Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

75 gdruid, ilvl 487ish, ran a rookery a few minutes ago, took about 10 minutes I’d say. Felt no different than last night as far as pull sizes, damage in, damage out. Really didn’t feel any different than tanking the same dungeon with ppal and pwar while leveling them.

Had a mix of levels in there, 1 at 71, 1 74, and 2 at 77-78.

The only difference I have noticed is delves are easier now. I’ll report back when I do leveling dungeons but I expect them to be fine. People are just really dramatic.

See ? genuine players are in game playing right now, give them a few. More will start posting. The changes are not a big deal. Lol.

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Players: “Leveling is too boring. Mobs are too easy and there’s not much to do other than boring quests.”

Blizz: “Ok here’s some stuff to unlock while you level, some stuff to collect, more variety in stuff to do in the open world, Delves, etc so that leveling can be a bit more interesting.”

Players: “Meh I’mma level as fast as possible to skip it as fast as I can.”

Blizz: “Ok, so maybe if mobs were more like they are at max level?”


They literally can’t win no matter what they do.

its auto queued content the failure factor should be almost non existent

tell me you have no idea how your own game works, without telling me you have no idea how your own game works.

Most people level their mains first. These are almost always well geared and make short work of the leveling process. Then alts start getting leveled, with gear ranging anywhere from garbage to great. You just made a call to cripple the long-term leveling process because you’re unable to recognize a short-term trend when you see one. it’s been 20 years, how much longer do we have to wait for you to figure out how to not screw up your own game?

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Oh quick tip while we wait for blizzard to undo part of this terrible change, make sure if you have gold to buy up all the leveling greens between 70-75 and resell them for massive profits as people will be buying up AH gear now as they need it. Easy way to make a bunch of gold with little effort.

Able to clear a Tier 1 Delve at ilevel 386, total time 12 minutes to clear. Last boss took me about a minute I suppose but got it down just fine and was never in super big danger of dying. Having a level 11 Bran already helps.

No enchants, no food buff, no potions, nada just the gear and mark of the wild buff.

Got a useful trinket that is ilevel 434 that should level with me fine. Now at 393 ilevel.

417k hp
7315 Agility
25 crit
20 haste
37 mastery
6 vers
1 leech

How silly. Go play old zones and one shot everything there if it’s really so hard. Getting to know dungeons and wiping here and there is part of the process. Auto queues don’t mean no effort and it shouldn’t mean that. I want to actually play a game. Sorry you don’t feel that way.

i just did two. i’m not speaking hypothetically or inventing numbers out of thin air. :slight_smile:

I don’t particularly care about the changes they made, but if leveling was optional I’d be happy.

Speaking for myself only, I find it tedious, pointless and it contributes nothing towards the expansion that a few cutscenes and an optional tour of each zone couldn’t provide. There is no actual difficulty. It’s just a set amount of time that needs to be spent doing boring tasks until you reach the next level.

But regardless, they aren’t going to take out a part of the game that is integral to the genre just to make me happy. They’d like me to believe they made it a tad more difficult… I’m not convinced.


I’m 74 almost 75 and I don’t feel I need anything and I came into the expansion at 408 and I’m still 453.

I’m not a mythic player, I’m not a raider, and I don’t do PvP and even I don’t fail at the game this hard.

To be honest, it wouldn’t surprise me. Queuing some now.

that’s such a bizarre take. because i don’t agree with you i must not have actually tried the changes out?

in heroic and mythic dungeons sure. but normal/leveling dungeons you are just wrong. wipes and things taking longer only serve to frustrate players trying to level.

you can in heroics… we are once again talking about normals and leveling.

So now wow has become a p2w type of thing? :laughing: all us early access people got the jump, and now that we are all 80 and geared you guys are nerfing the leveling :laughing: i didnt even think you guys could become more of a joke

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There are a lot of people going I to the expansion with sub 350 ilvl.

Well, it sure AF made delves more difficult…

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Yeah, and?

Blizz always cuts you a break if you’re under-geared.

I once did a character in Shadowlands with Legion gear, and I took a character into DF who was wearing BfA gear.

They did fine.

The first 2 levels, they cut you a break and scale the mobs down to you. By then you should have a weapon and a few pieces of armor so that you can survive when you gain the 3rd level.

ew, I’m in a dungeon now after the changes and its so slow again that I don’t even want to do it.

Meh. GD isn’t my community.