Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Never said I did. I do hate that it’s just the same crud, or quest concepts. Delves? Ya with a vast in game open world that is made pretty much useless after leveling through it, the game needs more instanced content lol with the new toy delves. It’s no wonder why many refer to this game as instancecraft, because they have successfully taken most of the world out of it. A few world quests dailies don’t change that. Rares? Hasn’t been true rares in this game since TLpd, the one in Deepholm among others. Rares currently are only rare in what they drop usually with what like 20 minute spawn timers lol.

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My 2 hunters are not overgeared. I leveled them in Pre-Patch and outside of doing a single day of Fyrakk/Time Rift/Dream stuff, they have 327s on.

Heya! Could we get a rollback on gathering KP? Since every single bot, and some of the lucky folks who were online yesterday after reset now have maxed out kp trees–with everyone else being months and months behind since it was hotfixed.

Completely bricks gathering proffessions if there isnt a rollback.
Like imagine how crappy it would be if half the crafters on a server got max KP trees, and everyone else was stuck getting 5kp a week instead of 200 in 1 day.

THIS IS COMPLETE BS… I want all you pro-this change to beforced to kill anything but only in the level equal to that given by the ilvl of the current WQ around you. On my alt lvl 73 Aug evoker I am ilvl 503 epics with set bonuses and the 4 pieces of bullion rings trinkets and weapons… I just got wiped by inadvertantly attracting 2 adds so 3 just average animals in open world brought me to 0 health in 2 or 3 seconds. I am running Augmentation evoker too… the ppl who made this change and advocate for it should have to play in it instead of using their overly geared cheese tactics.’

If you want to know my experience 20ish alts over 3 servers… all classes all profession and I have played all expancs since beta. I being an avid leatherworker skinner have alway been able to pull 3 to 4 critters and do well… now I am lucky if I can do 4 . What is the expectation… .I get it its elite or special mob but average fair crabs for skinner fodder I should be able to comfortable be able to pull 3 with out having to drink between each pull and pot/food up in my epics… I earned my ability to pulll comfortabley and I accept it get harder at lvl 77 but at 73 with ilvl 503 epic with pair bullion rings and trinkets… COME ON!!!


Ive gotten a number of Weapon drops in Dungeons and 3 Warbound weps from Rares and the Special Assignment quests.

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Again yesterday same fight no problems. Today same fight and my pets get face melted while I’m sitting there continually casting mend pet. Obvious to most that they tuned the complete wrong direction.

Your pet will need a million plus HP to get through a single fight. Standard 3 pack. You can win a fight but get jumped with the crazy spawn timers and Mend pet will do jack squat. I can see now though through your other replies you are just trolling. But sure take that 327 hunter and say you faced rolled. Ok.


I’m just finishing up a delve.

I’m going to grab my hunter, get to the IoD, and then OBS up, so you can watch it.

Mine skyrocketed. Went from under 20 minutes to 40-60 minutes.

So, is there a way to skip the intro on alts?

I can go to Dornogal but no flight and most of the quests aren’t there.

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Yep! Once you complete the full campaign on one character, you can skip everything by selecting that option from the guy in Silithus. If you’ve already begun the campaign on that alt, I’m not sure.

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Yes. When you teleport to Silithus with the scroll you should be able to skip…IF you have completed the campaign on a character.

Ugh. You have to do the FULL campaign? Meh I’ll just find some mobs on the ground outside the town.

I dont know why any new player would put up with all this. They would just ask for my money back and move on to something they can play and have fun at the start.


someone said the did a delve and it was impossible … I went through one with no real issues …

one death to a silver mob but then I expect this … as I didn’t know what it could do …

the lag and broken crap is of bigger issue to me now … can’t take stuff out of banks … AH lagging can’t use … can’t even log out right it can take 2 mins to get the servers to register I am logging out …

it is only a matter of time before crippling lag probably and not going to frustrate myself like i did during Wrath of LK when the servers were unresponsive,

This response,
isnt it great that blizzard listened to “community” and increased difficulty,
arent playerbase now amazed and grateful.

Which begs the question, why did they waste any development cycles whatsoever to fix a non-problem while plenty of current and new bugs are still glaringly obvious waiting for attention?


This thread is gonna come back and bite blizz where they will undo the changes

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They probably won’t. Regardless of how many people do end up giving them feedback.

We’ve entered another Shadowlands mentality era.


people had given feedback to blizzard that the levelling process was going too fast and they wanted it to be slowed down so they could enjoy it more.

blizzard is just doing what the people wanted here… what’s the issue?


There you go.

I show you my gear, my talents, and I even killed 3 mobs simultaneously.

My pet never went below 90%.

I even face-tanked one of them for almost 20 seconds because I was being a derp.

EDIT: And I’m not a raider, I don’t do mythic, and I’m not a PvPer. I’m one of the most casual scrubs around, and I can do it. What’s your excuse?

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