Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

I’m playing BG3 instead.

I don’t need to suffer 1-80 questing when I am at level 80.

I just wish if they were going to make my overgeared character feel less powerful than she should be, give me rewards to make her not feel that way. I’m doing content that is only giving her gear that is 50-80 iLvls below her… yet I’m having to do entire rotations on things just to kill them due to their artificial walls.

That is the feels bad here.

I spent time getting her this gear. She overgears it. This is the legacy. It should be easy. I should be having a easier time, not having to do full rotations until mid-leveling.

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playing it right now with no problems lol
Delves are actually easier :frowning:

… wtf is that even supposed to mean?

If you’re Lv80 then even without this change, you had to kill stuff at the normal rate because they didn’t touch Lv80 mobs.

It’s not tuned for higher ilvl players. Just cause things don’t die in seconds doesn’t mean it’s over tuned.

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Okay, and?

Lol you are so full of it. Are you related to a few other posters on here or something? Healing is fun now and it feels like it should.


They’re normal dungeons. Nothing kills you in a normal dungeon. There’s no fun to be had in a normal dungeon. You get through it as quickly as you can, you pick up your xp and you get out.

You think running a normal dungeon is enjoyable? Please, dear sweet baby Jesus, by all that is holy please please please tell me this change wasn’t driven by the people who want to vote-kick the tank because they pull everything to the boss in a normal dungeon. We just got trolled by baddies.

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Just tanked two back to back on a 78 DH, feels pretty much the same. 71s still crushing, just instead of them doing 2 mil while I do <200k they do 900k and I do 500k now lol

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Oh look, it ended up being a nothing burger. Who’da thunk?


“players are 1 shotting mobs with DF endgame gear lets make mobs harder to kill” do you think before you post? because thats the dumbest statement ive seen in this thread yet

Funny when I was healing people were getting themselves killed as usual. It is just how it goes when you do not do mechanics.

puts on tinfoil hat

That simply means that 3500 posts of incredibly uninformed and ignorant whining made them walk it back!

It was going to be bad, just trust me bro, it was going to be really really bad.

But the QQ won the day!


It’s been verified everything is at least 3-4x more tedious (not harder).

No it was not even that. It was way worse, plus even in endgame gear you should not be able to solo a dungeon, even a normal one.

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Why do you keep harping on DF endgame gear? You are the one who keeps bringing that up when I already countered that argument with Blizzard giving players the option for gear updates. Gear updates that the game developers felt was appropriate for the content.

if you dislike the game so much move on to something else. im a mythic raider, i enjoy playing all aspects of the game. not everyone is as negative leaning as you.

Levelling too fast and tearing through content has been a big problem since Cataclysm


normal dungeons arnt endgame… well they might be yours but majority of players actually participate in challenging content.

Dungeon gear is a decent source of gold, but it’s better to get some boe greens and sell those on the auction house if you want to make serious coin at the beginning of an expansion.

But I do miss the days when dungeon gear was worth using. It’s a shame that it gets replaced almost immediately with greens at max level.