Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Enjoy leveling way faster, an activity many WoW players don’t much care for and only do it because it’s a requirement to get to endgame.

The best thing about this is people who conflate the words difficulty and tedium.

This change didn’t make things more difficult. It made them more tedious. Congrats.

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I prefer they are how they should be and should have been at launch.

Just making stuff up now? Oh yeah, you’ve been doing that since the beginning lol

Straight up lies. Congrats. Things are about the same.

This is unfortunately a poorly-thought-out change.

The gear from the pre-patch will last until about Level 75, at which point you’ve already started replacing most pieces.

This change you’re doing will, instead, punish people who didn’t get to play in advance, for no good reason.

Let people have their “I feel OP” fun for a few levels - all you’re doing with this change is killing the brief amount of fun that is had by “one-shotting” (not really, but sometimes close) things when you’re OP in a new expansion with good gear, and also simultaneously punishing people who didn’t get to play the early access.

Please bring back the fun :wink:

I’m talking about the people that wont have any DF gear and didn’t touch the xpac the fact you still don’t understand that is astounding. those people should be the target for tuning not the DF geared players…

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I would consider myself pretty gullible if I fell for something as ridiculous as that. I’ll pay the least amount I can and continue to find that leveling takes no longer than it has for the last 1/2 dozen expansions.

I find it more enjoyable. It does not feel faceroll. What is your rush anyway? You are going to hit 80 in a day or two or probably have on a couple characters by now.

[Citation Needed]

What’s that fallacy called again? I forget. That fallacy where you appeal to some vague group of people without actually having hard data to back it up.

Translation: WE HATE POOR PEOPLE you should have paid for Early Access!


Again, I told you 4 times now that players have the option to update their gear when they first log in.

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I don’t understand how you’re missing the point that they essentially gave people who paid extra a levelling boost for the current content. Like, sure, it’s now in line with what it should have been. Neat-o. Great. But I’m concerned about the potential precedent it sets for future expansions.

yet you cant tell me what IL that is…so your argument is actually dumb and irrelevant and that is only for EXISTING CHARACTERS…

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Sounds about right lol.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Early Access people got an unbalanced mess.

Sounds about right for Early Access.

This happens in pretty much every Early Access game ever.

Citation: This very thread full of people not wanting to spend longer to level.


I don’t need to. Blizzard specifically added that in for this purpose. For players returning or alts that were behind in gear. They chose the ilvl that they felt is appropriate for the content.

You literally have no argument. You are now talking in circles with nothing new to counter with.

Ok, so there’s a dozen or two whiners in here, that are being loud and vocal.

How many thousands of people, maybe tens of thousands of people are in-game right now, playing happily?

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I love how our boy Asmongold put it…


Yep, Blizzard did EXACTLY what you think. (youtube.com)

In Pre-Patch, a Level 60 character gets 327 from Gear Upgrade.

Which, during DF, was about what you’d get when you were like 68.

I should know, I did 20+ alts this way.