Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Math isn’t your strong suit, eh? Nor is veracity.

Someone posted the scaling they added to mobs. The scaling added health to the mobs. Therefore, it now takes longer for the mobs to die. That’s the definition of tedium.

You called me a liar while saying “Things are about the same.” So you even acknowledge the health difference but call me a liar? Come again?


Citation needed :slight_smile:

Shocker, people want to spend more time in end-game content in a game based around end-game content.


is that why your ignoring the part where i said gear update is only for existing characters? so you can say i have no argument.

Is in game retail chat flooded with power leveling boost sellers yet? Asking for a friend, because this change is only going to make that spam 100 times worse lol.

There’s thousands of people logged in right now.

There’s only a couple dozen people here complaining about this change.

So, we can infer that one of these two is true:

1). The ones in game are happy
2). The ones in game don’t feel the need to come here and complain

I’m in Isle of Dorn right now, on Moon Guard and there’s literally nobody complaining. At all.

Exactly this. The entire game is the end game. Leveling is just a gate to getting to the stuff that actually matters.

If Blizz made it optional with no drawback, how many would still do it I wonder?

It’s not a solution, people were quitting over it being too easy. I’m not joking, the game feels easy to the point where I don’t feel like playing.

Quitting because a Normal dungeon was ‘too easy’? You have to be trolling.

“Guys these Normal dungeons are too easy, I quit.”

Let us know once the Mythic Raids are out and you clear them. As well as high M+ keys.

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People in trade chat are complaining about a whole lot more than this change lol.

So your argument is for new characters that have to level from 1-70 first? You realize that the rewards for current 60-70 is much higher than during DF launch right?

Again, you have no argument.

So. since you’re here… Are you not happy?

Maybe Blizz wants leveling to matter a little more?

Maybe they don’t want you just skipping the leveling experience?

Why is that so hard to understand?

i just did a dungeon in 8 mins on an alt seems fine. shrug

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I’m alt-tabbing between quests, while playing.

Thought I’d lend my voice to say that the changes are fine and that it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be.

Pretty lame. There is three or four level 71 crafted items that people undergeared can buy from the AH to speed it up somewhat. Cheap too.

This hits the problem nail squarely on the head. First time ever that pre-expansion quest gear was not replaced with greens in the first level or two, instead of five levels in this time.
Edited to add that as I replaced my gear with greens & blues from questing I felt a lot weaker & almost wished I’d kept the pre-launch gear to see if it somehow made a difference lol

One could infer that, yes.

sure but guess what its not going to be anything near what was handed out during the prepatch. also when you level do you always have the same il on each piece of gear? or is a mix match and generally you are lower on average than what is dropping? again you are unable to use your brain properly.

Lots, there is so much lag right now and people are everywhere. Oddly there isn’t a lot of skeletons around I don’t see everyone dying from this extremely hard leveling content.

I’m just shocked.

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