Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Well, this sure is one of the choices ever made.

Sounds like a great way for blizzard to incentivize buying the upgraded editions for early access. “Oh, we’re going to make levelling harder once the game launches for everyone too! Remember to spend extra money for easy levelling!”

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Nah, Wrath was a huge problem. Cata corrected it and people got mad.

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But it is not slower or harder, things just feel like they should now at the start of an expac.

After the nerf stuff i noticed mobs that once had 250k now have 1.3m, mobs that had 500k now have 3.3m.

I mean this makes it so it takes like 3-4 hits to kill and the stronger elite mobs take like maybe 10 hits.

Wow thanks blizzard jk not…why do this…why

Thankfully that isn’t fun for everyone and they are making the changes to address that.

Yep, just did a couple delves. They are actually easier. Doing open world content now and nothing is harder. These complainers are very disingenuous. Hopefully Blizz will see that.

I’m shocked.

Maybe between you and your other friends that aren’t playing the game.


I think people have just been spoiled by Remix and the Prepatch, they want to get 10 levels in 3 hours, and that’s just eyeroll.

They’ll rush to max level and then whine there’s “no content” and demand blizz release a new patch RIGHT NOW.


They need to lock this thread to be honest. People actually playing the game are not saying a word about it.


Again, smooth brain, you are the one who keep hyper fixating on DF geared players. It wasn’t just them who was melting open world mobs.

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Yep the people here still complaining are doing nothing but trolling at this point.

Wowhead datamined the numbers

Gotta love that above 100% buff to all enemies until you hit level 73. I gues the moral of the story is in this expansion, don’t bother trying to get good gear because they’ll just artificially raise the difficulty anyways.


WoWhead put out an article. The mobs HP and Damage was DOUBLED at the low end. This is like, no, you just don’t do this without giving players a chance to enjoy what EA players did.

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They will never get it sadly. They just want to push their anti EA agenda any way they can.

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I feel somewhat more powerful after spec’ing Druid of the Claw as Feral at level 71 which is nice.

The content available at launch should be a challenge. The heroics that follow should be a challenge. The mythics and M+s that follow that should be a challenge.

There never needs to be a time when the only thing you can do on the game is so terribly dull that even the fast leveling time doesn’t make you want to do it.

Says the guy who didn’t unsub when he didn’t like the game.

Hey, tell some more people to unsub, that’s a great thing to do.

OH NO YOU HAVE TO HIT THEM 4 times instead of 2!!! WHY!!!

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Enjoy what? There is no difference save tuning.

“More difficult” is a synonym for “Harder”. So yeah, they kind of are. And sure, it’s now in line with what it should be. But that doesn’t change the fact that everyone who paid more got an easier time levelling.

(replied twice as I failed to quote first time)

Should have just left the game alone.

Broke it with your latest patch. Wanted to log in and play before I went out with some friends. Oh well.

So annoying.

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