Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

I understand it just fine, I simply place player happiness as the ultimate goal. What the developers themselves wish for may or may not serve that. In this case I do not believe it does.

You mean once they hit 68 they can enter TWW and get easy gear through quests, dungeons, and other means? You keep moving goalposts and it’s not helping.

No it’s not. No such thing as “tearing through content”, especially when it’s not the first character you’ve leveled up through it.

I did every single quest in every zone on my main, but I just want my alts to be max level so I can get on with the important stuff. Do you really expect a person to enjoy a storyline when they have already experienced it?


My W key is stuck and I like it that way. People complaining about the big pulls are the ones who can’t wait until the end of the pull and LOS before DPSing their little hearts out. Its not like we haven’t been doing the same thing in easy dungeons for 20 years now – crap we did it in the original retail release of WoW and the beta.

Thankfully not much has changed and you’ll still be zipping through the leveling process. I promise.

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so they can go to the mobs that got scaled for higher IL then they currently have? you didn’t think before you posted again did you?

The change itself is less important than the implications of how it went out. They could have shipped this change 1 day after EA started if they wanted to. I saw an article about a guy getting 10 level 80s on day 1. But they didn’t, they waited until after the full release. So this sets a narrative, true or not, that Blizzard is actively punishing people who did not give them more money. While this may not necessarily be true, the inequality they introduce into the game is what I think upsets people most.

Exploit early exploit often… This saying also applies to this even though it’s not an exploit… If only you would have pain an extra 40 bucks :cry:

hey just mentioning it but this change feels terrible in leveling dungeons. 235k overall on my 79 hpal feels like a ton of healing for normal dungeons. we had two wipes as well. if the team was going for a middle ground, i don’t know that it was a success.

So is it too early to start guessing when blizzard is going to revert this somewhat and make it much easier since this is clearly a very unpopular change looking at all the replies here and other WoW social medias.

It’s not even with the re-scaling. Again, if they enter TWW zones at 68 the mobs will be scaled for them.

My guess would be at least half of this playerbase would skip it entirely. Just a guess though.

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2 wipes in brand new content is unacceptable? Do you guys really not hear yourselves?

They set the ilvl scaling to expect a 424 item level. So pretty much our 480 alts, which is the actual baseline right now, are even further weakened.

That’s it. I’m not leveling at all lol.

in a leveling dungeon. and it wasn’t “oh the tank pulled eight packs”, it was somebody accidentally pulling one extra pack.

Anyone who’s done a leveling dungeon in the last 10 years would tell you that it is not normal to wipe at all.


its a normal dungeon so yea it is


Good maybe people will learn mechanics before they start doing heroics.

Trash take. /shrug

It’s brand new. Mechanics still exist in regular dungeons. If you need practice do follower dungeons.

Wouldn’t be funny if you guys ACTUALLY DID MAINTENANCE?

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look, i personally will learn the dungeons one way or another. i’m just filling time until m+ launches. but this is not a change that is going to make people happy, and i get why. it feels bad.