Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

So, the boost for leveling early access is over guys. lol. Blizzard is just one big pickpocket now.

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Monk in general is a little messed up. Master of Harmony is nigh on useless for mistweaver still in comparison to conduit. Still very button bloaty with things like chi burst still existing. Has a lot of ramp up time to healing with the need for chi harmony into enveloping and vivify for big aoe damage vs little to no ramp on several other healers. Plays very much like a disc priest without power word radiance in that regard, and it’s not what I’d classify as fun. Fistweaving can carry you through light damage but that’s about it really as soon as the content scales into mythic level you’re looking for more throughput. Sheil’uns is no longer group wide LOH. the list goes on.

note: the above was based on beta experience. Sorry!

They needed to nerf 76-80 world scaling and at times dungeon stuff. Not make it harder.


To echo many above… this fix disproportionately hurts the majority of players and doesn’t effect those who are abusing/cheesing the game… This purposeful FOMO baiting creates all the issues that blizzard says they wish didn’t exist: Auction API botting, mat botting, exploit fast and often, economy faux inflation etc… If you come into this game fresh it is a slog and kinda sucks. Who are they helping. I can’t imagine putting pressure on the casual average player makes them more money. Find a way to nerf/stop the cheese exploiters and botters. ← see how wishful I got there. eye roll This is just my penny into the wishing well.


I understand not pulling massive groups and just grinding them down but I just died to pulling a single mob my level. I’m on my dev evoker and it’s saying “miss” when I cast living flame at the mobs too. 4 misses and then I died … you guys had an awesome launch and of course had to ruin it.

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You are screwed. That is what happens lol

I just posted a video where that is literally false.


Leveled up to 70, did 1 day’s worth of Fyrakk/Dream stuff, and didn’t touch the character until today.

Was killing stuff a little slow, but mainly because of that 327 weapon.

First weapon that drops will probably double kill speed.

So, if you’re concerned about being able to kill stuff, when you level up to 70 in DI… make sure you get 100-200 dreamsurge essence, and buy yourself weapon(s) before going to TWW. Not hard. Takes like half an hour to do.

i am leveling right now, and the fight getting much better & fun!!

A player shouldn’t honestly ever need to go back into a previous expansion to get gear before heading into the new one. Sadly, this new change seems to warrant that.

“Go back and get better gear, we’ll still scale it to you anyways… but at least you’ll kill it potentially a little faster” - Blizzard

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probably a huge secret but I would imagine the curving algorithm for mob difficulty is tied to Gear Ilvl and lvl and whether you are in greens or epics… I can easily make a calculated hit mis damage % coefficient that does this, so I imagine blizz can too. basically, they have nearfed those above 500 ilvl with df epics. But since I am way too lazy to go buy all 483ilvl greens to test, blizzard will win this with hyperbole and fragmented uncaring community.

Edit: Also, I bought EA this year but next time I will not and I will avoid using the auction house as much as possible too… THE FOMO stuff is of blizzards making and it is bad for the game and the community. IMO.

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It’s not so much that, as “You’re questing in DI, but now that you dinged 70, before you go running off, take a second to grab a good weapon before going off into the new content”.

I dunno why they didn’t provide a weapon in the intro quests TBH. They did in prior expansions.

Well, once I’m through the campaign, I could test that. I have a couple characters I went the extra mile and got them 460+.

I was gonna log on now and zip somebody over there, but… I can’t even log on lol

Even that honestly shouldn’t be needed. I agree with you that they should have put a weapon in one of the opening quests but even a leveling player should have a good enough weapon and if not… Well, the content shouldn’t be made more tedious to them simply because they don’t have a newer weapon.

This change, definitely accomplishes making it more tedious. Good weapon or not. But more so if you don’t have a good one.

From your observation, it sounds like they may have added some kind of I-level scaling; usually that doesn’t happen until level cap.

Actually, can’t you go there at 68?

If so, then the scaling probably doesn’t even affect you anyhow, and you should get to a weapon before you ding 70.

It’s a curve so… lvl 70 in ilvl 460 is gonna be different than 71 with ilvl 460 etc… at my current alts lvl 73 ilvl WQ gear is 483ish but I am only just comfortable with my 503 epics with set bonuses… I couldn’t imagine being 73 with ilvl 483 greens which usually most ppl in the leveling experience are like 470ish at 73 since gearing is sporatic at best… OK I will go get a set of greens at 483 and report back… I need to do this WQ weekly anyway.

They indeed did put scaling in from level 68 to 79:

This is from WoWheads datamining.

Level Health Change Damage Change
68 0.7% Nerf 0.2% Nerf
69 2.4% Nerf 2.2% Nerf
70* 123.2% Buff 116.2% Buff
71 136.2% Buff 139.3% Buff
72 103.2% Buff 103.9% Buff
73 76.5% Buff 77.1% buff
74 53.0% Buff 53.1% Buff
75 35.1% Buff 35.1% Buff
76 18.7% Buff 18.3% Buff
77 5.9% Buff 5.2% Buff
78 5.0% Nerf 6.4% Nerf
79 3.1% Nerf 4.0% Nerf

Yes, you can but as you can see by the above numbers they’re currently using… The moment you hit 70… You’re in for a very very uphill battle until you finally hit 73 when it starts being in the +100s. But it isn’t until 78 that mobs are finally getting nerfed. Who knows what happens when you ding 80 from that nerf. Probably a buff.

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My paladin is 74 with 453.

She was doing fine. Wake of Ashes is an almost-instakill on normal mobs, and other mobs usually take a BoJ, a Crusader Strike Combo, a Verdict and finish it off with a hammer of wrath.

So yeah if you go to TWW with a 68, you’ll have an easy time and you should get a weapon before you ding 70 which means the whole “new player questing from DI to TWW” is a nothingburger.

EA gave no advantage; it never has and never will.

You can say it gives no advantage long term, but saying it gives no advantage is just wrong lol.