Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Facepalm. You’re one of the whiners that got this change to happen. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.


Absolutely terrible timing. Even if the impacts are real (and I’m not doubting it), you all HAVE to be aware of the negative perception surrounding Early Access, and how this would fly like a lead balloon with people already primed to dislike the choices the WoW team makes. And now, with people unable to log in, this only exacerbates that negative sentiment that was entirely preventable.

Someone really needs to help you all stop stepping on your own junk at every opportunity. All the great work being done keeps getting undermined by choices like these.


For Retail WoW, sure. But for an actual real mmoRPG, no, thats about right.

oh nos, high ilvl raiders are zerging the dungeons and going 70-80 way too fast!

I know, let’s eff it up for everyone!


Currently tanking dungeons. The mobs take quite a bit longer to die and dps seem to be doing considerably less damage because the TTK is so much higher. Some stuff like Priory is a lot harder with people getting deleted pretty easy. It’s not terribly fun to be honest – stuff hits harder than they do in heroics at 80 and takes longer to die.

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Doesn’t seem effed up for me.


I’m killing stuff just fine. A little slower, sure. I get to actually play my character and use their abilities. And even then, on my Paladin, I avoid using Wake of Ashes because it just instantly obliterates stuff even after the change.

Welcome to the World of Scalegatecraft


ROFL…that is what it seems like people want

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I’m positive it has already been said, but will reiterate: Looks like early access paid off. The pets are cool too!


I’m still waiting on that hunter from earlier to respond.

Not that he will because he ought to be utterly embarrassed.

You spent a lot of energy when you haven’t completed the campaign to “prove someone wrong.” Oof.

They were making outrageous untrue claims, of course I was going to prove them wrong.

And I haven’t completed the campaign because

1). I have a job (which is why I couldn’t play much yesterday or last night).
2). I didn’t wanna blow $40 for early access.
3). I like to take my time.

My Paladin is barely 75 (or almost 75 I forget) and I just did the required Delve (the one with the Nerubians).

I spent a few hours doing every single ! on the island before continuing the story.

LOL so not only do we get weaker as we gain levels, but easier content (normal) is now more difficult than higher content (heroic)?


True as that may be. I know when I started leveling and doing the campaign for the first time. I turned off all chats. General, Trade. Local defense. Stayed off the forums, and even Wowhead until I had 100% completed the main questline and most seceondaries.

I find it odd that you, who championed for a “more difficult” leveling experience… is here. Instead of experiencing the story.

You have to understand that nobody cares what you have to say. When you realize you aren’t some important poster, you will probably understand why some random hunter didn’t take the time to deboonk you.

I was experiencing the story until I decided to prove that hunter wrong, and I logged off the game because I got RL chores to do.

My cat would appreciate being fed at the appropriate time, and I’d like to not go hungry myself, and I got some other chores to do.

You know, adult stuff. Not everybody can sit at their computer 24/7.

Said chores are a part of why I decided “screw it I’ll take 10 minutes and make a quick video”. I was gonna log off soon anyhow and I just finished a major step in the quest chain.

“Retrieving Character List” has too much health. Took way too long to get passed it.


Speaking as someone who’s healed a lot of heroics and healed through the dungeons + now tanking them, heroics have always been easier than the normals. Like, I’m doing maybe 150k-300k hps in a heroic on similar pulls to the ones in normal where I’m at 500k+ hps.

Some of the really high healing throughput encounters I’ve had have been dicey too and it gets considerably harder to heal through as I approach 80 on healers. Mistweaver was significantly easier, but hpal was a lot of smashing wings + Virtue + toll and spamming as hard as I could.

Valid points. I digress.

Heroics have the added benefit of having overgeared players showing up to run their guildies and such through.

You don’t see that as much in Normals usually.

That could be one reason why Heroics seem easier.