

That’s a straight up lie. I got it myself because of the huge advantage.

There’s 80 levels and plenty of classes and races.

I dunno. All I know is that last night, I was 2 shotting everything, it was boring AF.

I log on today and normal mobs take almost exactly 1 full cycle through each of my abilities (sans wake of ashes or bell) which feels a lot better.

Though I do have concerns about Rogue. I always struggled with Outlaw because of how it lacks self-healing (20% every 30 seconds is NOT enough), and the DPS race will be real and I’m sure I’ll be plunking my butt down to eat every other kill until I get geared up some.

So, 76 Hunter reporting on the changes, at the moment, this does feel a bit different, maybe 5% slower as a solo player. That said, it’s done other things, like lag and log in problems everywhere, so there is that. If I could log on on my 70 480 mage, I’d update with that experience too.

Edit: I’m 511 iLvL atm

I think the lag and problems are unrelated. Probably congestion. It’s 5PM EST and I’m sure everybody is trying to log on simultaneously.

What I-level are those numbers based on though, because from your report you seemed to imply the buff was a bit lower for your 337 character.

493- 222 to 495k
337- 222 to 225k

so those numbers would not be consistent depending on the item level of the character.

In my first dungeon, a day or 2 ago, (tired, RL stuff lol) :grinning:

When the tank and group ran off ahead of me while starting a Normal dungeon, I was kinda bummed to see it; but this is what dungeons were like in DF, so I figured “this is how it goes, now, for dungeons - not sticking together.”

The tank pulled to the boss and we fought a ton of mobs at the boss, which had my healing, internal-persona alert and wide-eyed. @_@ I don’t like doing dungeons this way. It is what it is.

I was hoping this is what they were trying to fix.

They made the overworld mobs harder to kill? I can’t log in, right now. My hunter helped to take down a ferocious, shadowflame dragon, yet the kobolds might kick my butt on this new island?! ((lol)) :sob:

That’s it? So it went from 2 shotting to 4 shotting? sigh

I apparently didn’t see their update. They included the iLvl chart.

Item Level Addition Modifier
342 ~54% Nerf
359 ~47% Nerf
372 ~40% Nerf
385 ~32% Nerf
398 ~23% Nerf
411 ~12% Nerf
424 No Modifier

Edit: Note that these are NOT thresholds, but a linear function so if you’re 366, it should be ~43% Nerf.

I did a video earlier of my Lv70 hunter.

She’s 361 and normal enemies were 163k and “stronger than usual but not elites” were 327k.

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No, it’s 100% related, I was here at the same time yesterday, and nothing near this bad was happening.

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There were reports earlier that an entire server had disappeared. Its probably something on blizzard’s end.

This issue is the FOMO blizzard creates for competitive type people and marketeers adn craftsmen… basically if you don’t get early access and cheese with 2 groups of 2x4’s then the game will suck for you. The faux inflated economy drowns the average player very quickly. Those people will just give up. If you gear sucks you will get kicked from groups etc… I am glad blizz has the gear upgrade system for those people now it will hopefully help. we will see. Doubt I will ever come back to this thread, and this is all just farts in the wind. -Sincerely, Drowned in cynicism.

Eh, I guess we’ll see. I’m running my warlock through first via questing; she’s 77 1/2 at the moment.

I’ll take this 502 rogue in later and see how it goes.

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Warlock best class. :smiley: - I said the thing.

I gave up on crafting anything for money a long, long, LONG time ago, lol.

I also gave up on buying hardly anything from the AH because of ludicrous pricing.

So nothing has changed for me.

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I have a couple more locks at 485-500 Ilevel; we’ll see how it goes for them too.