Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

From your point of view. Again, selfish. So egotistical that you can’t even fathom that others may have a different opinion, and when you get told, you resort to insults rather than considering a different point of view.

As I’ve pointed out several times, if you felt the experience wasn’t challenging enough, you could have taken off gear. You could have emptied your talent points.

Or you could have whined loudly on the forums and gotten lucky that… hey, this one thing is the thing that the devs actually listened to and made the change.

A crazy change especially given the fact that EA players got to have this levelling experience for six days and non-EA got cutoff after two. I played EA and I think it’s stupidly unfair to the rest of the players that this was changed.


If only everyone but these shills/trolls could see this coming…

So true queen.

I put my fort buff on the tank and it one shot him. Then the group vote kicked me.


I don’t want the community tearing itself apart again like what I just saw this past week. This objectively occurred regardless of whoever may try to downplay the severity of the issue.

Every other concern I have right now is a distant second to ensuring players are not made unhappy because the suits want to make even more ridiculous amounts of money

Sorry no its not I just jumped in on a 70, its fine. Stop complaining about nothing, you guys were wrong so suck it up.

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When did the words “difficulty” and “leveling” belong in the same sentence? And if an announcement was needed for these changes, why did it take 1/2 a page? Couldn’t it have been condensed to “We’ve added some HP to some things. This might add an hour or two to your leveling experience, but we doubt it.”


Its not fine unless you’re overgeared, go try at ilvl 300-350

Punished for not buying the pre release, classic blizz.

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Hey, look now, there is a lot of “quest mobs are going to be impossible” that they need to make seem accurate now.

You are so full of it and yourself. Stop asking the game to be tailored to you and rather let it be tailored to the community and how the game should function.

Economy. Dungeon gear. PvP gear.

Lol, they will never admit they were wrong.

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Then why are you playing this game?

It’s not like the story is going to get any better at 80 and the very stuff you hate doing while levelling, you’re going to have to do at endgame, IE, fighting stuff that takes longer than 2 seconds to kill.

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The economy is run by bots, normal dungeon gear is nothing, and people have plenty of time to get their PvP on to be ready for the season to start.

Because they want most of the game to suck but be fast. The more it sucks, the more other people will want it to be over with fast, so they can get their way.

If we can make leveling suck like really really bad then people will beg for the solution to remove it. Which is what players like that ultimately want.

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No level 70 is at that gear level. Not even close.

edit: Blizzard has this gear update mechanic if you were not aware.

I’m not the one that complained to get something changed. Your post is full-on hypocrisy, because the people that got the game tailored to them are you and the other posters like you.

that’s the entire point of my argument and it DOES matter if mobs are tuned for higher IL players that had endgame DF gear… you are actually arguing in bad faith or just plain dumb which is it?

I complained because the balance was way off and now it feels better. I want to have to do something in a dungeon you know.

You were supposed to be content with their roster of 50 level 70 toons being OP for as long as possible though.

Because, like, how is it even affecting you that all of your dungeon runs are terrible no matter how successful they are?