Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

the hallway before the final boss can certainly no longer be pulled in one single pull. and the holy fire mechanic that chases you can no longer be ignored!

Which is a good thing.

Mechanics exist to be engaged with, not to just shrug them off and pretend they don’t exist.

I was doing them day 1 out of the gate where we were all around the same ilvl. Not really overgeared per se as that’s where most folks were at that did EA. Though I didn’t find anything that said explicitly what the intended ilvl was/is. I found it a vast gulf of difference personally. The scaling on healers past 75 is awful to the point where heals that previously did 50% of a health meter relatively speaking start to do next to nothing. You lose most of your crit/haste and in general feel like you de-leveled. The hero talents do very little to improve the situation.

yeah, prior at 79 on my hpal was a lot of work. i don’t mind working for it but, let’s be honest, a lot of people are going to struggle in these dungeons now.

LOL healing that pull sucked - only had maybe one tank that actually controlled that pull, most just zoomed into the room and chained everything.

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I don’t want anybody to misunderstand me here – I do think that the scaling overall is jank, I just don’t agree that this particular change was bad, because it needed to happen.

I don’t wanna one-shot mobs and I don’t wanna unequip gear to make that happen.

I don’t wanna grab a level 1 weapon just so I don’t kill everything in 2 seconds flat.

But yet at the same time, I do agree the jump around x6 levels (this happened in Remix too) is ridiculous. They really need to even the curve out better.

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I understand doing this, but not quite this much Blizz.

I had sooo much fun yesterday. And yes, I was a tiny bit overpowered, but it was also pretty fun. lol

Today though, I’ve died twice, am struggling in some areas to just survive regular quests.

This is on my WW Monk ilvl almost 480, I think she is around 474 - 478 I forget which.

I’m good. I’m not great however, but I’m good. I also hate dying. lol

Just finished Ringing Deeps, and ouch. That was not really fun. I’m only doing the campaign on my Monk to get Pathfinder so I can fly. (Can’t really do skyriding without a massive headache, nausea and sometimes needed a basin…)

I’ll either go back and pick up the rest of the quests, or do them on an alt. But I do get tired of nearly dying so often. I get it if I mess up, but when I’m not messing up…

Please just nudge it a bit easier for those of us who quest and don’t have raiding gear?

She is level 73 now. And ready for Hallowfall or however it’s spelled. And incredibely tired. :laughing:

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Yeah you don’t really pull the miniboss now with the trash. Not unless you want to die. DPS have forgotten where their kick buttons are judging on details and omnicd. I’m juggling sigils, kick, and stun just to stop the greater heals alone.

PS: If you’re (not you specificaly, sorry I didn’t mean to imply that just the general “you”) one of those dps it’s okay – get plater and Quazii’s profile or the Mythic+ Nameplate Alerts weakaura off wago and you’ll suddenly get a lot better at the game.

Watched this for kicks and giggles.

Your face tanking, is actually a known current thing with tank pets. They absolutely suck at getting mobs off you now if you hit them. I pull off my voidwalker every single time I do combat. I even glance at a mob, and boom I have aggro.

a “tiny” bit overpowered.

My low geared (408) Paladin was one and two shotting stuff, and downing rares/quest mobs in 2-3 seconds.

I wouldn’t call that a “tiny” bit overpowered.

Heck, even after the change, and at Lv74… Wake of Ashes is still a “take a mob from 90% down to 10% in two GCDs”.

Nothing has changed LOL

You can still blast dungeons in 5m LOL

I have characters with 440 ilvl, 80 ilvls from a good raiding ilvl in the last season… He basically one shots everything AFTER THE PATCH.

How bad do you have to be to struggle with the new changes? Terribad rogue… nevermind. lol.

Well, I made a mistake in that video.

If you noticed, I used my explosive shot, and what you are SUPPOSED to do, is tab to the other target and use Kill Command so that your pet chomps that one so it doesn’t run over to you.

I forgot to do that.

Even so. My voidwalker has AoE hit abilities, and an AoE taunt. I pull off him every single day. Every single encounter. It’s sadly a known thing with pets that should be tanking for you. They just, don’t.

The “balancing” seems okay except there are some exceptions, I’ve seen a couple of people at level 70 perform pretty much the same as before the “fix”. Not sure what is going on. There was this shadow priest that obliterated a boss in under 10 seconds, crazy. This is after the fix.

As I see it now yesterday and before was fun, now it is no longer as fun. Simple as that. I would have preferred if they had fixed this right away rather than waiting all these days. Something tells me they knew about this during the beta and ignored it.

Not sure what is up with some people that think challenge = chore. No, stop it.

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Take this experience and apply to the other roles though. I did level to 80 some in the world on my hpal and mistweaver. Even this guy who’s now at 76. They in the past have put in buffs (like Torghast) for the other roles that help to alleviate the issue, but the experience on other roles is, was, and likely will remain a bit awful. We all know we can swap to dps but sometimes you don’t have a weapon when leveling, or really the desire to play the dps spec.

Probably just a first world problem though as healers and tanks get it better in other aspects. The world content historically has not been friendly to either role though it’s way better on the tanks.

As someone that had EA, this was noticed within 5 minutes of doing a dungeon. I’m assuming this was noticed through beta. This could have been fixed Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. People rammed 10 alts to 80 during EA and now everyone else gets to suffer through leveling “as it should be”. You do realize how that creates discontent, whether it’s a good change or bad change for the “game”. As if the game has some personal feelings that should be respected. We don’t want to upset the game.


It’s probably intended that your pet tanks 1 and if you want to do AoE, you need to come up with solutions, such as fears, CCs, or having the pet focus on the other mobs one at a time or something.

Either way.

That hunter from earlier was either exaggerating or just utterly terrible.

I think Pally’s were fairing bettern than WW Monks.

I had to work yesterday, but I had no problem with the content.

Today… ugh. lol

I don’t mind working, but dying or coming super close to it just doing a quest is a bit much… WW’s kind of got their talents messed up. With the new restructuring of our base talents we lost some power, our main rising sun kick was nerfed and the Hero talents don’t really do much. At least not at this point. Was doing fantastic in DF, but now in TWW, was great yesterday and yes a bit overpowered, but not that much. I didn’t one or 2 shot anything. Still had to work for it.


Been playing this class for greater than 17 years. The Voidwalker is broken atm. Single Target, Multi target. It doesn’t matter. I can even let him go first, hit the mobs before me, and I moment I open up… Aggro. He uses his taunt to get it back, 2 seconds later I’m face tanking again.

But I do appreciate the suggestions, should a newer person to this class be reading them.